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Can't Stand sd mom-worst bm ever! What can we do?

Buzybee82's picture

we really have the bm from hell. this woman has kids to collect child support and fuck with the "sperm donors" as she calls the dads of her children. my husband was never married to this witch, they were brakin up when she magically got pregnant "while on birth controll". sd is 9 yrs old and so fucked up. as u may know from previous post she still poops her pants, doesnt listen, has no friends, cant handle any situatuion, cant handle social situations, was suspended 3 times by the 2nd grade, is violent with her 1 year old sister, has an attitude from hell, and so on and so on. its such a sad situation. her bm is ruining her life, yet wont give us any extra time with her because she is worried about losing her income. sd wants to live with us, but bm wont let her. a couple weeks ago bm called my hubby cuz shit hit the fan again with sd, and wanted him to calm her down like he always does. during that conversation bm agreed that the best thing for sd would be for her to live with us every other week starting the first week of school. days after that agreement was made she was already hitting my hubby up for more $ for sd. (even though she gets full child support and is the custodial parent, and thats her responsibility) she wanted him to buy her school clothes and school supplies. he didnt give her an answer, she calls back the same day and says her dad already bought these items and heres whats ledt for you. thats when i staryed thinkong this every other week thing is another one of her lies to get more $. if he/we dont follow her every demand she will take court ordered time away...
so according to court ordered parenting plan labor day weekend is ours this year. she asked for cash for some extra "classes" and he said no, he would pay the place not her. she freaked out and took back the every other week, and on top of that took away labor day weekend, which is ours and we have all talked about many times.
she is always changing the plans, switching weekends, times, locations etc and we never do anything about it. if we dont kiss her ass and do what she wants she takes court ordered time away.
does anyone else have a bm from hell? what do u do about it? do u always give her her way, or do u stand up to her? do u get courts involved? if u think shes using drugs can u have a drug test ordered? if so what happens? how does that work? do the courts give notice first, or do they have to take drug test right away? if we order one for her do they make us do one too? is it a regular thing or just once?
what can u do in this situation? what have u done? i could write a book on all the fucked up shit this bitch has done, but dont want to type pages and pages for u to have to read....
please give me advice. what would u do? what can we do? if we get courts involved what happens? is there ever a way to get more time legally with sd? what would we have to do with the courts to get parenting plan changed? cps has been involved once (against her for tieing sd hands behind her back while punching her in stomach then locking her in her room for a day, btw bm mom is the one that got cps involved....) but cps sent her back to her mom the same day as their interview with sd...
please help! at my wits end! dont know how i can live the rest of my life with this bitch in it!

qtpie568's picture

Get a lawyer. Court ordered time is yours. If step daughter wants to live with you then the court will take that into consideration. You can take her to court for keeping you away from her. Dont kiss hes butt. then she thinks she can use you. take a stand