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BM Got a Job! Will they lower the child support now? California courts...

Optimistic Soon to Be Step Mom's picture

So lo and behold after 4+ years and welfare system etc. , BM got a job man!!!! I'm happy for her sets a better example for the boys.

BF got ordered to pay court ordered support b/c she was on welfare--he always paid support before then directly to her but they raised it when she started collecting the welfare checks.

Now that she has a job, will they automatically lower it? Do we have to request a review? We have the kids MORE than 50% of the time (Friday to Monday and Wednesdays) and he doesnt think it's fair to pay what he's paying now. His income is the same the only difference is she has a job now. Or do you think it's not worth the fight and to just leave it alone? :?