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Sometimes it's nice

notamum's picture

I just wanted to say what a lovely evening i had with SS last night. We had such a nice time, just chatting and watching TV. We ganged up on his dad telling him he smelt ha ha. It was just really nice and fun and it's times like that which make being a SM worthwhile. I get vey hung up on the negative aspects of Step-parenting sometimes and I need to learn to appreciate the nice times too, so that's what I am doing. Maybe we could use this thread to write something positive about being a Step-Parent, something we can look at to lift our spirits when things are getting us down?

2BoysOfMyOwn's picture

Being a SM makes me so grateful that my DS8 never has to leave & stay anywhere else. DH & I are basically on the same page with discipline & expectations. I am very thankful to have 2 parents in my home that work together as much as possible. I am not sure how I would do things on my own.

Gigi82's picture

I love spending time with my SD7. When she's not repeating something horrendous her mother has taught her, or being disrespectful to her dad, I am reminded that she is an amazing human being. She'll spend hours brushing and fixing my hair, doing my makeup, and making up pretend roles for us to play. Her imagination is unparalleled to anything I've ever seen, and it's awesome that she allows me to come into her little world. I am happy to get down on her level and oblige her. I'll be her life size barbie doll every day if it makes her happy!

It's those times that help me to remember that she is worth fighting for,no matter how crazy her mother is.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I just had a 4 day camping trip with my 15 year old and my 18 year old step daughter, who now lives on her own. It was nice that she wanted to come with us, just the three girls. We laughed a lot and had almost none of the stress that was with us for so long.

Zoie's picture

My SD10 is a beautiful, smart young girl. She is very clever and she has such a great sense of humor. OMG the things she comes out

I told my DH just the other day that it's really to bad that BM does not see just how lucky she is too have such a great kid.


purpledaisies's picture

I'm thankful taht I can joke and be myself when the boys are here and they joke and play around back with me. Liek the other day when ss15 drove and I asked him where the keys to the car was as we were stand next to the car and it was running, he looked at me and said 'they are in the car it is running?? Are you blond today??' Humm yep lol blond moment! LOL Then we started to play fight, he thought it was funny.

winehead's picture

My adult SS called me the other day to thank me for something. It was touching, and he was sincere. When I was helping my elderly Mom recently, he sent a picture of his sweet dog to his dad's cell, asking DH to send it on to me because SS thought I might need a smile. I wish SS would have felt like he could send me the pic directly, but he is taking small steps to acknowledge me, and I appreciate that. When adult SD calls and I answer the phone, she almost always spends a few minutes talking with me before she talks to DH, and every now and then she calls to talk to just me.

You know, most of the step-type problems I've had have been more about how DH handles (or rather doesn't handle) things.

NCMilGal's picture

SD15 is truly a joy to be around.

Sure, she doesn't have the self-motivational skills that DH and I do (and heck, sometimes he has to nudge me to get me off my butt) but 99% of the time we have a ball. The three of us survived a week shut up in a hotel room followed by moving into our house without any screaming fights. I was the snappy one, and I'm ashamed of myself.

We talk about all sorts of things. Current events, trends, religions, silly computer games. She has a mind of her own, and comes up with some of the most out-there statements.

And hey, she LOVES to cook and is really good at it, so when she's around, I'm off kitchen duty!

Disneyfan's picture

All of my SDs (14, 6, 4)are great kids. They have their moments when they drive me nuts but that is normal. The youngest 2 talk, laugh, jump/ run around the house nonstop. They are all daddy girls and he spoils the heck out of them. The little ones are still at the stage where they want/give tons of hugs, kisses and I love yous. The older on is too cool for that now. I love taking them to the nail salon with me. When the oldest come back to visit If I could ship the The crazy BM (youngest 2 mom) off to Russia, life would be great.