shouldn't there be consistancy between NCP and guidelines setforth by CP on wknd visits?
I could go on for hours for days about our situation here,but I will try and spare anyone willing to suggest anything about one of our several issues... Recently my SS14 has "changed" a lot(for the worse at that) I have blogged and reached out a few times in the past about him.we have also arranged an in home visit by our local YSB. Only time will tell so long as we stick with or consistency.
Now comes issues w/my SS10. He is in special ed classes public school.Due to an illness and OTHER issues it is a sensitive situation. Recently he "opened up" to a school teacher (his aide) about "making out" w/his gf while he is out of town on wknd visits w/his ncp.He Chinese kisses her,French kisses her,they touch each other,and all of this in some "ditch", afterwords they play "house" and video games.He also said that he walked in on his cousin age 9 and family friend "touching" each other and according to the teachers they were also caught during oral sex!
This is all pretty serious,no doubt! the NCP whenever informed on any past issues has always claimed that,"what happens at her house is NONE of our business and what happens at our house is NONE of hers" or that "she don't care". Yet this is the same person that has called DCFS on us a few times all due to her assumptions of our much stable home!
I believe BOTH homes should be consistent on how bio/step kids are raised.It does matter with what is going on in BOTH homes because 1 does effect the other! Especially w/our 10 yr old not to mention the ss14 as well!
Due to the severity of my ss10's information that was questioned ONLY because the teachers NOTICED a change themselves in the poor kid and they inquired on their own.They then had the school therapist speak w/him-same story same tune.The school decided to report the bm to DCFS! We were told by the schiool that they would be visiting her FRI AM as of FRI @5PM we had to drop the two at the swap for the CO wknd visit w/the NCP out of town not knowing anything! Not sure what will become of all of this????
IT DOES MATTER DOESN'T IT? WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED OF IMPORTANT ISSUES LIKE THIS RIGHT? IS THERE SOMETHING IN PARTICULAR THAT WE HAVE TO FILE OR THAT WE CAN DO OURSELVES WHILE WAITING FOR DCFS RESULTS OR AFTER? I mean with this type of stuff,isn't it catagorized as either neglect(for not supervising play) or sexual abuse for the "acts" named or at least ss10 being exposed to it?
Do not really have a clue now. Our local county building acts as though we r "pulling teeth" when we seek info on "papers to file" No, we do not have an attorney.It was our 1yr anniv. 03-16-11 for getting our final judgement in family court where WE prevailed! The judge EVEN told the BM he would not reward her for being a reparent! At that time we were represented by "legal aide" and they cannot assist us again until there is an "active" case and according to the courts judgement is good for 2yrs here.
Sadly, although I understand
Sadly, although I understand the need for both homes to be DECENT, ie. the crazy mother should be supervising her kids, honestly, her house, her rules...your house, your rules. You wouldn't want someone else dictating how you run things in your house, you also shouldn't do the same. However, that doesn't mean that if something is out of whack at the mom's house, you shouldn't report it to CPS, or whatever. Sadly, CPS doesn't really get involved in pathetic parenting much, just in major abuse and neglect...
At the end of the day, these kids, sadly, are the product of two that is decent, the other who is not so decent. Makes you wanna beat your DH over the head for sleeping with such a crazy woman, doesn't it? I know it does me! }:)
As much as it is preferable
As much as it is preferable for both households to try to keep the same standards, I don't know if there is anything you can do short of having DSS involved. If the NCP is allowing the child to endanger him/herself by their lack of supervision or permissiveness, maybe that will mean something to a judge, maybe not.
Hang in there and consult an attorney.