Fathers Day with SKids
We are coming up on another father's day for my DH. A week before DH gets a call from SS (33) to say he would like to take his wife out to dinner Sat but we would have to take care of the 3 grandkids. OK..no problem. The grandkids are great. Then, SS says asks if we want to go to the baseball game. If so, could we pay for half. Now...there is 5 in his family and 2 in ours. HALF?? $25 a ticket. No child discount on these tickets. Where's my DH gift? The fact that we babysit again? Really??? If we don't agree, then they won't go because they can't afford 5 tickets. SO, they will all stay at our house. Here's the real problem for me, they all go out to the pool and play all day. I'm in the house cooking and cleaning up after them. NO ONE offers to help make the meals. Nor do they offer to help foot the bill. SS always wants steak. THEN to find out he is inviting SD and her family (4) and other SS and his girlfriend. That 12 people! I'm expected to cook and pay for the food for this group for the whole weekend! These are not little kids. The boys eat like horses! DH doesn't pay the grocery bill.
I expect help or at least someone to acknowledge how much it takes to put food on the table for this many people. NO ONE even comes in to talk to me! If I do get out there, no one gets up to offer me a chair. The 4 year old gets a chair and I have to stand! When I'm inside, someone yells my name that they need another beer. Or I take something out to the table and get asked to bring another beer next time out. I usually just ignore the request and claim i didn't hear it. But, that always creates snide comments from all the SKids. I'm a good cook and they all expect me to make something special. I'm really leaning to frozen burgers and store bought salad. Nothing that I cook. I don't even get a thank you!
I have to be careful addressing this because then I get comments that I'm trying to keep him away from his kids. I'm actually really tempted to drive to my moms for Sunday. BUT, i know the condition the house would be in when I'm gone. It's just that much more work for me. His kids don't pick up anything! They blow in, eat like pigs FREE, and blow out. Oh yeah...say hello to me and goodbye. That's all I get.
BTW...my DH is in complete agreement. He would actually rather take a motorcycle ride on father's day than to deal with his kids. So this isn't him. But, we both try to avoid the snide comments. The SKIDS take away our ability to see the grandkids if we make them mad. Honestly, both of us are leaning towards being OK with that decision.
I hate holidays with the SKIDS!
I'd find some where else to
I'd find some where else to be all day too! I would tell dh that the house is clean when I leave and it better be when I get back and accidentally take ALL he money!! If you are sharing money if not take YOUR money! Get my drift???
This way dh will have to deal with them himself and you are not keeping them from him. Plus dh has to deal with cooking and cleaning! he he
I think it is time to either
I think it is time to either go out to dinner with everyone paying there own way or for you and DH to have the motorcycle ride and believe me free babysitting is not going to go away - they may try their petty games for a few months but take it from someone who would have killed to have either of DH's or my parents living close by or not in their 80's when DD was born - we have had to pay for every freaking hour of babysitting that we needed so let those jerks threaten and you two go off and do your own thing - quite frankly I am not saying you are an old person but you should not be doing anything - they all need to be chipping in and paying for the meal and helping prepare it - here's a thought go to someone else's house - have the house exterminated this weekend - your skids are just pissing me off - I would never ever in a million years have done this to my parents - when my mother was alive I used to go home and visit with her and actually cook dinner for everyone in the church on Sunday around 35 people so that she could have everyone stay and visit and then I cleaned everything up and this was after flying over 700 miles to be with her. I never let her lift a hand she did so much for me growing up. I can't stand entitled skids drives me crazy -
Actually, this IS DH! It's
Actually, this IS DH! It's his responsibility of your DH to first of all inform his kids that you two have other plans and then to stop allowing his kids to disrespect you like they are doing. You don't owe it to anyone to pay for their food, wait on them or be treated like dog doo. If you still want to have them over ask them to pick up some items at the grocery store on their way over or ask DH to pick it up. Also,if they can't lift a finger to help (same as SD here!) let DH clean up after them. As far as holding you hostage for seeing the Grandkids, this is another thing DH needs to handle. This guy sounds too much like my DH! UGH!
I would just do the burgers
I would just do the burgers and salad. There is nothing wrong with that grilling burgers is stereotypical fathers day. Put it out go out and ask them to grab you a beer while there up.
Frozen burgers and dogs and
Frozen burgers and dogs and store-bought potato salad. Better yet, tell them you are doing burgers, and assign potato salad to one, and tomatoes, pickles, onion, lettuce to another, etc. Tell them it's BYOB and put an ice chest outside for them to store it.
I absolutely can't stand when one skid invites the others over. It happened just the other night. They were supposed to all come over on Sunday for dinner and to visit with their Grandfather who's out for the week. Two of them were no-shows! Then last night (a work night for us), one shows up just as we're home from work (actually called and asked his Dad to pick him up and bring him over). Two minutes into our house and he picks up the phone to call his sister and asks "are you guys are coming to Dad's for dinner?" WTF??? As if one uninvited skid wasn't bad enough, now he's asking his sister and a boyfriend we've never met over?? I threw in a couple of frozen pizzas, no way was I cooking again after they blew it off last night.
Your situation is exactly
Your situation is exactly what used to happen to me and my skids before the big fight. They would all show up at our house on the weekends, stay all day and at dinner time all start asking what's for dinner! Unfortunately, I've never had kids and am not used to cooking for a large group of people so each time we had to send someone to the store to buy the food with our money. Then they would all sit around while DH and I would put it together. One of the SDIL's would help cook as she loves to cook and she would help clean up. She was the only one that ever helped me with all the food prep and cleanup. The rest of the skids (including 1 SD(31) who has 4 kids of her own) would all head to the living room to watch TV and chat. The other SDIL wouldn't even take her own plate to the kitchen - her husband had to do it for her!! Now that we never invite them over for special occasions and they have all moved farther away and can't afford the gas to get to our house we don't have this problem
Sorry, but I so know how you feel about this entitlement crap from the skids. I agree that you and your DH should spend the day together if that is what your DH wants to do. AFter all it is a day to honor him and he should get to do what he wants. However, his kids may really want to spend time with him that day. If so, maybe he could meet them for breakfast somewhere and then you guys could head off and have your motorcyle ride the rest of the day.