After close to a year SD21 contacts DH
So sd21 contacts dh after close to a year.....see prior posts as to all the reasons the relationship was broken.
She texts him this morning " I really feel like our relationship needs to be repaired, before it deteriorates too far"
Dh texts her back " first, I'm telling you upfront, I am taking money off the table. If your seeking to repair the relationship you will need to find a way to redeem yourself with hatecopycats. This is not a request, but a requirement"
Dh forwards me the texts and I'm thinking to myself, if he expects me to have anything to do with her EVER again, he is out of his mind. There is nothing she could do or say that would allow her to so much as call me on the phone.
So while I'm thinking all this .....dh forwards me the next text from her.
" I'm not willing to do that" happy about that!!!! I'm willing to bet my life her sudden interest in resuming the relationship is all about money!!!! I absolutely HATE her!!!
I am so proud of your
I am so proud of your Dh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mjordan......thanks, it
Mjordan......thanks, it hasn't always been like that. It took Dh getting terminal cancer to get to this point. It was only when he got sick he saw what his kids were made of. Before that, he was the typical guilty daddy!!
It's just sad it took cancer to wake up and see how hateful, mean, vile and hypocritical all 3 skids are. Oh.....but they quote the bible like no ones business and go on mission trips and profess to be these kind, graceful people.
Makes me physically Ill when I think of it.
I understand oh so well.. So
I understand oh so well.. So sorry had to go through all of that though
You are indeed lucky to have
}:) You are indeed lucky to have an H that backed you up. My SD 35 has been trying to walk back into my H's lfe after 3 years pretending that the estrangment was on H's side not hers!!!!! My H of course did not request an apology or anything else for me. So you are very fortunate that your H stood up for you.
I'm sorry to hear of your
I applaud his support of you,
I applaud his support of you, but that is still very, very sad.
There would be nothing she
There would be nothing she could do now. I will not associate with her even if she did apologize. Her behavior has been incorrigible and unforgivable in my eyes .
The drama will never end with her. I'm pretty sure dh is just fine with not having a relationship with her.
I guess I liken it to her being a source of pain in his life.....why would he go there again??
Honestly, my life is less stressful, anxiety ridden and I feel less bitter that she is out of the picture.
Dh is welcome to resume the relationship if he wants to someday, but she will never step foot in my home again nor will I attend anything she is at......EVER.
OMG (I'm new so I haven't
OMG (I'm new so I haven't read the back story) but good for him and wow he'll need alot of love and support. No matter what has gone on it must be HORRIBLE to have your own child treat you like that. Poor guy - good thing he has you.
Sometimes it is better off
Sometimes it is better off not have them in your lives. I have cut off my SS21 and will never see him again and he is not allowed in our house. If my DH wants to have a relationship with his son that is fine - but his son is a MOOCH and only reaches out to him when he wants something.
DH gets that but let him deal with it - just keep me out of it.
I wish I could rely on my DH
I wish I could rely on my DH to be as strong as yours is. My husband had a heart attack last year, died twice on the table and had to have a pacemaker put in and strangely... that only made the problems with the sk's worse. Now he wants to bend over backwards to give them their way so they will not stop talking to him, which they threaten to do a lot. To get him to be strong about aplogies or anything else is fight after fight and then the problems that comes when they stop talking to him and he resents me for it. Or heaven forbid that after we had not talked to sd20 in months and she calls from jail I said "Bet you 20 dollars she wants you to pay her bail, the only reason she is calling is because she wants something." OMG that started a fight, he said he knew I was probably right but do I have to point it out? Anyway I am so happy for you that your husband is so great and you can trust him to do the right thing by you as far as his kids are concerned. Bravo!