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Not playing the game

HadEnoughx5's picture

I am so proud of myself today. Read my post about "SS11 runs away" for the history. Today my hubby is on a one day business trip, so I was in charge of getting the ss's to school and hubby was in charge of making their lunches. Normally, I would be doing both, but not this time Wink

SS11 is turning in skid #2 for being PAS'd by BM. This morning, he took a shower and layed on his bed lounging for 30 mins. I spoke to him once that he needed to get dressed; make his bed;picke up his dirty clothes and put his wet towel in the bathroom hamper. He eventually did it and then went to lay on his brothers bed.

I said to him need to put your shoes on, eat breakfast and take your meds. No response.

Hubby calls and asks me how my morning was going with SS11. I told him and he said, let me talk to him.

Mean while...I'm sitting down and enjoying my cup of coffee Dirol

15 minutes later, I go downstairs to go to the car to take him to school. SS11 says to me, "it's time to go to school" while still puting his shoes on and I said...I'll meet you in the car. So I started the car and waited for him to show up and then I drove him to school. When I dropped him off I said...Hope you have a wonderful day at school, I'll see you later. No response.

When I got home, Hubby calls me and asks how my morning went with SS11. I said well, he didn't eat breakfast or take his meds. Hubby says, well what happened? Did you remind him? Did he forget?

My answer was...I reminded him once and I've decided I will no longer harp on him to do anything. The rest is up to you :O

Thanks to some of you who gave me advice and the strength to hold my own, I was able to do this. It was difficult but I kept saying to myself...I will support my husband but I will not play into BM's mission to reck my relationship with the skids. SS's have two parents already Biggrin

hopefulSM's picture

Yea for you! A few more days of that and everyone will now you mean business! Just keep at it and don't give in becuase they will push to get you to take on all the responiblity and guilt of things not getting done.

Jsmom's picture

Baby Steps. Honestly, I don't think you should do much more than getting out of bed to see if they are up and then driving them to school.

Doubletakex3's picture

Good for you!!! I do the same thing here with the morning routine but I've stopped reminding at all. SD10 goes to school with stinky breath? Not my problem. Thankfully, my SO doesn't expect me to be the hygiene police. I just report the facts and let him deal with it.

I'm proud of you too!