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Card from SD sent 2 days late and this is what she said......

LONGTIME SM's picture

"Hope you have a wonderful Birthday Dad! I wish you a year filled with good health, lots of love, and hopefully more of me. Please tell the family hi for me! Hope all is well....."

"Hopefully more of SD 35? " Really? Seriously? SD 35 is working really hard to try to convince EVERYONE that the reason H has not seen much of SD has nothing to do with her own actions for the past 3 years!

This is the same SD that refused to talk to her father (except for some screaming rants here or there) for the past 3 years in an attempt to emotionally blackmail H to get her hands on her father's inheritance from her grandmother. The same SD that admitted telling her father a couple of years ago that she liked her life without him in it! The same SD that told ME a multitude of reasons why she could not work to visit or even talk to her father more! She told ME that she couldn't drop by to visit H during the day although she was within 1/4 mile of his office because " she doesn't do drivebys" and that she did not want to meet him for coffee without us around because "he would be two differant people if she saw him seperately from myself and bios???" - and on and on.

I suppose she thinks that we are all stupid and have no recollection of the above facts????? I also suppose she thinks we are so stupid that we forgot all of the nasty calls she made to H over the past 3 years??????? That she told H that he "was no father"?????

I also wonder who she was referring to when she told him to tell "the family" Hi! We have no names now - she can't bring herself to use our NAMES!!!! Biggrin

This despite the fact that she has on numerous occasions tried to contact my bios behind our backs and she has now resorted to using the stepgrand kids to try to get to them.

As she told me how much she disliked me over and over in a phone call we exchanged a few months ago "because I had control over sadults as children - the example she gave was that H would make them come tell me goodbye when they left my home after EOWE visits?????? Yeah I know it is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY !!!!!!!!!


Will these idiots EVER GROW UP And ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS? I quess somehow I am being blamed for this now too instead of placing the blame on herself and her own H's laziness.

Ironically - SD 35 and SS 36 seem to not want a relationship with H unless he is chasing after them. I wonder if the driving force here is more about the control that that situation gives them or the fact that H in chase mode seems to them to indicate love?????

A recent example of this is SD's notice to H that SS 36 had some recent panic attacks that sent him to the emergency room. When SD 35 calls H for his birthday (big shock there!!!) I hear H dutuifully inform her that he had called SS 26 and left a messsage twice! SO SD's little notification had the desired effect H was back cahsing SS 36 because GUESS WHAT - H INFORMED ME THAT SS 35 COULD NEVER BE BOTHERED TO CALL BACK!!!!

Big suprise there! Since SD 35 and SS 36 are up each other's A** all the time I know full well that she knew that guilting Daddy into responding to SS 36 would be met with NO RESPONSE from SS36! But there it is - for some reason getting Daddy back chasing after one of them is SOOOOOOO important to them.

Right now I am just going to continue to sit back and watch it unfold. Has H learned anything from all of this or will he go back to his old pattern of chasing them only to be snubded, ignored, blamed and cursed over and over again???????

LONGTIME SM's picture

Thanks for responding goforit. No these two never feel an ounce of shame for any of the ridiculous things that they have done or the mean things they have said over many, many years now. Instead, they and the old dried up hag BM 60 (ODUH BM) seem to just blame Longtime for everything. After all, they would not have to resort to behaving like they do if only Longtime would have made H give them all of his inheritance, give them acess to her children, or tell their father to leave her minor children unattended or tell the minnor bios that they can not particiapte in after school events etc. because H should be spending time with their middle aged A**es and their spawn instead!

They even think that they are so smooth that Longtime can not tell when they are being passive agressive,ugly, or their jealousy shows through their body language, the little inuendos they mutter, or through their expressions. They want to pretend that in all of these years that Longtime has not overheard their complaints to family members (as though no one else would ever tell us what vile they spout.)

I recently recalled an event that occurred within a week after H's mother passed. SS 35 drove up in a brand new vehicle. The vehicle had all the extras. I did not pay much attention to it at the time but SS 35 all of a sudden wanted H's input over whether the tricked up vehicle was a good buy - I quess he had it on loan for a couple of days. Turned out he couldn't afford it and had to setle for something less but I could tell he was mad with Daddy because Daddy did not make his middle age dream come true.....I suppose it never occurred to him that Daddy also needed a new car since his was falling apart at that time. I don't think that SS 35 ever came straight out and asked for the money but he did a lot of hinting around and shortly after H did not ante up the silent treatment began anbd continues today. All becuase Daddy did not give him money. Any middel aged adult that expects daddy to finance his car will obviously never grow up but I suppose in his mind it is Longtimes fault becuase without her there would be no second family and he is convinced that Daddy's money would be his.

The ironic part is that Longtime has supported the family for a good part of the time since SS 35 was young so in reality without Longtime in the picture Daddy would not be living so well.......Stupid SS 35 and SD 36 NEVER even seem to consider this fact..........

LONGTIME SM's picture

Thanks,saffron5567. It is ironic that in our case after trying for years to get Daddy to ante up money the issue has now revolved to these middle aged steps now supposedly wanting and needing his time. It was nauseating to listen to these so called adult children whining away!!!!!!! :sick: It is soooooo obvious that this is but another attempt to gain attention and/or some form of control or attention - because if they truly wanted to have more time with H they would not ignore his calls and would not have a million excuses why they can not make an effort to see him and why the amount of time he is able to give is not good enough!!!!! Just saying the OBVIOUS!!!!!! Sad

I suppose it will be something else next.......whatever they can find to whine about or to make others feel sorry for them........ They seem fixated on being the victims!!!!! Even though they are the ones that are angry with Daddy and his "family" and were the ones that refused to talk to him except for the screaming fits for over three years now they now are doing everyting possible to try to give family and others the impression that Longtime is keeping them from their daddddddyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! Even Daaaadddyyyy telling them that this is not so does not change thier story......Waaaaa Waaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaa!!!!!! :sick:

It dawned on me why the POS SD35 told H to "tell his family hi for her"....... it was just another way to try to get at H to let H know she felt that she was NOT family......more whinnnniiiinnnning. She gives H more credit than he deserves though as this went straight over H's head!!!!!!!

Me, I remain silent on EVERYTHING and continue to sit back and listen to the whining.....Waaaaa Waaaaaa! }:) But oh that's right SD 35 got mad because Longtime did not "make" her adult H call SD 35 more often!!!!! Quite a quandry now regarding what Longtime is expected to do as SD 35 in the VERY SAME CONVERSATION called LONGTIME names for supposedly controlling H and NOT "letting" him call SD 35 and SS 36. What to do ???????

sandye21's picture

SD36 didn't even call her HD on his birthday, nor did she send a card. He seemed really hurt when he mentioned it but gave some lame excuse about her being so 'busy'. PLEASE!!! I think she was mad that the tantrum she pulled before Christmas, and all of the nasty games she and her hubby played did not result in the divorce she's always hoped for.