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Can't open recent posts? (tracker)

overit2's picture

Anyone having this problem? On the menu bar I don't even see the option for recent posts (used to be Has this just changed??? Anything I'm not in the know about? Thx

stormabruin's picture

When you click on "My account" there used to be tab (the last one on the right) you could click on called "Track". If you opened that it'd show you all of the blogs/forum topics you've posted in & it'd show if there were any new comments in those. But it's gone now. :?

overit2's picture

Also, recent posts is gone???? I see the recent comments one but not the recent posts that was in the menu icon?

purpledaisies's picture

Yep same here I wonder if this has anything to do with them trying to update it so that it won't take so long to get in when there are a lot of people on?

DaizyDuke's picture

Probably system overload from the idiot spammers trying to sell purses and shoes... we should give them all our BM's email addresses and send them on their way.