Guilty parenting...
I'm starting to feel this feeling of guilt with my DD2 & DS2 weeks. It's hard to explain... like if I'm holding DS and DD wants me or needs me or just wants more attention, I start to feel bad like by having another baby she's losing time that normally she would have with me. Or the opposite... like when I put baby down to do something with DD, or whatever... like he's missing cuddling/holding that he would have if he was first baby or only child like DD was. Also, but this kind of normal sadly, but when SD10 around i don't want to spend any time with her! but i think that's more cuz all she's done to me and put me through! is this normal? what should i do?
Here's an idea have sd
Here's an idea have sd entertain dd when she is there get her to color with her or watch a Disney movie make them popcorn or a snack then dd will not beg for attention and you won't always feel that constant pulling at least when skid is there make her useful
unfortunately, we can't leave
unfortunately, we can't leave SD with DD at all, definitely not alone! sd is violent, has anger issues, and is just mean to dd... everyone! she tries to boss dd around too much too! so good idea in a more perfect world... but not in mine.
how do people feel about day
how do people feel about day care? our DD2 is very defiant, and i think it's because most the time it's just her around adults. the times she's around other kids her age or not she scratches or hits. she is a very smart girl for her age, but now with baby brother here she's getting less attention and more rebelious. (sp?) so i was thinking maybe if she went to a day care for a couple hours a few times a week she would have more interaction with kids, structure, rules, discipline, and have to listen to her teachers.... maybe it would be good for her? but I'm torn, I'm not a huge fan of day care. i think i just have this idea that its like pawning my kid off on someone else? i dono... what do you think? what are your experiences with day care like? good for kids?
Day care or seems ok, if it
Day care or seems ok, if it will relieve your stress a bit. You could make her feel special about it--she's "getting ready for school, like a grown-up." Then, when she gets home, you could plan to give her undivided attention for the first 30 minutes "tell me all about your day. you know, i've been stuck here all day." Could work in your favor in multiple ways. She could prob use some time to excercise, too.