Please help everytime my kids come over my wife threatens to leave me and go back to Brazil . Could this be for control?
This is a chat from today with my wife. I just need some support my kids are well behaved shy and dont bother her. She does this everytime they come especialy since my son was born four weeks ago. She started a fight with me today when i came home from lunch. I was a little late but could not help it usualy i am never late. I love my wife and my kids and I am badly hurt. Its like she wants me to be worried that I will lose her every time my two kids come over to our house. I care about her daughter and take care of her and do my best for her to feel loved by me.
read chat below
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Juliana: i ran to get everything done by the time u get here plus MW
had to wait for me to make your banana shake before I fed him and i
did with one hand because i had to hold him with the other arm and u
didnt come
the banana shake is going bad
looked really nice
Sent at 11:42 AM on Wednesday
me: sorry
i had to print some very important
i promised hem by after lunch
and i had to do that
or i would have held up production
Juliana: fine
next time let me know so i wont put my kids in second plans
Sent at 12:52 PM on Wednesday
me: i was just a little bit late
wont happen again
Juliana: as i said...fine
me: verry sorry
Sent at 1:03 PM on Wednesday
me: i did not intend for you to put mw last
not ever
Juliana: he was second
sarah was last
as usually
me: no
i am last
Juliana: thats what u think'
me: another thing
thats a 10 minute job
its to bad
u get mad at that
i told you
only do if you can
Juliana: i said fine
Sent at 1:06 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: some times i dont have chance to use wc which woundnt take
10 min because i rather do my obligations and forget about myself
anyway thaqts not the matter
me: i always help you
when i come home
Sent at 1:09 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: thanks
Sent at 1:10 PM on Wednesday
me: i have proved myself
Sent at 1:16 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: wow
Sent at 1:17 PM on Wednesday
me: let me remind you of something
#1 I am the best husband for you ever
#2 I always do whatever it is you want 90% of the time
#3 I am the best father
#4 I am almost as handsome as Brad Pitt
#5 I am smart
Juliana: all good for u
me: #6 I am always looking for ways to make things work
Juliana: but doesnt
me: does not what
Sent at 1:36 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: looking for things to work doesnt mean it does work
Sent at 1:39 PM on Wednesday
me: i do care and i do keep trying
Sent at 1:42 PM on Wednesday
me: i sorry i caused you trouble to make my banana drink
i asked u only do if u can
Sent at 1:43 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i did my best to get it ready for u by the time u get home
i wanted to do something for u
me: my fault
Juliana: anyway
me: i did not mean that
Juliana: ok
me: dont be angry
Juliana: fine
i am not
me: you seem to be
whenever you use the word fin
ur angry
Juliana: ur wrong
Sent at 1:47 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i am just sick
of this boring life
now you make me feel like i cant provide the lifestly u want
every ones life gets boring at times
Juliana: not ur fault
but mine
i chose it
mine is all the time
Sent at 1:52 PM on Wednesday
me: so tell me what part of it is boring the most
and we can see what to do so it wont be
tell me
what is the most boring
Juliana: from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed
Sent at 1:55 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: and the most boring is i think and think trying to find a
solution and i cant see it
its like walking in the dark without knowing where will end the path
if i didnt have my kids i wouldnt be here
i would have gone or killed myself
they are the reason i live
Sent at 1:58 PM on Wednesday
me: you got me
and i care so much for you
and i will stand by you
Sent at 1:59 PM on Wednesday
me: i was going to work until 345
u want me come home sooner
Juliana: no
stay as u were going to
me: no?
no what?
Juliana: dont come soner
is no need
me: u need me
i can see
Juliana: i dont
i used to
me: you needed me last night
and yesterday
so why is today diferent
actualy you were happy
and we had a good time
Juliana: i am learning to not need or miss u
will be better this way
Sent at 2:05 PM on Wednesday
me: why is that better
i totaly disagree
we are husband and wife
we must support
and care for each other
and take care of our kids
Juliana: is better for me
thats how life is
me: but why
Juliana: i cant change
me: what makes better
Juliana: and maybe thats what life has to offer me
me: Juliana
Juliana: as i said i deserve it
me: can you give more details
Juliana: we only have what we deserve
me: Julaiana
i am here for you
Juliana: Marco
me: ok
Juliana: go to work
i am trying to do my nails
me: ok
Juliana: will have a shower and leave
me: ok
dont be gone to long
Sent at 2:10 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i will come back when i am done
Sent at 2:13 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i am seriously thinking of going to live in Brasil
there i can find a job
and we can come to visit you
during school holiday
december and june
i dont want you to think that i am saying that to pressure you or something
i am just being honest
i cant take it no more
maybe later when Marco William is older we can come live here if you want
Sent at 2:23 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i might go there in december to fix everything, job, place to live etc
it wont be bad
we can contact everyday if you want
Sent at 2:26 PM on Wednesday
Juliana: i will be happier and my kids too
i will make them happier if i am happier
i dont want to pass this deep depression feeling to them
I didnt read it all but it
I didnt read it all but it sounds like your wife has a touch of post natal depression.....
Not a large dose but just a could get worse...
She wants her old life back and going back to her country might be something she needs to do for a while....she will come back....its not a country known for the good life...
Im not allowed back to my country for fear Ill never the only way I can go back is if my gorgeous husband comes too....but my country has a very high standard of living and beautiful beaches and great bars....
Get your wife to the doctors....go with her and hold her hand...tell her how beautiful she is and plan the return to her country...go with her if you can....dont argue with her, just say yes dear and give her lots of hugs....she is all by herself here....
I am very gentle to her. Most
I am very gentle to her. Most nights when she is not pissed at me I message her feet legs etc. Seems she is having severe mood swings one day she loves the next day she doesnt
I will take her to her 6 week apointment in 2 weeks
ok.....this seems like an odd
ok.....this seems like an odd "conversation".
Honestly, too much apologizing on your part. She sounds standoffish, but not crazy.
Then there is your
"#1 I am the best husband for you ever
#2 I always do whatever it is you want 90% of the time
#3 I am the best father
#4 I am almost as handsome as Brad Pitt
#5 I am smart"
which I don't understand.
1. You may be a great husband, but who can go as far as that?
2. You always do....90% of the time. Always would be 100%, but anyway, that does not necessarily mean much if what she wants is wrong
3. ok
4. ok, but why the need to say that?
Her talk of leaving to
Her talk of leaving to Brazil...have you let her know that it won't fly, is not ok, will get her in trouble, is not acceptable?
She has been saying this for
She has been saying this for a while now. I will take action to block her when the time comes.
Reading it again, why do you
Reading it again, why do you want her to need you like that? I mean if she says no and you think she actually does need you, just go, but telling her that she does need you and she did need you last night, I just don't know what that will get you, nor what it does to her..
Do you need her to need you really bad, or does she actually need you that bad? If she does, she'd be better off being reassured that she's ok, instead of reminded and encouraged . Am I missing something there?
Well she has said she needs
Well she has said she needs me and cant live without me many times in the past. I guess I do want her to need me everyone likes to feel useful. I get more from pleasing her my kids than i do pleasing my self. Be it strange thats how i am. I was hurt and grasping for words. i want her to be happy but I am confused how she is happy one day and sad the next and this goes on and on.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for the encouragement.
thanks I will keep trying
thanks I will keep trying
She does sound depressed.
She does sound depressed. Perhaps times outside of the house may help. And therapy may be a good idea if she's open to it.
yeah,,,,,mood swings and
yeah,,,,,mood swings and frantically searching for a way to make you understand her but getting it all wrong....
depression go to the docs....not in 2 weeks it by friday...go with the doc first as the caring husband and tell him you are worried....have a man to man talk with him before you go in...
it will get better.....she must really love youas she left her country to be with you....never ever forget that....I REMIND MINE ON A DAILY BASIS....
Thanks I am going to call the
Thanks I am going to call the doctor today
Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for all your help. Very kind of you and all the other posters. Still fighting to save my marriage...
I agree with a couple of the
I agree with a couple of the posters here, I think your wife has post natal depression. Depression is a serious thing and I am sorry to frighten you here but if left untreated she could not only harm herself but the children too. Please get her to the doctor straight away, please. As links said speak to the doctor first and tell him what you have noticed about her behaviour. Be aware chances are she will not agree with you when you see the doctor together, and may be able to pull the wool over his eyes. She has a new baby, she is missing friends, family, her country of birth etc., and she has clearly said but for the kids she would have killed herself. I would take your transcript of the txts to the doctors. She needs help and you also need to learn how to help her and yourself at the same time. Best of Luck to you and your family.
I am glad you’re doing better
I am glad you’re doing better and that your husband supported you so well. I do agree I should put my feelings aside. With that said did you constantly threaten your hubby that you would leave him and take your baby to another country? She keeps dishing this out to me but this time when she returned last night I just assured her that I am here for her and hugged her. I did not get mad that she ran out and was gone 5 hours without telling me where she was going and when she would be back. I am doing my part.
If I recall correctly from
If I recall correctly from your other post, wasn't she like this before she was pregnant?
She was a little crazy during
She was a little crazy during pregnancy like when she broke the back windshield of our brand new car with the metal end of the garden hose with my kids watching and her daughter was in the back seat of the car she was not hurt but glass probably hit her. but now she gets mad at the drop of a hat. last night I took my 9 year old daughter over and when I got home at 4pm she was gone with SD and newborn (MY NEW SON) She does not tell me where she is going or when she will return. She arrived last night at 915pm. If I had done that to my x wife she would have called the State Troopers FBI SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT ATF and reported kidnapping there would be an outright manhunt for me with blood hounds and black helicopters.. My daughter wanted to see her baby brother yesterday but again my wife keeps the baby from my kids while her very immature 8 year old has unrestricted access.. I know she is being protective this burns me up and I won’t put up with this much longer. She even let her daughter watch the baby when she cleaned that’s after she made up the rule that no kids will be left unattended with our baby but this does not seem to include her daughter. Yes after all the immature things her daughter has done and said I don’t trust her with my baby. One time she said she was going to get the cats little ball and give it to my baby to play with. I explained to her you can’t give the baby small things or he could choke and die. But she has no discipline and is sneaky enough to do this when no one is looking.
My is going through a lot a few months ago we took her daughter for a EEG , Cat Scan doctors etc.. and we found out she has epilepsy prior to this she had two gran mal seizers the first episode 8 year old SD just fainted, she is a bit of a hypochondriac to get her mother’s attention so sometimes she puts on an act that she is hurt and is not. Anyway she is fine now and on medication to prevent the seizers. I have noticed she has become very protective of her daughter since then, if I complain anything about her daughter my wife gets pissed no matter if its legitimate. Last week my wife went to the dentist and the dentist said my wife has sever gum disease and must seek treatment or lose her front teeth. He made an appointment to see a peridontist. I assured her ” babe you’re not going to lose your teeth because we will find a way to save them”. OMG my wife is very beautiful and focused on her appearance so losing her teeth would devastate her.. She always talking about getting a tummy tuck breast job etc… now the possibility of losing all her teeth like her mother did ..she told me by the time her mother was 40 she had dentures.Oh another thing my SD came home from school with a vision and hearing test.. the results claim that my SD vision in both eyes is 20/50 so tomorrow she goes to get glasses. Poor thing she is so upset about it thinking she will be ugly and made fun of at school. I explained to her that its very common and she won’t be made fun of at school. I started naming some of my sons friends that have glasses.. With that said lots of things have gone wrong in such a short time..
I know I keep singing the same song it just makes me cope by writing this. I must say part of the problem is me because I wear my feelings on my sleeve and take everything she says personally. The other poster is right I need to put my feelings aside but it’s hard when I am nice and she rejects me. I defiantly feel un appreciated . Anyway I will call the doctor today.
Thanks for your support that’s very kind of you
I think there is a few things
I think there is a few things going on here.
I am sure I have read some of your posts before, mentioning how your Brazilian wife left her home and moved to the US to be with you? Leaving her family and friends behind?
You and your wife have a mountain of issues to deal with, all normal impo considering the changes in both your lives.
Firstly, I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have left my entire family and friends behind, and while I am sure she loves you very much and wants to be happy with her lot its never as simple as that. It sounds like your wife is homesick, missing the familiarity of her home town and its inhabitants. Does she have many real friends and outside interests where you live now? What are your family like towards her, do they genuinely include her in things? I think its really important to the stability of your marriage that your wife is able to begin building *real* relationships with other people and be able to have hobbies, girlie dinner dates other than being a wife and mother (no offence to you). Perhaps you can help her with this? Suggest some BBQ's where you do the lion share of arranging for. Get your friends/relative partners to include her and invite her out (without mentioning you being fully participant in this). Suggest some outside hobbies/interests you know your wife would love and look after the kids for her. Arrange some proper romantic dinner dates/quality couple time just the two of you.
I appreciate this takes time and effort, which is really hard when you are juggling work, a new baby and several other childre BUT marriage is hard work and she needs you right now.
As for her constant threats to leave and go back to Brazil, this could be for a variety of reasons. Shes scared and homesick, so this is on her mind. She may believe the only way she can be genuinely happy is to go back to what is familiar and where she has been happy for a longer period of time than where she is now. She feels isolated and wants her family, her mother. She may be trying to get a reaction out of you because shes desperate, she wants and needs things to change because she doesnt like the road she and her marriage is now and telling you this is not working- so she tries to scare you into action. She feels insecure and unloved - may be for a variety of reasons. Not feeling like a proper part of the family because your children dont include her and because she isolates herself when they are around, blending issues and her daughter may not be settled.
Secondly, there seems to be some resentment issues and problems with blending in your stepfamily. Your wife is protective of her newborn and seems like she really resents having your kids involved in anything to do with him. Thats really hard for you to have to watch, but has she given you any real reason for this?
I know my own issues with my ss. I disapprove of many things my DH did with him and the way he parented him, this caused all sorts of resentment issues because from my POV my ss is extremely spoilt and sly - not only down to being pandered by DH but his mother has PAS'd him well. In turn, this impacts on your behaviour and attitude towards your skid and how you interact with them. I am not suggesting you arent a great dad, however its really normal to have conflicting parenting views of how to bring up children - who arent biologically shared between the partners. It can be really difficult if you dont *love* your skid or even relate to them, even if you want to and have tried/tormented yourself. Right now, you evidentally disagree with how your wife allows your sd (in your view) manipulate her and how your wife over protects her daughter - even if she has been naughty. Well equally I am sure, your wife is having trouble relating to your child(ren). It sounds like she doesnt particularly want to be around them and instead of creating too much of a bad atmosphere, she removes herself from the situation. Have both of you ever discussed your views of each others children? Do you argue or have done, over how each child is parented?
I geniunely believe if you both are unable to calmly (which is REALLY hard considering how emotive the subject is) and respectfully discuss each other's views, concerns and how you both would like each other to be. Then perhaps meet in the middle and actually make these changes, then I think you may find yourself going round in this circle for quite some time or until someone gives up and leaves (that could be you too). So I would actively advise you to go to counselling, it was the only way I could *reach* DH. He actually says to me now that he wishes he had listened to what I had to say because he realised I wasnt "out to get his child" or was jealous of him, but I was concerned over how ss would end up and the toll it would take on our marriage.
Thirdly it does sound like she has baby blues, depression. Her mentioning the simple matter of the banana milkshake is something all couples argue over, they bicker over silly household stuff and she got annoyed because everything takes SO much effort now with the new baby, but often the simple stuff can mount and drag you down. When someone feels unappreciated it can cause resentment to build, I think your wife needs a break even if its for an hour or two so she can be herself for a bit. Motherhood can be overwhelming and you can lose yourself, your personality and that can be frightening. Perhaps arranging for a babysitter for each sat or at least every other weekend may help (regardless if you have the skids - I know many dads will resist this because of their children however if it saves your marriage everyone including your children will be happier)? I do think she needs a medical check up.
Sorry this is so long but you have mulitple issues going on, no wonder you guys are floudering! Good luck and if I were you I would try the suggestions I have made!
I got through the first part
I got through the first part of this and all I see is you picking a fight and continuing it on. She was mad that you were late, stressed with a baby and you just kept on. She's obviously suffering from post partum depression. You could have dropped it after "fine" and none of the rest would have happened. Sounds like you had a lot of things you just wanted to say which you should do when you both don't have distractions and are alone.
Your whole conversation turned into something totally different when all she said was I had to feed the baby but did something for you first and you were late. Call next time.
Actually, SO would piss me off telling me how wonderful he is and how I should appreciate that. That's insulting. If you feel short changed, this is a conversation face to face.
Yes I feel short changed I
Yes I feel short changed I feel like this should not be happening but I am trying to deal with it
"my kids are well behaved shy
"my kids are well behaved shy and dont bother her"
Ha, somehow I doubt this. Men can never see the truth about their own children! Ask your WIFE if the above statement is true. Hint hint...asking her mean you care. Its a start.
You cant put every man in a
You cant put every man in a box and say there like that. my wifes friend from Brazil stayed a month with us I took her to the airport and she said my kids are well behaved and that i am good to my wife and her kid she said my wife is jelouse of my love for my kids and is playing a control game with me I am on this board to get other opinions
thanks for yours
Based on your other blog, the
Based on your other blog, the only way to make her happy is to turn your back on your other kids.
If your son has a passport, I suggest you hide it (don't try to hide it in the house). If you agree to let her take your son out of the country, there's a chance you may never see him again.
She sounds like a spoiled brat who wants your world to revolve around her, your son and her daughter.
(Based on your other blog,
(Based on your other blog, the only way to make her happy is to turn your back on your other kids.)
I am afraid you may be right but I have not given up yet. My son does not even have a birth certifiacate yet and for him to get a passport we both must sign..
some of the other posts are so long i will have to answer later
Our conversation during lunch
Our conversation during lunch if anyones interested. If someone thinks I am out of line or saying something hurtful please let me know..
how are you this morn
12 minutes
11:00 AM Juliana: bom dia
11:01 AM i just signed in my emails but dont have time to see it
it says only bom dia
11:04 AM me: how do you feel
did you sleep
11:08 AM Juliana: i m ok
me: thats good
Juliana: did not sleep much
me: did you get enough sleep
poor thing
11:09 AM i am off for 3 days
Juliana: wish that was all the problem
me: i can keep mw so u can sleep
Juliana: that is not of a big deal
me: i wish that was all the problems too
11:10 AM Juliana: i dont care to sleep or not anymore
me: well
you need sleep
and i am going to help
we can spend time
Juliana: i realized that is not a problem
me: this weekend
11:11 AM Juliana: i can survive
me: what are we going to do
we will take sarah to wild adventure
11:12 AM Juliana: dont know
me: we can have fun
11:13 AM Juliana: i dont have fun
me: you will
we can be together
Juliana: i dont see what makes me have fun anymore
me: you are deprressed
11:14 AM post partum
Juliana: no
me: you will get bettter
Juliana: i do not have post partum
that is gone long time ago
me: i think so
11:15 AM well Juliana
i am here to help
and by your side
Juliana: dont worry
keep up with your life
i will think of what to do with mine
11:17 AM me: just remeber this
your decisions impact the life of my son marco william
and my daughter sarah
they only have me as a father
11:18 AM boys epecialy need there father
your decision affects everyone
not just yours
remember this
11:19 AM remeber the love in my eyes for Marco William
you can make your life here with me
if you really want
11:20 AM you can work hear and have a good life
my children are getting older
and in a few years
they will not want to come over anymore
they will want to be with there friends
11:21 AM same with sarah
big changes with the older kids
will happen soon
you made a promise to me in front of God
11:22 AM 9-5-2009
keep your promise
i will keep mine
i will always love you Juliana
11:23 AM dont take our marriage so lightly
you have not been here very long
i think if you had a job u would be happier
11:24 AM you are deprresed
and is not a good time to make life decisions that impact our kids
11:25 AM i am here for you
and have not and will not turn my back on you
11:26 AM leaving me does not fix your problems
it gives you more
think about it
i have proved that i am good for you that i love you and that i am a good father
11:27 AM life is no honeymoon
i am by your side
for good times and bad
11:28 AM the question is are you strong enogh to get through this and keep your promise
stop running Juliana
I am waiting for you to come home to me
5 minutes
11:34 AM me: YOU THERE
you there
Juliana: need to give bath to MW
got a lot to do
11:35 AM wash both bathrooms today for sure
they are disgusting
11:38 AM me: babe
leave the bathrooms for me
i willbe glad to do that
and mop
and vacuum
11:39 AM i will be as helpful as you let me
15 minutes
11:54 AM Juliana: i can wash the bathrooms the way i like it to be clean
11:59 AM me: just trying to help
Juliana: u enjoying ur lunch there every day?
5 minutes
12:05 PM me: no
12:06 PM but i am glad we are talking
12:07 PM Juliana: got to feed him
12:08 PM yesterday u did not want to tallk
12:11 PM me: i did talk to you
12:12 PM how is my little boy
Obviously msn, you just want
Obviously msn, you just want people to tell you that you are right and that your wife is wrong. If she was the one posting, I am sure the story would be much different. If you don't care to listen to your wife, and ask her what she thinks and ask her why she doesn't like your children, then you might as well end the relationship and do her a favor. Just remember though that you will be abandoning your baby too, the very thing you criticize your wife for supposedly asking you to do with your older children. A counselor can mediate the process of communication, but you have to be willing to listen. Just repeating that you are perfect and your kids are perfect and that your wife is the one with all this issues isn't going to get you very far. The demise of a relationship is rarely entirely one person's fault. It takes a big man to realize that he can do better too. I am sure your wife is not simply crazy. She has needs and issues that should be addressed by a loving husband.
Hi I have asked her many time
Hi I have asked her many time why she does not like my kids. She never really seems to give me a straight answer. She has said things like I act different when they come and I am blind when it comes to them. She said my kids are in her space. But what gets me is I her daughter is very needy and is with us 24/7.. I knew that and I accept that... Well yes I probably have shown some partiality to my kids over her daughter but she has done the same even worse she does it on purpose out in the open.
I am posting these texts to get opinions to know if these are normal behaviors. I love my wife and just want things between us to work but when she keeps threatening to leave me it hurts because I would die to have another child of mine not living with me. I would miss her and I hate to be alone. I am a very loving hubby. I need to not let her rants bother me as she even does to her own 8 year old girl.. Yells at her for superficial things calling her idiot etc.. She is getting better after I explain to her that she may not see it but this putting down her daughter must stop for she is hurting her daughter emotionally.
Thanks for your insight..
P.S since it isn't obvious to
P.S since it isn't obvious to you... posting someone's messages to a public forum is a violation of her privacy. She thinks those conversations are between you and her and you are posting them to the world? How would she feel about that? How would you feel if she was doing that to you? If you had any respect for her, you wouldn't do such a thing.
You got a point but if this
You got a point but if this helps save our marraige its worth it. I dont see this as a disrespect. To me its better to do this with strangers and get unbiased feedback.
Ending the relationship
Ending the relationship doesn't mean he is abandoning his baby. He would be abandoning the bratty wife.
He can fight for 50/50 or full custody. Just make sure she can't take the child out of the country.
My kids came over today like
My kids came over today like they do every Wendsday from 4pm to 8pm. As usual my wife ignored them does not even bother to say hi or come downstairs. She stayed locked in the room with my newborn child. She does not give my kids access to even see him. She told me to go have a another kid with there biological mother if I want them to have a baby brother. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr everytime my kids come she starts a fight. She tells me I act diferent when they come but when asked for specifics she has none to provide. Now she keeps saying she will go back to Brazil ASAP. I love her and am having a dificult time letting go. I wanted things to work so bad...
This whole post of texts and
This whole post of texts and conversations with your Brazillian wife is making me sick And I will tell you WHY.....
Our good friend had a very volitile relationship with a woman from Brazil.....some of the highlights;
*She pursued him while still married, with current spouse in her house...
She did the the same but i was in the divorce proccess when we met OMG lots of similarities.
*She was very controlling & demanding.....
*He had to do everything for her, while she did NOTHING for him....
*If he spent ANY time with his nephews, she would lose her shit.....SHE is the center of his world.....NOT HIS FAMILY!!!!
*He was not allowed to have ANY female friends including me....
*Anything he ever bought her or did for her was never good enough.....EVER
she was not like this at first but is getting this way
*Any argument they had resulted in him moving out, and her moving in a new man within DAYS (not your case at all...bear with me)
*When he went to a Bachelor Party, and she found out they went to a strip club, she wripped his glasses off his face and told him; "Now you will won't look at anymore naked women!", then broke a lamp over his shoulder......
This was BEFORE he married her.....
*As long as he did what she want, when she wanted, things were great..... when he didn't want to go shopping with her, or go see his nephews or hang out with friends, it was hell on earth..
*They went to couples counseling and she walked out and was screaming at him at one session the police were called......
*It didn;t matter if he was was ALL about HER...
*She was always having her daughter over, spending time with HER friends and family while he had to give up his...
*He told us if he had 2 good days out of 20 with her, he was good with that....we told him he was an absolute fool for staying with her, and to leave now before he marries her...
ABOUT 50/50
*She DEMANDED a full on wedding (this was her 3rd marriage, his 1st), gown, limo, ceremony, reception, honeymoon......he gave it to her, he gave her the world.
*She REFUSED to allow him to invite his friends and was all about HER.....
*They were married on Valentine's Memorial Day he moved out, 2 weeks later new guy moved back Christmas their divorce was final.
*She married new guy in Jan, his little daughter was not allowed to be at the ceremony, in fact, his daughter wasn't allowed in the house once they got married....they divorced back in June.
*She is once again sniffing around our friend again!! Unreal!
OK, sorry that was so long, I know your marriage is NOTHING like what I just posted, HOWEVER......I do see a lot of how you interact with your wife, the constant pleasing, and pleading and her threats to leave are for me very disturbing. When I first saw your post I thought you were the new husband! When i saw your profile pic I knew you weren't.
It is clear to me who is in control here, and it is not you. If you have to worry about her leaving you because she's not happy, that is not a marriage, that is her controlling YOU into doing what SHE wants! And trust me, it will never be enough.
Get her some help, she may very well have post partum depression, get you some help also, then get help together.
DO NOT turn your back on your own kids to satisfy her needy controlling, I am the center of the World will lose your kids.
Marriage is about partership, not a constant battle, one sided "relationship".
Good luck....keep us posted.
I FEEL LIKE THIS RELATIONSHIP HAS BECOME ONE SIDED. It did not start like that but as time went by she changed as she grabed for more control. She controls almost everything except our finances are seperate. Yes I intend to seek help with or without her. It seems crazy to think that a person can be the same becouse they are from the same country but if a lot of this behavior is part of thier culture then yes I think there is some conection here. As I have a doctor cousin in the same region of Brazil my wife is from and she warned me that these women tend to be very posseive and jelouse. The men to women ratio there is about 10 women to every 3 men.
A few things. Ok, she may be
A few things. Ok, she may be suffering from postpartum depression. She needs some serious help.
The other excuses......leaving her country? I did it, left everyone, missed them very much but it did not give me a pass to abuse someone.
Pregnancy? Nah. My ex told me he wanted to make love to other women, younger pretty ones, while I was pregnant. It hurt like hell but I did not become violent nor did I go nuts.
Seriously keep track of her antics in writing and if it continues you should think about your kids, all of them, and file fir divorce and full custody.
Any coddling if this kind if behavior will only make her worse. She is like child, not an adult. I would not trust her with a child.
Straight up, she needs to get help or you are out of there with all your kids.
thanks going to doctor Friday
thanks going to doctor Friday hope she will be open to his help. Your right her behavior is infantil and the more i give the more she takes