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Zoie's picture

Ok..everyone who has read my posts knows that BM is just nuts and I swear was put on this earth for the sole purpose of trying to destroy everyone she comes in contact with.

BM makes it so difficult for my DH for everything and I mean everything. for example we have SD for one week vacation starting on our weekend so we will have her from Friday until the following Sunday...oh no oh no BM calls and says NO you have to return her to me by Friday or I will call the police and you cant have her on the Friday you need to come and get her on the Saturday....It's all mind games and nonsense.

So DH has had much so that DH told BM last night that he is walking away from this. He will continue to pay CS but that's it. DH told BM that she is putting so much stress on everyone that it's just not worth it. He told her he loves his daughter and wants her in his life but he cant live like this anymore. DH told BM that after almost 9yrs of doing the drive that BM can now do the 1.5hr drive to drop her off and the 1.5hr drive to pick her up..he is done...if BM wont drive then he wont see his daughter...

Is this wrong and please be honest but nice as I'm ready to just cry and cry...


Zoie's picture

Hi Unhappy...Yes there is but BM does what she wants to do when it comes to vacation, actually when it comes to anything she does what she wants...

SD told her BM that she wants to come to her dads more often and she wants to live with us when she goes to high school and her BM freaked out and called my DH screaming and now BM has taken aim at me "SM" and my SD and is just insane in what she is's to a point that SD is wanting to live with us sooner then when she gets to high we shall see...


Auteur's picture

Sadly the courts seldom take biodad's side, especially if he's NCP (which is most often the case). This DESPITE BLATANT abuse of the CO (denying visitation time, making the children "suffer" for wanting to be at dad's house, etc.) on the part of the BM

GG has also resigned himself to just paying half of his salary for the next 13 years (8 down 13 to go; in NYS it goes mandatory to 21)

But a glimmer of light! He's starting to RESENT paying that much for so little in return, aka feral children who aren't being parented and who want nothing to do with him, other than when their hand is out for MORE money.

Back in the early years, he used to justify it in his mind (although the BM was PASing out all three in broad daylight) "it's for the children" blah blah.

Now he sees all three academically failing due to the BM wanting to blame the failure on the divorce and have three perma victims so she can phone in the non-parenting.

He sees them buying houses, cars, going on vaca constantly and the oldest kid, SS stb 15 is starting to hang out in front of bars with others his age.

He even said "I want to relinquish my parental rights and stop paying CS" I told him "it doesn't work that way!" Of course he NEVER listened to me in the early years when I told him to put his foot down on the Behemoth (BM) and not ME!!

Zoie's picture

Wow Auteur..that's just so sad..but so DH has resigned himself that he will pay CS and whatever happens happens... I mean there is only so much one can do ...


skylarksms's picture

Having a psychotic bitch of a bm to deal with myself, I can totally understand your DH's frustration and hopelessness.

What I get concerned about is the affect this will have on SD. BM is free to tell her whatever she wants about why her dad isn't seeing her anymore. And BM gets the satisfaction of telling anyone who will listen what a POS her ex is.

Sometimes a more specific CO will help. Sometimes that is just a waste of lawyer money.

What helped the most in our situation was putting in a "No Contact" order in the CO. Although it didn't ELIMINATE unnecessary contact, it did make BM back way off. And although we still didn't get to always see the skids according to what the visitation stated, the skids will know that we always tried. AND we have a Contempt of Court charge against BM for "Willful violation of visitation" that we can show the skids if they are interested.

Zoie's picture

skylarksms...we are very concerned about SD and hopefully BM will come to her senses and things will get better..but I doubt it..

DH will be speaking with SD to tell her what has happened...gosh I hope there is a good resolution to this sad situation...


Anon2009's picture

I honestly don't know what answer to give.

If there is a CO in place, throw it in her face and when she violates it, document it. My heart aches at the thought of one more child having to not have their Dad in their lives. I also know BM is not a good person and is making things hard on everyone.

My thoughts & prayers are with you, DH and SD.

newsm2011's picture

Awwww poor little girl. In the end she is the one that loses in the end. I honestly don't know what is right and what is wrong, but your husband will need your support so love him no matter what. Good Luck.

Zoie's picture

Well my DH has all of my love and support..This is killing him and I hate seeing him like this...I am very very concerned about my SD..I worry about her every single day...every single day and have been for the past 4yrs...


DelilahS's picture

This is a rubbish situation. My heart really really goes out to you. I think, ultimately, this is your husbands decision. Your husband has decided that there really is only so much he can tolerate. Stress can ruin peoples lives, and deciding where to draw the line is a decision many people do not make for the love of their children.

The problem is that human beings can only deal with so much stress before they get to breaking point. This is why there are hundreds of step parents (and parents for that matter) on the verge of utter break down because they feel unable to draw any line. They take the pain and frustration until they literally fall apart.

Take a deep breath. Your husband may not even decide to carry this decision out. If he does, take a little reassurance in that this is not a sign of weakness or fault in your him. This is the fault of his ex partner and her point blank refusal to do what is right by her child, and a legal system that is unable to deal with matters like this effectively.

My heart goes out to you, your job now is to make sure your husband knows he really understands what this decision means, and whether he will live to regret it. Thats your main job at the moment.


Zoie's picture

Delihah..I read your post and I cried..because everything you said is true...My DH is just sick about this and cannot even talk about it now..his heart is completely broken..

Thank you for your post....I needed this thank you....


DoingItAgain's picture

His daughter is not worth a short drive? That is sad. While it sucks having to do all the driving, it would be sad when the BM tells her daughter that daddy doesn't want to come get her. While it's not right, that is likely what that little girl will here and believe that she wasn't worth a drive. Sad really... your BM sucks. Each should be driving one way.

Maybe taking her back to court to establish some more concrete rules to force to help with the driving would be appropriate.

Auteur's picture

Her DH should NOT cave to the BM! GG (biodad I live with) gave into EVERYTHING that the BM did and that just emboldened her to push the envelope even further to the point of extreme ridiculousness.

And yes, GG caved and did all the transport. This happens because the BM "relays the clear unspoken message" that the child(ren) are really all HERS and he is just a wallet. That it is HER GOODWILL that she is ALLOWING biodad to see his children and he should be a grateful little wallet and do what he is told by the BM.

This sets a dangerous precedent as it will eventually cause the children to lose all respect for biodad. By going along with the PASing BM, it shows that "mommy rules and daddy drools"

My thoughts on this fell upon deaf ears and GG cowtowed to the BM, only to hasten their PAS out.

DoingItAgain's picture

I agree auteur. They shouldn't cave. Yes, it's possible that the more you give, the more they take. Maybe her DH could try picking up and then say "hey, you want your kid back, come get'em!" Of course it's a risk if she says no. Better have a plan B! But if this wasn't previoulsy ordered, no judge is going to make Biodad drive both ways, right?

Zoie's picture

Hi's not about the drive..we would drive 4 or 6 hours...It's the BM being so crazy that she is putting everyone through hell and now she is being down right mean to SD...My DH is beyond fedup yes..but my gosh he would go to the ends of the earth for his daughter....

Really BM is so stupid...DH was doing all the driving, paying CS, he has no say in his daughters life as BM has custody so he only sees her EOW..I mean really what did she have to complain about??? NOTHING>>>>>

BM had an affair when SD was just over 1yr old..which ended the marriage..the man she had an affair with was abusive and well she cheated on him and well she was on to the next one...she lied in court had him lie in court and well she got custody of their daughter..oh and when she left the marriage it took my DH 6mths to find his forward to now and SD is now 10..I've been involved with DH for 4yrs (married for 2)..BM has been beyond difficult and mean and manipulative and now she is downright a point where it's just to much because she is now taking it out on SD....

Wow it's been a tough just sucks.....

thanks Z

ginger.m's picture

Last I checked, There's SEVEN days in a week. And if you already have her on that weekend anyway, your "vacation" begins on Monday and should go til Sunday!
I'd call her bluff. Let her call the cops! Maybe call the attorney and ask for specifics? And if your weekend usually starts on Friday, I'd go get her! Maybe call for a police escort to be present when you go to pick her up. Would that be too dramatic? I'm done with these b-tches! DONE!

What's wrong with these crazy BMs? Our's just got a boyfriend! Maybe she'll stop being so difficult now that she has a life of her own. maybe.

Zoie's picture

Ginger.m...I so agree but we are very worried about SD right now..her BM is so damn mean it's just unbelievable..maybe if my DH step backs for a while BM will realize that she is not in control of our lives..and I hope SD really lets her BM have it...

SD was so upset tha her mom wouldnt let her come that she was beside herself...but it's the lying that SD does that we are very concerned about...

I cannot stand this crazy B**ch.....omg I wish she would just go away and leave us the hell alone..with SD living with us of course....

I hope your BM is better than the one we have to deal with..I doubt it but I'm hoping for your sake....cheers..Z

Auteur's picture

It's all the court system and the current laws in place.

The following changes should be enacted:

1. Divorcing couples get mandated counseling

2. 50/50 physical custody automatically applied with no CS changing hands; if the mom was a SAHM and is filing, then she'd better get a job post haste. Only in EXTREME abuse cases should 50/50 be not applied; counseling to cover said issues

3. PAS will be investigated through a series of testings. If parent is said to be instigating PAS, then it will be prosecuted as child abuse with sole custody going to the target parent. The instigator parent will lose custody, be in mandated counseling, and lose any CS if applicable. If after several supervised visitations with the instigator parent, if it is still proven that said parent is STILL PASing, then visitation shall be permanently suspended and I go so far as saying they should be sterilized to prevent such abuse from taking place in the future.

4. Voting and alcohol rights shall be suspended for any "child" whose parent is collecting CS for them after the age of 18 (which is wrong to begin with)

5. In the rare case that CS is instituted, a mandatory self support reserve shall be enacted so as not to impoverish the payor (ex. an NCP biodad should NOT be paying $1000 a month when making $15 an hour)

Sadly, too many cottage industries survive off the divorce machine:

1. greedy lawyers
2. several "women's groups"
3. gov't agencies (CSEU) who gain fed dollars for every CS dollar collected

Zoie's picture

Well said Auteur..well said...

I totally agree with you 50/50 custody would be perfect then both parents would be involved in their childs life...but BM did everything possible..lie, cheat..slept with the Doctor to get him on her side...OMG this women did so many disgusting things that I could not even post on I'm ashamed for her....


Jsmom's picture

My DH got there to. He quit trying, because BM made everything so difficult. We still have 50/50 of SS12, but we are now requesting him full time. But as for SD15, DH has nothing to do with her. It is all in her hands, since every attempt he has made BM has undermined. She even went so far as to tempt her with massages for her friends instead of seeing DH for lunch, which of course she did and then lied to DH and said she lost her phone when she never called him back. This was only the third such meeting in over a year. Now he is done and has left it up to her if she wants any type of relationship with him...Sad yes, but DH is at least starting to see her and BM for who they are. He is starting to have some peace with his decision. Your BF is doing what he needs to to protect himself. Imagine how hard this will be when SD is a teenager. Honestly it is better to do it now for everyone...

Zoie's picture

Jsmom...OH I know if this crap continues he will have 2 BM's to deal with..his ex and his daughter..because she is trying to turn my SD into's sick really...

I'm sorry that your DS has had to endure this as's tough..and I feel for heart hurts for my DH and my SD...

it's just so sad... Z

Zoie's picture

Allgirls...ummmm my DH does not ever...ever need to apologize to BM..this B**ch is just plain nuts and it's not about trading weekends as it is on his weekend and BM is just being her mean self...

BM has called us from out of town and said oh sorry..snow storm, or car broke down..or I'm not coming back this weekend so you will not see SD..oh well..better luck next time... BM's words..not mine..

or BM will send an email on Friday morning saying going out of town so you cant have your daughter this weekend Smile yes with a smiley face on the end of her's beyond what one person can take and I commend my DH for putting up with her crap for so long in order to have a relationship with his daughter..

2) as for the it's not fair but DH and I do not mind at all because we love this child and have no problem driving..her BM drives 6 minutes and complains that we dont drop SD at her house... I mean my god...


overit2's picture

"We also do all of the driving for SD5 and it is not fair. If I could go back to court and do it all over I would have BM drop off SD5 and DH bring her home. If it were the other way around, BM wouldn't pick her up forcing us to keep her or bring her home. And if she wants some kid-free weekend time, she'll start to be happy dropping her off."

See, my court order says my ex is responsible for transportation to/from visits-HOWEVER I'd say 90pct of the time I've always done one way (drop off) to make it more equiptable. It's just more reasonable-the problem I had w/my ex is that the 10pct of time I'd ask him to do both because of something I was tied up with he pitched a fit-until I OUTLINED the parental agreement he signed.

With my bf-there is no stipulation about who does pick up/drop offs-yet she expects him to pick her up/drop her off EVERY single time on the EOW schedule. Says he's supposed to (really, by what CO?)...BUT if she's throwing an unscheduled week or three in the mix she has no problem dropping SD off at his parents w/out blinking an eye...funny how that works.

I SEE and understand your DH's point, and I'm so sorry-I know how pained he feels-my bf is suffering w/that right now-it's just so hard he's ready to walk-I can see why many men do this now whereas before I didn't.

One week vacation is 7 days-incorporate that into your wknd and that's 9 days. Screw her, let her take you to court, doubt a judge will be to pleased. Doubt the police would do much. She is being unreasonable and blocking special family time for you. Family law NEEDS to change, pronto...or else you will see more family/2nd marriage dissolutions take place.

purpledaisies's picture

We do this all the time! We make sure it is dh's weekend when we want to leave so that we don't have to have them back that following fri. We can use all 9 days! I see no reason why he can't have her if it is his time! He needs to just take his time and let her take him to court and the judge will not like it at all! I mean she will be taking HIS time away!

Zoie's picture

Ok see now this is why there are problems and fighting going on all the time it's because people dont want to be realistic about things.....I mean my god we see SD EOW..that works out to 4.5days per I mean a whole 4.5 days a if DH wants to take his daughter for an extra 2 days a year when she lives full time with her BM..please tell me why you have a problem with this??

ginger.m's picture

I believe it's a week's vacation, in addition to the weekend you already have the SS. That's the way I understand it anyway. Never really thought about it that much I guess. Our CO states that Holidays and Special days shall prevail over weekend visits. It's too bad that it has to be a fight either way. Hope your situation gets better. I agree with the point you made about not letting BM control your life - because that's what this whole thing is about! This is just BM's way of letting you know that she has the power to do just that! It's SICK!

Zoie's picture

Hey purpledaisies....I would love to do's a thought..but really it's now gone beyond this as BM called and was screaming and yelling telling my DH that he needs to show her some respect is he wants to see his daughter..

OMG this woman is so crazy it's not even funny...When we pick up and drop off SD we do not speak to BM, we do not look at her, speak to her, acknowledge her.nothing...and I mean nothing..she is the one who calls and yells and screams and he just hangs up on her...DH told BM send me an email and if it's an emergency then call..other than that he told BM that he wants nothing to do with maybe she is making sure that he has to speak with her because she is making it so difficult for him to have contact with his daughter...hmmm maybe...


purpledaisies's picture

Sometimes it is the way it falls such as dh has the boys every 1st 3rd and when available 5th weekend of every month so that means that if we have them for a week vac. then we plan it on the weekends that he will have the 2 weekends in a row. Does that make sense? That might be what the op is referring to.

hismineandours's picture

Unless it means that Fri-Sun is their normal schedule and they have one week of summer time starting Sunday evening and running thru the following Sunday. It just depends on the court order.

When we had custody of ss-bm used to take 2 week blocks in the summer-she would pick up on Friday night as usual per the schedule and after two weeks and 2 day we would pick him up on Sunday-as that was our usual night to pick him up. It was too hard for us to start switching up pick up/drop off days and such.

Zoie's picture

Hi MazzyStar...SD is 10 and she wants to be with us more and more and her BM will not allow it..everytime SD asks her BM to come for an extra weekend her BM will make up a reason why she cannot and then they do nothing on that weekend...SD is wise to her BM's lies but what is she to do..when she says something to her BM then her BM yells and screams at her and this crap has taken it's toll on my SD...

WE document everything and have been for the past 3.5yrs..we keep a log, we have to because it's just crazy...

You know the sad part is we have such a great life, our home is clean, safe, we live a very normal quiet happy life and BAMMMMMMM BM is trying to destroy everything.....

My poor SD... Sad

Zoie's picture

WE live in Canada and yes at some point the Judge will listen to my SD but she would almost have to run away in order for the courts to listen to SD.

It's funny you know...SD told me that BM's BF was talking about making my DH pay the full amount and not 50% for this course that SD was taking and SD told me she got so mad and said to her BM's BF do you want me to go to court for this because I cannot charge my daddy for the whole she is very wise to what they are's really too bad though because she is just a kid and should be enjoying her childhood and not have to be dealing with all this crazy stuff...sigh..sigh..sigh...

NCMilGal's picture

Zoie, it sounds like your SD hasn't PASed out yet - is your DH certain he wants to step back?

When my SD15 was 10-12, I was CONVINCED that she would turn into a BM clone. (I'm pretty sure I said so in my earliest blogs) However, she actually started having her own opinions and BM was too rigid to deal well with it - so SD grew progressively more unhappy. Now she wants to live with us rather desperately.

DH used to jump when BM said frog. He flew SD to him at least 3 times a year, and would drive 15 hours one way to see her at least every other month. After we got married in '06, he eased off on the visits and quit letting BM run rough-shod over him. She also got re-married, so she quit nagging him for money. (although now she tells SD that her father and HIS WIFE can buy everything for her) I asked DH yesterday when the last time BM went psycho on us was. She tried to claim we were emotionally abusing SD in December of '10 (but didn't try to stop Christmas visitation) and before that was a little drunk texting in May of '09. Other than that, she's mostly left us alone.

I agree with Mazzy - you can't win when you're a NCP. Either you're "creating drama" by taking rightful visitation, or by trying to avoid the drama you get seen as giving up your rights. Document, document, document! We're going to be trying to get custody, and we don't (yet) have any proof that the household SD15 is in is unhealthy or abusive. We will, but it'll delay everything.

Zoie's picture

Hi this is hard and No my DH does not want to step back at all...BM has been crazy crazy difficult to a point that it's causing some issues with SD...SD is now lying..not all the time but often, her grades have gone down and she is soooooo bright...I mean straight A student down to c's....she is now overweight as her mom feeds her all prepared foods..all junk really...This poor kid...

My DH does not know what to do to be honest...but he cannot let BM control him or our life the million dollar question is..HOW DO WE DO THAT...HOW.....

NCMilGal's picture

Well, a starting point is to go low-contact.

(Ignore the ads - the writer is trying to shill his software)

Basically, keep records of EVERY communication with BM. If it is not an emergency, ignore, ignore, IGNORE. Even if it is, think before reacting.

In December of 2010, BM called up DH, frantic. SD15 was CUTTING herself! DH spent over an hour on the phone with her calming her down. Problem was, he had JUST started a college final exam, and missed the entire thing by the time he finished. Luckily, his teacher let him stay later and take it immediately.

I said, "Sweetheart, I love you and I love SD15. But here's the thing. You are 800 miles away from BM and SD15. Even if it IS an emergency, WHAT CAN YOU DO THAT SECOND?? All that happened was you got sucked into BM's drama, got upset, missed your exam, and contributed NOTHING." DH agreed, and now lets EVERY call from BM's number go to voicemail. This is part of modern society that DRIVES ME CRAZY - just because you HAVE a phone on your person, does that automatically mean that any phone call is more important that the person you are face-to-face with? There is NO law that says you MUST answer your phone.

Of course, the rules are very VERY different if you're local. You may have seen some posts about the website The front page is down (judge ordered) but the archives are still hanging around. This post: reiterates the first link I posted. You can also still browse his archives, covering 7 years of dealing with a super-crazy BM, as he goes from local to four hours away back to local. I learned a lot - which I'm going to try to get DH to implement with our BPD BM.