Not allowed to go out anymore? :-(
OK...I don't have kids of my own and still on the fence about having one kid in the future. I just want to focus on my career and life for time being. I've been with this guy who has two kids (son 2, daughter 4) for a year. We don't live together, but are in a semi-dating/relationship. I do not want to move in with him as I've always wanted to own my own condo in the city on the lakefront, a plan I will finally put into works come next year.
Normally I see him every other day and the kids every weekend, I spend the entire Fri-Sun with him and his kids.
Summer is a coming and I've been out the past couple weekends shopping buy cute clothes and shoes, also been working out and doing hot yoga classes with my gf. So my time with the kids has been limited to a couple hrs Sat and a couple hrs Sun.
BF is getting ticked with me and so is his female friend (who is preggy with her 5th child.) I thought I made good friends with her too so I didn't think she'd get pissed at me over kids tht aren't even hers.
They're telling me that I am being selfish with my time now that the kids have gotten used to me. That now these kids are used to seeing me all weekend I need to make a commitment to that. I said to his female friend, 'Well I do have a life and I do like to enjoy time off to myself." Her response?? "Really?? Cause you're leaving those kids by themselves as a consequence." I felt sooooooooooo GUILTY.
She had made it abundantly clear when I first met her that if I walk out on their lives she would be there looking for me, cause she loves those kids.
His kids like me, I mean don't get me wrong but they definetely aren't calling me mom and they certainly don't take me seriously as a supposed stepmom. When I tell them to do something, his daughter gives me this look like I'm a joke. I wouldn't even call my role anywhere close to stepmoom, more like the fun auntie that drops by.
I'm going to a lounge this weekend for my gf's 30th birthday. I haven't even told him or his friend cause I don't want to hear it. I just said I was going to work extra hours on Sat night.
This really sucks. Like he's an awesome guy and we get along great, I just hate having the monkey on my back that I'm not "allowed" to I'm tied down. Why did they have to say those things?? Now I have that in the back of my mind.
Who is this "friend" of his,
Who is this "friend" of his, she seems way to involved in your relationship and that would worry me. It also sounds like maybe you don't want to be a involved with someone with that much baggage right now. Your young and succesul you have things you want like a condo, maybe you should focus on that. If you are with him then you need to sit down with him and discuss your future, what you expect from eachother in this relationship. I think he may want something different then you. But I would talk ot him and also ask about what is with his "friend and why is she in on all your business.
Do what you want while it is
Do what you want while it is still only your life. And do NOT feel guilty. this is all this is all different.
You're able to purchase a condo on a lake front? You go girl!..that's great!!
But this paragraph is interesting......"His kids like me, I mean don't get me wrong but they definetely aren't calling me mom and they certainly don't take me seriously as a supposed stepmom. When I tell them to do something, his daughter gives me this look like I'm a joke."
She's 4 years old and already giving that look to someone who's like "an auntie"?? On don't want to know or see what that "look" turns to when she's 14. Because it'll probably be against the law to slap it. Trust me, it won't be pretty and you won't be happy.
And his lady friend?? What is that all about?
You sound very go lucky in life, you sound like you're heading in a great're enjoying life. You don't answer to these guys, they answer to you and can only pray that someone with you fun spirit and ability to make good money can be a part of their lives. They shouldn't be making you feel guilty.
And the 4 year old's "look".......not good at all!!
Pease please...print out what you've posted here, then buy/read the book STep Monster. Then take a deep breath and give this sitation some serious though.
Good sound like someone I'd hoped my brother would have married.
Well....I think they're
Well....I think they're saddling me with responsibility cause it's been a year that I have been seeing this guy. I made it clear that I enjoy living on my own and want to buy my own place.
I said I was going away to visit my sister this month, his female friend said, "Well don't go on birthday!!!"
His lady friend is liking really pushy with me about these kids, but tells me to my face "I knew them since they were born, I've changed their diapers and bathed them. I was their original baby mama!! So don't eff it up!" She's a bully, yes. And I assume she's looking out for them. She's also one of BF best friends I guess. She used to have a crush on him for a long time, but then married his best friend. I dunno...
I ain't telling them I'm going to a lounge. I think they want me to start acting like a "mom." That doesn't go out and is dedicated to the kids?
Then they make me feel stupid when I try to tell the kids to do something, like I know jack cause I'm not a parent.
This women and him are fishy,
This women and him are fishy, she likes him and couldn't have him so she got with his best friend, I know you love him but please think about what you are giving up and think about what you are getting into before you do anything with him.
I agree briar, i'd run a
I agree briar, i'd run a mile, OK, I'd run a quarter mile and make the rest a brisk walk! I'd seriously re consider the raising of the kids with this woman in tow, your every move will be questioned! A little snot at age 4 will be hell on wheels at age 14, TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!
I'd let the dysfunctional 'friends' raise these kids and get the hell out of dodge!
Why is this friend not leading her own life anyhow? It sounds like they just want a puppet here, check your hands and feet? Strings?? I thought not!
Assert yourself with ALL of them, especially with snotty girl. You can be friends with them all but I'd seriously re consider a relationship and I'd keep my independance. You might end up being sole provider if you are not careful! This whole thing seems to smack of a cowardly man who lets his 'friend' walk all over him and his kids to the extent whereby you are not welcome with any opinions different to theirs. You cannot change people, they will probably die trying to change you though; and the resentments that will ensue filter down to the kids, and on up from the kids, and it will be hell on wheels.
There are a ton of guys out there, by the way, who will value you as an indiviual.
>>"BF is getting ticked with
>>"BF is getting ticked with me and so is his female friend"<<
Why on earth does she have an opinion on what you do with your time? No no no, I would not be putting up with that mouth.
>>"Really?? Cause you're leaving those kids by themselves as a consequence."<<
I'm assuming the kids are with their dad, so they are not by themselves. Don't feel guilty, it's not worth your time.
>>"I'm going to a lounge this weekend for my gf's 30th birthday....I just said I was going to work extra hours on Sat night."<<
Please don't feel you have to tell lies in order to go out.
If you're already lying in your "semi-dating/relationship", then it's time to step back and look at how you are changing yourself to fit their obnoxious opinion that you are selfish with your time.
It sounds like you have a lot going for you, so think very carefully how that will change (and it WILL change), if you continue with this relationship.
Everyone is right- you
Everyone is right- you shouldn't feel guilty, this woman should mind her own business, etc. Let me also add, though, that as wonderful as this guy may be- he will ALWAYS have his kids and they are young. If he's like this now, imagine life as his wife. He will expect more out of you as his wife than if you were just a gf. Things may bot be serious now, but consider what things could be like if you did get serious with him. I just don't want to see you on this site in a year or so saying how 'in love' you are with this guy and 'things would be perfect without his kids', or you 'don't know if you are ready to play a motherly role, but you LOVE him' etc. (All phrases we've heard on here.) I'm tellingyou now, whatever issues you have now will only get biggest later- in any relationship. But it becomes more complicated when kids are involved. To me it seems like he expects morethan you are ready for right now (and that is ok!!! You don't have to be ready for that yet!!) and that maybe you should take a step back. Sounds like he is forcing you into somethig you aren't ready for and that you are at a crossroad- take a step forward or take a step back. My vote would be to take a step back and see what happens. If he doesn't like it then this isn't the relationship for you at this time. You sound goal oriented and level headed. His life seems complicated. Why enter a drama filled world when you can have a condo on the lake?
Same situation of a couple I
Same situation of a couple I know. Guy dated girl. He doesn't want to marry her, she marries another guy. Years later, after kids, they divorce.
Guy then drops by weekely for coffee with the old highschool sweetheart. Told her everything going on his life....girlfriends, family, business....everything. She helped him make telling what else she helped him with. Then guy finds new girl in town, she's got an education, excellent money making job, never married, tall.....he marries her.
Guess what....old flame is still in the picture and doesn't matter what anyone things. Doesn't matter that it upsets the wife. The old flame is still there with her supportive shoulder...and whatever else.
Nice guy,huh? Unhappy marriage....yeah!
Do you really need this?
I wouldn't like anyone telling me not to eff it up. She's definately controling and it sounds like the two are in cahoots....weird.
Hope you unload this guy pretty to to weird!!
Please read Step Monster....please please please.
Would you feel comfortable
Would you feel comfortable just moving on? His relationship with "friend" sounds too weird. She needs to mind her own business. You can do whatever you want. Dont' let her or him make you feel guilty you did nothing wrong!
I'd tell her you aren't interested in what she has to say. You don't have to be friends with her. You keep going out and doing what you want. I'm telling you that its way better not to get too involved with the children quickly, if ever.
This sounds like a movie where the "friend" ends up with the guy.
Do what you want to do with
Do what you want to do with your time. You are allowed to live your life however you please. They aren't your kids, their your boyfriend's kids. He has an obligation to them, but you? Not so much. His female friend seems a little over bearing and just plain nuts. You don't owe anyone anything, and the fact that you spend time with his kids and treat them well is enough.
Don't feel guilty for having a life. Enjoy it! You've earned your freedom. The best thing you can do for his kids, if you really want to be with him, is to take things slow and not jump into being a "stepmom" to them. I frequently enjoy outings by myself or even with my daughter when my SD is here and I don't feel guilty about it at all. If someone tried to give me a guilt trip about having a life, I'd tell them to shove it.
I had to add one thing
I had to add one thing because your post really got me. You seem so much like I used to be, independent and on top of your life. Don't change it. Please. You don't want to be me. Just keep your distance and have your life. Its ok and there is nothing wrong with it. If he can't handle it, that is his problem
Otherwise, you end up like me undoing being so involved and trying to detangle yourself. You're already not tangled, keep it that way.
I agree that you should
I agree that you should brooch this conversation of your role in the kids lives now before its too late.
If you don't want to be a "mom" then don't let them guilt you into it. You can tell both your bf and his friend that your not in a mothering role, and would prefer to be kept as "the fun auntie"
Stop lying and enjoy your life. They're not your kids!
Good lord! Pretty sure this
Good lord! Pretty sure this "friend" also wants you to gain a bunch of weight, get a "mom" haircut and start wearing pants with elastic waistbands! Tell the aspiring "Mrs. Duggar" to pound sand and dump this guy before you lose "you." They can find some other poor unsuspecting woman to chain to the stove!
RED FLAG ALERT!!! He (and his
He (and his partner in crime) want you to assume the standard stepmom doormat role which is:
1. Drop YOUR life to revolve around HIS and his spawn's
2. Be maid, nanny, laundress, cook, secretary, financial backer of entitlement sessions/CS to the BM and bed buddy (his way of course)
3. Have no say or authority over any of the above
4. Let the skids and biodad along with the BM walk all over you and disrespect you and/or treat you like personna non grata
GET OUT NOW! You two are just
GET OUT NOW! You two are just dating and he wants you to "mommy" already! Oh no....I would walk away and NOT look back. I would just phase it out slowly and eventually just NOT show up! Run! Run! Run for the hills! You sound sooo much like me when I first started dating my DH.....Don't feel guilty for something that you are NOT doing are not their "mommy" or even their "stepmommy". You go out and have fun and don't worry about his crazy friend or him for that matter......Tell him you'll call him when you're ready to give up everything in your life for his past baggage. I know this may seem a little harsh but seriously you have NOTHING to feel guilty about. Sounds like he needs to date mother Teresa to me!
I think he's already dating
I think he's already dating his children. . .and mother teresa has been out of the lineup for several years.
Oh, hell no! He's already
Oh, hell no! He's already being weird about what you do and where you will only get worse as the "relationship" progresses.