what exactly is child support for?
I'm just curious for other opinions. Is child support for food and shelter only? My stepchildrens mother asks us for money for everything. We pay a monthly child support payment, but she wants us to pay for half of everything else on top of that. She'll buy them clothes and expect us to pay for half. Or she'll tell us we need to pay for school pictures because she paid for them last time. We have to give them money for lunch. Each issue might not cost a lot, but it adds up, and it's the principal. It just ends up feeling like we are paying for everything.
Sadly, whatever the
Sadly, whatever the custodial parents wants.
We had originally wanted reciepts for things to make sure that the money was actually going to SS and not accumulating in BMs bank acct, and the judge said absolutely not. The child support was there to help the child lead a happy healthy life, but it was at the sole discretion of the custodial parent how that money was put to use.
Basically it's to make sure the non-custodial parent is helping financially, but there's no way to prove that the money goes to the child...It's BS, really.
There is no way to make
There is no way to make parents who are together and raising a child spend the money they earn on the child either. Such is life.
CS is all you are to pay...not half of everything AND CS. Your CO states you are to pay X amount of $ each month and that's all. In regards to school pictures, just order your own package seperate from her, don't give her any reason to say she did YOU a favor by paying for something.
Exactly! What sactown girl
Exactly! What sactown girl is describing is alimony disguised as CS. I wouldn't give her another dime on top of the CS that's paid & tell her if she has a problem with it, then she's going to have to take you to court.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
AGREE.....this is the
AGREE.....this is the 'winning' ansa
CS pays for food, clothing, basic school requirements and other bits and pieces like bedding, sports, haircuts birthday parties, driving to and fro
it should cover HALF of the USUAL expenses incurred from bringing up children.
It also wants to make sure that the child of a millionaire can still live to some extent, like a child of a millionaire even though millionair father has moved on to another life....
Ive got skids and I have kids of my own....and I say to my ex husband - and it usually shuts him up - your children wrecked my figure so Im entitled to get some compensation in the form of CS. (i wld rather have my kids than a good figure anyday but I dont care what I say to him....) Mind you....he decides to go jobless so he dont have to pay for his kids....havent seen a present for christmas or birthdays for over 4 years...oh maybe one last year...it doesnt matter....
however I have been astounded at the generousity of my DH to the BM lately....
if you have receipts of paying half of what ever....send them off to the CS agency as you are entitled to be reimbursed as long as you show proof it went on expenses for bringing up your children...
my ex tried to claim paying taxes on the house that he hadnt paid mortgage on for 6 years...he got laughed at....he is such a dick
So when reading this, I have
So when reading this, I have a question....
"if you have receipts of paying half of what ever....send them off to the CS agency as you are entitled to be reimbursed as long as you show proof it went on expenses for bringing up your children..."
We have custody of my boys during the summers, but are still paying outrageious child support. Can we keep our reciepts for their food and diapers and such to send in and be reimbursed for? BC that would significantly help our finacial situation during the summer trying to care for five on half the paycheck of one.
You shouldn't have to pay any more than the child support unless you want to. BM shouldn't expect it. In my state each parent pays their share for CS and that is that. My husband doesn't get much CS from BM (she lied in court about her income) One thing that bugs me is people think that the custodial parent is being taken care of because the NCP is paying child support. Believe me that is not the case here. It still costs to put a roof over a child's head, feed, clothe, and pay for all their needs. Believe me my husband and I pay way more than the measly $400.00 per month that BM is ordered to pay. BM only gets the children in the summer. To me it is easier to stroke a check for that amount than it is to actually have the children fulltime. It is an act of Congress for us to be able to go anywhere. We have to pay a babysitter etc..... Sorry in our case no way will we should EVER have to account to BM on how we spend CS. Her CS doesn't even take care of daycare much less any other of the children's needs.
For us....
Child Support is BMs beer money. Sad but true - told oldest SD's fiance to take her card and go buy beer. He wouldn't do it. Sad....
That is exactly what my SS's
That is exactly what my SS's BM uses child support for. That and her cigarettes
us too, the BM brags about
us too, the BM brags about her drinking on FB all the time, stays up drinking by herself chatting on the computer until 3 am on the weekends she has the SS. refuses to pay for hair cuts or anything too!
that is so sad. bm in my
that is so sad. bm in my case same way. she has a bf now but when she didnt it was bars all week long. even left skids alone to go to bar. 11 is oldest and my state doesnt have an age to be left home alone.
Yep. my bf bm spend it on
Yep. my bf bm spend it on beer drugs and stuff for herself. she call last week saying the boys had no clothes that fit them est but this week she is showing off her new $200 cell phone...
our BM spends it on lesbian
our BM spends it on lesbian conventions and cigarettes....oh and i think drugs and church...
fricken useless hypocrite...
our BM spends it on lesbian
our BM spends it on lesbian conventions and cigarettes....oh and i think drugs and church...
fricken useless hypocrite...
My DH child support pays BM
My DH child support pays BM car payment every month and buys cell phones and video games; while the kids walk around stinking and dressing like trash.
It is the step-parents!
It is the step-parents fun money for having to put up the bio-parents BS ......Just kidding!
My understanding is that CS is for supporting the child in the home of the custodial parent. When I looked at the CS worksheets, and it gave the break down of each parent it seems as if they take both the incomes and divided it as if the parent lived together and each part went to support the child in the home of the custodial parent. It goes towards the total care of the child, the roof over their head, the food they eat, and etc.
I would not pay any extra if I did not have to, but as being a custodial step-parent, DH has not seen any CS from the dead-beat BM for over a year and it is very fusterating. I am sorry for your situation
CS is all you have to pay
Just b/c she asks for more doesn't mean you have to give up more. All you are legally required to pay is the cs and that is it. However, if you have a little extra, and your skids are playing sports, etc...you really should try to help with that. The cs is designed to cover the actual costs of roof, meals, and clothing. It isn't designed for extra activities. On the flip note, cs is designed to cover "standard of living"...now I know a lot of parents out there don't get what I'm talking about, but for those of you that pay almost $1k per month per kid know that it doesn't cost $1k. Cs is calulated to give the children the same standard of living that they received when the two parents were together. Often times non-cus. parents end up handing over half their paychecks to their former spouse, and their kids really don't see the benefit from that, and that is why so many people are against cs.
If she is nickeling a diming you for every little thing, just don't send the extra you don't want to. You aren't required to pay for school pictures, but if you want some, maybe order your own, that way your not paying $35 for one picture, while bm get's to determine the rest.
I think your situation is that she is spending your dh's money w/o your guys approval first. She signs the skids up for whatever, and hands the bill to you. Set some boundaries if you can, and determine what you think is appropriate. You are not the bad guys b/c you don't feel like buying the kids' clothes when it's really moms spending spree....
Good luck,
I hate being nickle and dimed too
Our children's mom likes to call us at the last second for stuff. It's annoying but she hasn't done it in a long time. Last year though, on Easter morning in fact, she called around 8am EST and she's in CST, she wanted to buy the 3 girls a new trampoline since their's had a rip in the cover and a couple springs missing. She'd told us (him) that it would cost so much to fix the tear and she knows a guy who could do it and maybe fix the springs yaddah, but the fix wouldn't last forever. So she decided on her own to buy them a new one. Mind you it's 8AM in the morning...did she do all that research at 6am?? Nope. She's already done the research and didn't tell us it was broken before but wants money for half! So he sent her the money. She did the same thing a couple months later for $300 in clothes that we had to pay half for. I threw a fit and cried my eyes out to NOT send the money...who do we know what it's for?! I'd LOVE to get proof of what she's buying but I can't do that. She already got him for a ton of CS and then on Aug 1 and Dec 1 we have to pay an extra $300 for school and christmas presents...leaving us nothing to get them...which leads to her telling them to ask us for cell phones and laptops. Thanks a lot chick!
I don't even want to get into the day she got mad at us (him) for not calling when the two oldest (12, 8 ) had surgery. We only knew about the younger one having surgery to fix her septum in her nose. I had to appologize to the older girl when she was with us for our only alloted 3 week in the summer for not calling or caring about her surgery because we had no clue about it at all. The only way we knew about the younger girl was because she TOLD us. We didn't call her because the last thing she needed was to talk to someone on the phone when she needs to be resting. I told the older girl that we just didn't know about it and we were sorry. Both girls had the same surgery a week apart. All we got was the bill. I thought it was about her knee because she was having issues about that.
/rant off
BM gets CS but can't make
BM gets CS but can't make ends meet...actually takes the swins bday money for groceries & gas -- she told them "someday I'll pay you back.
$100 from each is gone. Best part though is when Swin told me "SCREW YOU" when I told him to buy a bike with your birthday money b.c. he said he had to help his mother who works 2 jobs & goes to school (she doesn't work one job but occasionally bartends under-the-table). Obviously swin blames me for BM predictament. I was shocked but said back to him "SCREW YOU". He cried for hours in the room after & I tried to apologize for upsetting him but he wouldn't look at me. Next day he got over it though but I am shocked at BM taking their $$. Also their electronics go missing from BM's as she resells them. How bizzare is that? But DH says nothing to her. I think the message is clear: she's a lousy mother and DH enables it to continue while I'm the wicked stepmom for thinking its messed up.
husbands ex wife receiving child support for herself help!!
My husband has been paying child support for his daughters since they were 13 and 15. Now his oldest daughter is 20 and is taking 12 credits at college. the 20 year old resides away from dorm and has her own apartment,works,bought her own car and car pays for her own car insurance.she is self sufficient.my stepdaughter told my husband that her mother needs the money. even though their divorce papers states she is self supporting the ex wife.the 18 year old also is told not to move out or get a full time job or i will lose your fathers money. My husband hardly makes any money and is left with 400 week.even though I am married to him she is benefiting as though they are still married.I have 2 sons from my former marriage age 15 and 11 who are minors. we know she uses the money on herself hair nails and clothes going to bars and these girls have told me they get nothing,but are still on their mothers side. My husband went to court for a change of circumstances and his daughter was asked by the judge if she received any cash. my step daughter the 20 year old said no but she pays my cell phone bill!!!!! I have had it. We are waiting for a decision if she can become emancipated but from the tone of the judge she told my husband that she doesnt think she will grant it. WHY we have no more money for lawyers.my ex husband stopped paying his support and now that isnt even coming in any more and he has minor children.I am trying to hold onto my house but this woman has money. inheritance. my husband was recently diagnosed with something serious and she knows this and can get him out from the system but she doesnt care.How can people be like this.any suggestions.
Unless specifically stated,
Unless specifically stated, child support pays for the general and overall support of the children, no matter what that be; A roof over their heads, tooth paste, food in their stomachs, clothes, water, heat, electricity, school activities. Obviously, a CP is going to have heat and electricity bills even w/o kids there but they do impact it and it is necessary for the good of the children and does go towards "supporting" them and it's a little bit ridiculous to say that a CP has to track everything for that because some of those things are not always specific JUST to the children (i.e., food - which is typically a pretty regular and significant monthly cost). Unless something is specifically excluded or stated separately in the papers, then nothing else is required of the NCP.
For instance: My DH's papers state that he carries the health insurance for the children. Ex-wife is to pay X amount of dollars each month AND 1/2 of all out-of-pocket medical costs for children.
Things like school pictures are not addressed and are not a necessity for the children. They're a want of the parent(s). So each parent should buy his or her own set.
New cars, tattoos, vacations,
New cars, tattoos, vacations, etc.......
Don't pay crap but the CS and whatever else is stipulated in the Judgment. You get no credit either financially or as a "good parent" for anything outside of the Judgment.
We are the CP side of our blended family but I have friends that are the NCP and fight this constantly. There is no accountability on how a CP spends CS money.
BM had never paid child
BM had never paid child support in the past 13 years. My husband did not ask for it in the divorce. He just wanted the kids and for her to go away. The judge did not like it but he did it. So, over the years she never paid support and we never asked although from time to time she would buy them shoes or something like that. Well, it was time to buy school clothes for 3 high school kids, (by this time we were pretty friendly). She said that they really didnt have any money to contribute and could we pay for all of it and she would pay later. So we bought the clothes at a cost of $1800.00. This included supplies and stuff needed for sports and such. At the end of the day, she comes to me and thanks me for buying all the clothes and things. Like she always buys them and appreciates us footing the whole bill. I got pissed because she was saying it more like I was doing HER a favor! She would have been doing us the favor had she contributed to the cause. I said, "the kids would have gotten clothes whether you asked me to pay for your share or not. We have always provided for the kids so dont thank me for doing what I always do anyway." That was several years ago, and now that I look back at it, and I probably feel this way because she is no longer alive, I may have over reacted but I was so aggrevated that she was treating me like the one that was supposed to help her out. She never paid for anything! And then to thank ME for not paying for anything again! We bought them every year before this so why was this different? AGGHHHHHH!!!!
Holy cow...my jaw dropped at
Holy cow...my jaw dropped at the $1800 mention!!! I can't fathom it.
Wouldn't the CS stop???
I have been with my husband for 10 years and in that 10 years, he has paid approximately $50k in CS. His daughters are 12 & 15. The 15 year old decided to move in with us and the CP(her mom, my husband's ex) is signing the custody papers, giving my husband full custody of her. So, now the 12 year old is with CP and the 15 year old is with us. But the CP still wants CS. Shouldn't the CS stop, since they each have one daughter?
Also, the reason why he has paid so much to CP in the past 10 years. Is because he was an OTR truck driver for the first 5 years and made alot more money than CP. So she filed for an increase. And at the time of that hearing, they informed my husband that if he ever took a job that was less paying on purpose, he couldn't file for a decrease. So even though he is no longer in that profession, he couldn't get a decrease because they told him that they could make him pay the amount based off of his old employer.
The problem with your idea is that it is too logical and makes
too much sense. And of course in a blended family situation we can't have anything making sense now can we.
The other challenge of implementing your idea is that it makes so much sense that the head of any Family Law judge would spin around on their shoulders and flames would shoot out of the their eyes because their brains would over heat from the synaptic overload of having something put it front of them that would require them to actually make a decision that makes sense.
Keep us up to speed on how this works out for you.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Well then maybe something needs done with the judges who do
make the final decisions that have trouble making the logical decisions that make sense. Because that is the right & fair way to do the CS in my DH's case and probably many others who have gone through the same thing as him & I are.
Update to our situation....there was to be a hearing on Sept. 15th, but my DH and his ex worked out a compromise. Because she wouldn't except terminating the CS. So, DH's CS is being decreased from $450 a month to $150 a month. Which that extra $300 in our pockets will help, but isn't fair. But according to DH's ex, it is fair because we qualify for the OK state free insurance (SoonerCare) with no co-pays for his daughter living with us, because DH doesn't have insurance offered through his job and our income is low and the ex has to have the other daughter on her insurance through her job which has co-pays and won't even try to get the state insurance because it doesn't make her look good. And his ex doesn't feel that it is fair that we have no co-pays and she does. So even though I don't feel it is fair or right, that is what is happening.
(No subject)
???What!?? $50k in 10 years
???What!?? $50k in 10 years is NOTHING for 2 kids! I have one kid and get $15grand a year, but do pay for everything...sports, all clothing, etc.
If the bm is recieving child
If the bm is recieving child support that should be used for whatever the children need. She may ask for more but you don't have to give it to her. As long as the child support is being paid on time each month thats it.
My dh pays child support and it is alot so anything else she needs she will have to get herself.
I am a bm as well and my ex pays child support (when he is about to go to jail) and he is suppossed to pay 60% medical bills although the time and effort it took to get that out of him was not worth it for me. The only time I did file for anything med/denal was my bs braces. THey added alittle extra monthly to his child support payments until his portion was paid off. He did not just hand me the money
If the bm is recieving child
If the bm is recieving child support that should be used for whatever the children need. She may ask for more but you don't have to give it to her. As long as the child support is being paid on time each month thats it.
My dh pays child support and it is alot so anything else she needs she will have to get herself.
I am a bm as well and my ex pays child support (when he is about to go to jail) and he is suppossed to pay 60% medical bills although the time and effort it took to get that out of him was not worth it for me. The only time I did file for anything med/denal was my bs braces. THey added alittle extra monthly to his child support payments until his portion was paid off. He did not just hand me the money
I don't agree, after divorce
I don't agree, after divorce each is on their own to make their own lifestyle and neither parent is responsible for the other.
As for school supplies, clothes, and sports that the CP purchases that is all from CS.
I definately don't agree
I definately don't agree that clothing, extracurriculars, etc .... are in addition to CS. CS takes everything with the exception of medical expenses in to consideration. We attempted to get BioDad to cough more money for sports costs, musical instruments, lessons and the Judge very clearly indicated that all of those things were included in CS. And my SS's BioDad was only paying $130/Mo in CS at the time.
So, CS covers everything but medical expenses not covered by insurance and those should be split equally between the BioParents. Which, though I am married to a CP who receives CS from a worthless POS NCP BioDad is only fair. NCP fathers tend to get hosed in Family Courts and even I can empathize with their plight.
If a Divorce Decree indicates otherwise that is another thing all together. But, if it is not stipulated in a Divorce Decree CS covers everything but medical expenses.
Just my thoughts and experience of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
That is the case in OR where
That is the case in OR where my SS's CO was created. CS continues until age 24 as long as the kid is in good standing with the school. At age 18 or upon graduation from HS (whichever is later) CS ceases to go to the CP and goes directly to the kid if the kid is a full time college student.
I have no problem with this. Of course I am married to the CP so I guess I would not have a problem with this. We told our son (my SS) that if he lets the SpermIdiot off the hook for CS during college that he would loose an equivalent amount of support from his mom and I. So, if he lets his SpermIdiot off the hook for the $380/mo in CS he actually looses $760/mo in support.
He decided that he is not ready for college and joined the AF. So the SpermIdiot is off the hook for college since SS is signing up for 6yrs. He will pay for college on his own with his education benefits from the service.
If he successfully completes his enlistment and keeps his grades up in school we will help him with a car, room, board, books, etc... since he will effectively be paying for his tuition himself. His SpermIdiot will not contribute a dime.
I think part of the reason SS is enlisting is because he does not want to deal with the crap the SpermClan will give him if he nails them for CS for college. He has had to deal with their whining and bitching about how broke they are from paying his CS and visitation travel costs and how that takes food out of the mouths of his three younger also out-of-wedlock half sibs by to more baby mamas for nearly his entire life.
His mom and I will have his back. As we always have.
I totally disagree and
I totally disagree and considering that MOST americans are not "Country Clubbers" generally after divorce the man gets screwed! Most men I know including my own BF got the short end of the stick because laws favor the women. If a man has to move and end up renting then the mother need to rent too if that is all she can afford. Child support is just that money to assist in shelter, clothes and food for the children. Most kids are fine as long as they are in a safe, clean environment so it sometimes mean after divorce the woman might have to do things a little differently. In our case it isnt BF's job to make sure his exwife live a certain lifestyle nor the kids, why does it mean the man has to suffer in most cases? Most women use child support to cater to a lifestyle and rarely does the majority of it go toward child expenses even though that is the intent.
Of course alimony is a whole different topic but to the original poster, I would not entertain another dime outside of child suport unless it is something you both decide you want to do for the children or assist with. However keep in mind you will never be rewarded for doing extra unfortunately.
Sorry my post was responding
Sorry my post was responding to Kayro LOL
CS covers school
CS covers school clothes....
fricken hell...
if the father is going to go down to the shops and buy the school clothes for his children he keeps his receipt and claims a reiumbursment....but wot father wld do that....thats why the mothers get CS so this receipt stuff for the essentials dont get too complicated....
You should see what my ex tries to get reiumbursed...its a joke...
My DH's ex does this too.
My DH's ex does this too. She gets $1,000 a month for their 2 kids CS and has us paying co-pays and anything else they seem to want. I don't know how many e-mails we have gotten from SD and BM asking for extra money for stupid things. We have been asked to buy a horse and pay for all of it's stall and food fees. DH is kinda helping with it, which pisses me off. It's all these extra things that keep my kids in crappy clothes and shoes and they never get to do things they want. We're just scrimping and saving as much as we can to get my girls in the girl scouts now. It's truly a never ending battle unless you have a great lawyer.
CS is all they should get, i
CS is all they should get, i have finally got my hubby to stop giving BM extra, she gets CS only now and it is more than enough anything else she wants to do with the kids is her problem.
They take the kids they should be financially responsible too.. they think it is their god given right to be paid to look after their own children. We had a major CS issue with BM ahe took the kids off hubby and called CS and therefore his amount went up to nearly $1300 per month and she was living in her parents house in one bedroom with his 2 kids and her other kid all together. Now where was all that money going?????? certainly not food and shelter but she was seen out partying every weekend while the kids were with her parents. HMMMM i guess she could afford it. CS is a joke they dont have to justify a cent of where that money goes
By the law in our state I
By the law in our state I have been lead to believe that CS is to provide for the basic needs of the child; food, shelter, clothes, etc... Things like sports, school pictures, etc., should be paid for by the parent getting cs and if they want help paying for it they should ask, not demand. It is your choice if you want to contribute anything more than the cs you are paying!! You should not feel obligated to pay for all these extras (they are included in the cs guideline), aside for your share of medical/dental. What does the separation agreement/divore decree say?
My SS's BM tried this with
My SS's BM tried this with us. She's getting CS & Spousal Maintenance and was having a hard time making ends meet. Last year she asked for Ched's father to buy a new pair of shoes for school. We had a couple extra pair, so instead of buying a BRAND NEW PAIR, we sent him home with an extra pair. She was NOT happy. Hubby told her, "You get money for child support and NO, I will not give you anymore. If you can't manage that much money, that's not my problem."
She claims she didn't have money for a halloween costume, but yet, Ched got a brand new stool for his bathroom, and a new video. Hmmm, priorities mama...learn priorities!
Cheer Up, things could get worse.
So I cheered up, and things got worse!
This is the best explanation
This is the best explanation of child support I have read. I agree 100% with what you have stated here. I wish my exhusband would read this and really understand it. He thinks his child support that he pays is funding my vacations (as if I have time to actually take one!!!) and shopping sprees (all the new clothes I own have been gifts from my current DH). He just doesn't get it at all.
^This, definitely.^ I am both
^This, definitely.^
I am both a stepmom married to a custodial father, and the custodial biomom of a child.
Saying child support money, garnishment cards, or whatever should be used on A, B, and C, but not on X, Y, and Z really oversimplifies the matter.
I never asked for an increase in support from my ex and never held him to the medical support obligations that were spelled out in addition to CS.
But if I want to buy a bottle of top-shelf liquor with the CS card, I will. Why? Because it doesn't make sense to nickel and dime every purchase. That child support is the MINIMUM amount of income my child's father should be contributing to the raising of our child; it doesn't BEGIN to cover half the expenses of raising our child. And if I use that card for $20, $100, or $1000 (ha! like that's possible) of nonessential purchases, all that means is that I'm using $20, $100, or $1000 dollars out of my bank account for the care or our child IN ADDITION to the $300, $1500, or $5000 I'm already spending for the care of our child.
It is unrealistic to expect custodial parents to tally every percentage point of every household expense used in the care of a child, or add up every purchase made for a child. That is exactly why the courts don't require it.
Now, if some of you think I'm some gold-digging biomom (sorry, but I CANNOT in good conscience call myself a BM), that is just not the case. I struggled beyond belief to feed and clothe our child while my ex was figuring out what kind of privacy fencing to install or whether he should buy a new or used hot tub. For years, I didn't even own a car or a computer. Once I had computer access, I worked full time AND went to college full time. And I didn't splurge on myself often, but you better believe that when I did, I wasn't going to lose a minute's sleep worrying about whether I'd deducted the expense from the right debit account.
On the other hand, my husband's ex is a selfish, selfish woman who does not pay a dime in child support, does not make the child do homework during their visits, and does not come to school events, but buys my stepchild extremely expensive game systems and such in order to be the most loved parent. My step is actually so freaking hungry for her affection that the method works beyond belief. Starve a kid enough and the crumbs will seem like a banquet, I guess. Do I have any doubt this woman would use CS in a way that left the child in need if she had custody and wasn't trying so hard anymore to look better than my husband? No, none.
But it's really irresponsible to assume that money is being misspent just because one account or another is used for purchases. Using a CS account instead of another for random purchases is no different from withdrawing from a CS account and putting the money in the family bank account.
"her holiness the golden
"her holiness the golden uterus" has put us thru the ringer on the cs issue. as far as i am concerned, in your case, as long as you have already paid cs..
unless you use the clothing too, dont pay for any of it.
unless you get copies of the school pics, dont pay for them, and if you do, only reimburse her for your pics.
if the skids are not with you on the days that you are being asked to pay for lunch, do not pay.
"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."
My opinion child support is
My opinion child support is for every normally daily expense ..period. Clothes, food, toothpaste, lunch money .. everything. The only exceptions would be large added expenses such as summer camp if it cost most than $300ish. My Son goes to summer camp and it is $1500. His dad has passed away but I can see that would be something I would not mind my dh paying for his kids .. but they don't go to camp. And, any time the kids are with us, vacations, movies, trips .. we pay and buy them whatever they want and they are allowed to take it home if they want.
If my dh's kids wanted something really expensive it would have to be talked about or maybe a b-day gift. Other than that the child support is for ALL the kids stuff.
BS you should pay for clothes or anything. Why else is she getting the money??
My husbands BM tries that crap all the time .. some times he gives in because he feels like he is going to be blamed .. for example a year pass to Great Adventure but most of the time (when I put my foot down!) he will say .. no that is what child support is for.
The BM would have him pay for everything AND get the check if she could get away with it and he probably would if I did not constantly say "NO". But I find men would rather give in than risk being bad mouthed by the BM. I make him stand up to her .. and normally he will listen about 97% of the time.
Unfortunately many idiot BMs
Unfortunately many idiot BMs treat CS as an entitlement program for bearing a man's child.
For these people CS is nothing more than a womb rental fee or prostitution on the installment plan and has very little to do with supporting the child(ren).
My Wife receives CS for my SS. We don't need the money. In fact we pretty much use CS as a way of limiting the impact of the SpermClan's stupid decisions on our Son (My SS). When they get stupid we inform them that if they do not stop what ever it is they are doing (that we don't like) that we will be filing for an ammendment of CS. We also tell them what the CS increase will likely be based on the state CS calculator.
For clarrification, THEY are the SpermIdiot (BioDad) and the SpermTroll (SpermGrandMa). She raises his three youngest out-of-wedlock spawn, pays his CS and is a manipulative toothless hag. (actually I believe she has teeth but referring to her as toothless helps describe her completely unappealling nature).
My point is that CS is intended to be used solely for the kids support. We also use it to protect him from the SpermIdiots.
CS is not a womb rental fee or prostitution installment payments. BMs who do not use it for the kid(s) are just praticing the worlds oldest profession.
The BM's that fall in to the entitlement category need to gain clarity that the child is not just HIS child. The Child is also YOUR child and that child needs to know that there is nothing more important to both BM and BioDad than their wellbeing.
BioDad's who are making womb rental payments need to quit being victims and do whatever they can to get custody of their kid(s) and limit the influence of the morally bankrupt BM.
I know that this is difficult and that the Family Law system is stacked against Dad's.
We do what we can to keep SS's time with the SpermClan to a minimum because they are a family of entitlement whores (the men too) who are never accountable for their own situations.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
"For these people CS is
"For these people CS is nothing more than a womb rental fee or prostitution on the installment plan" Rags, I love love love this.
BM uses her "monthly paycheck" for whatever she damn pleases for herself. She also has a boyfriend that pays for shit for her.
And there is no "post-divorce standard of living crap" with DH and BM because they were never married. So, that's not always the situation. Sadly, people don't have to be married now a days to have a kid together.
Child support has gotten out
Child support has gotten out of control where I live. Child support amounts alone are way too high, it covers way more than 50% of the childs costs (it's not supposed to cover 100%, BM is supposed to be responsible for other 50%). I know it not that bad in many states, but in Canada, fathers are the NCP 97% of the time and get screwed royally.
Certain "extra-expenses" are tagged on top of CS, whether the NCP can afford it or not. Recently I wrote about how the BM put braces on Skid#2 without our consent, while we are still paying off braces for sk#1!!! The crazy thing about this is that if BM and DH were still together, they wouldn't have been able to afford braces for either SK, becaue the BM in not employed! But now that she is divorced, she can get BF to pay 80% or 90%, due to her low income.
Thos whole idea that the kid is entitled to stay at pre-divorce levels is also frustrating. There are now 2 households to pay for, and yet only BF's income is sent to BM's home. BF also have to maintain a home for the kids, a room, a bigger car, heating a bigger home, same as the CP, the kid is just there less, but he has ALL the same expenses, but the law does not reflect this.
Also the kids are supposed to be kept at "pre-divorce levels" but in our case the BM doesn't work (with 3 diplomas and teen kids) and hasn't for 8 years. She lives off CS and CCTB (a benefit for the kids which she gets an addtional 800/month tax free from our gov't). So she keeps the SD's POOR by living off CS and CCTB! Where is the CP's responsibility to also keep the SD's at the "pre-divorce level"?!
And this whole paying CS to BM when the kids are away at college is crap. Yes, she still has to maintain a home for when the student comes home for weekends and holidays, BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE BF HAS BEEN DOING FOR 18 YEARS OR SO!! He hasn't been compensated one penny for keeping a home for the child to "visit" in all those years, but the minute BM has to "keep a home" she is fully compensated!!!
There are too many other things to get into, like the tax benefits that only CP's get, even though NCP is sometimes the sole supporter.
I hope no-one else has it as bad as we do in Canada. They "say" you can lower CS if you are facing hardship as a payor, but any lawyer will tell you this NEVER happens in Canada. So, just my 2 cents. The whole this is stacked against the payors here.
Also this whole thing about "if I didn't have the kids I could live in a one bedroom place with no expenses etc etc." is also crap. I lived for MANY years by myself. My bills now that I have twins are marginally higher, but not by much. A two bedroom house is a couple hundred more a month that a one bedroom, heating, electricity etc. isminimally more. So I give them food and some clothes. Big deal.
My husband, between CS and "extras" gives BM over $1800/month, after tax. This is ONE of his paychecks per month. So she doesn't have to work, but can live off his hard work? Oh, and when they were married, she ALWAYS had a job, otherwise they couldn't have afforded their bills. Divorce for her has been a free meal ticket to do nothing for over 8 years!
I live in Canada too, and
I live in Canada too, and these are my sentiments exactly!
My husband pays for the
My husband pays for the house that his ex and kids live in ($1200.00) plus buys the kids what ever clothes they need, pays for their medical insurance plus the deductable. She drives his car at one point he was also paying the insurance till I put a stop to that. He also pays the kids allowance and guess what she still ask him for more money.
Some people will keep taking and taking regardless of how much is given. Its just the way it is some people are greedy and selfish.
aleshiafenner! I think
aleshiafenner! I think putting a stop to that crap was wise. OMG- I went thru the same stuff...until I put my "foot" down too and said to DH, "If you want to do anything for ss5 and FURTHER beyond C/S it better be here and NOT for the lazy BM." That realllly pissed me off you know? wth I still wonder if he is paying any extras as we have seperate financial lives...
Here's what I feel that CS
Here's what I feel that CS should be for... Anything that benefits the child. Whether that be for clothes, school supplies, medical/dental/vision fees, sports, ballet lessons, Christmas presents, etc. Even things like gas money, rent, utilities, a car payment, or the grocery bill. All of those things directly benefit the child.
It should NOT, however, be that little extra that allows you to drive a hot rod... your kid doesn't need to ride in a hot rod and that is for YOU, not for your child. You need to be able to afford that on your own, not with your ex's support. It is not so that you can get your nails/hair done. It is not for you to take a vacation. It is not for you to go out to dinner. And if you NEED that CS to get by, yet you are denying the non-custodial parent time with the child just because... maybe that needs to be looked at. Maybe the parent actually supporting the kids is better suited to care for them.
I agree with some of your
I agree with some of your logic, soon2bestepmum but in states such as ours where CS is 20% of the non-custodial parent's net income and is not based on the custodial parent's income, I seem to be a bit confused as why so many custodial parents feel that CS is the only money that is to be used for the child. My SS's BM always tells my SS that she can't afford this or that for the child because "Daddy doesn't give me enough money to get it for you". If the custodial parent is getting $600 a month in CS, shouldn't the non-custodial parent pitch in another $600 a month?
I understand that if a custodial parent is living in a one bedroom apartment without the child then he / she will need a 2 BR apartment if the child comes to live with him / her. Around here, that's only about $200 more a month. The water and electric bills might go up a bit but not by much. If you prepare meals at home instead of going out to eat 7 nights a week, you actually save money. Some of these custodial parents act like they lived in a box on the street and now have to get a home and a car just because the child is living with them. You had a home and a car before the child was there. You could afford it then, why can't you afford it now that you're getting hundreds of $$'s a month CS.
I know this as when my husband and I first got together, his son was living with him for the past 4+ years. It was always a verbal agreement between the 2 and the BM was to sign affidavits each month stating that she rec'd the child support. The BM got remarried, lost her job, picked up the child one day for visitation and called the next day stating "he's going to live with me and you owe me back child support". There wasn't a damn thing my husband could do. The BM took him to court for over $25K - she never signed the affidavits and really thought she was going to get this money. My husband had all of the school records and e-mails all the way back from 2000 and the judge ruled that he owed $8,000 in arrearages. That was paid back in 2 lump sums and instead of putting that money in a savings for the child, expensive new wheels, a trip to Mexico w/out the child and new clothes for the BM and her husband were purchased. I'm not trashing all BM's as a lot of BF's are just as much a POS as well.
When the child was being unruly at home, the BM called us and said she couldn't handle him anymore, packed the child's clothes and told his Father to come get him so he could live with us, my husband told her that he wanted her to sign a Rule 11 giving him temporary custody and her exact words were "No. If I sign something then I'll lose "my" CS and you'll make me pay you". How sad is that?
What if you have 50/50
What if you have 50/50 custody (more like we do 75% and have the kid Mon-Thursday night and BM gets to play weekend mommy). My bf pays for CS, yet the BM still sends emails demanding half the cost of b-day presents for classmates, cost of gift wrap etc. BM gets to do all the fun stuff like apple picking on the weekend (and tries to get us to pay for half of gas to drive the kid to apple farm on her own time) while my bf does the grunt work of taking and picking kid up from school, lunches, dinner appointments, homework. Shit, I wish we could take her to apple farms! But unfortunately we work during the week and by the time things get taken care of after school and work, doing grunt work, paying CS, there is not much time and money left for us to take the kid tor apple picking and Disneyland. Or we are just not as cool and together as the BM. Yeah right! }:)
BF has stopped giving her $$$ for these above mentioned bullshit crazy claims about 2 years ago. She called him an asshole and looser in front the child for months because of it.
Now she just sends an ongoing tab she keeps adding to. The email title is: currently XYZ owes $$$$ to ABC. Every week. The tab is up to $4000 so far. It's actually harasement, in my opinion, but you cannot stop the emails because that's the only way of communication about other stuff too. She is nuts!
I would recommend your BF
I would recommend your BF take her back to court to have the CS re-assessed. I would also bring up in court harrassment, as if the CO does not indicate that he pays 50% of all "fun expenses" - ie birthday presents, her gas, etc - he doesn't owe.
Your BF needs to set boundaries with her and be firm. He should respond to her e-mails to that effect so it is in writing for her to stop saying XYZ owes ABC. I'd scan a copy of the CO and attach to the e-mail for reference.
Ooohh Ooohhh This is a fun
Ooohh Ooohhh This is a fun one.
Take the spread sheet that BM sends you every week, add a Dad expenditure page and a summary balance page.
Deduct every penny Dad spends from every penny BM spends, do the math then send it all back to BM showing what she owes you and Dad for the week. Since you have the Skids more than she does, she will owe you on a weekly basis rather than the other way around.
Make sure to throw in a multiplier for the 75% of the time you have the Skids.
Never mind........ just take the "Tab" she sends you weekly and sue her ass for harrassment. She gives you more evidence of her harrassment every week.
Beat here ass with it in court.
Have fun doing it. I know I do with my Skids SpermClan when they get the impression that they have a brain and crawl out from under their rock to try to dick with my family.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
I hear alot of MY HUSBAND
I hear alot of MY HUSBAND PAYS his EXWIFE... It amazes me how much the men pay. And where would they be if they didn't.. JAIL. I wonder how my SS's BM(who has supervised visitation only so therefore does absolutly nothing to contribute to day to day expenses and rearing of this child) gets away with playing the system and pays CS on her terms that the court ordered? I think it is because she has a uterus instead of a penis.-IAMTHEMOM
Rags said "Skids SpermClan"
Rags said
"Skids SpermClan"
Love that term.
LOL,,My DH's Ex the troll or
LOL,,My DH's Ex the troll or EggDoner as I should say..Uses her CS to pay her cell bill and her new hubby takes the check away from the kids..that's sad!! She also does not buy clothes for my SK cause her hubbys has 3 daughters around the same age as my own SD so she steals them from the other ex wife!! This women should be on every man's radar as to watch out for and not knock up..cuz it seems that is all she is good for
My DH pays CS so PsychoSponge
My DH pays CS so PsychoSponge can sit on her fat ass all day and drink and smoke and party...sad but true. Having said that...he is going to see our lawyer tomorrow...I hate for her party funds to be cut..but that is in the works!!! }:)
our bm lives in a 2 bedroom
our bm lives in a 2 bedroom 1970 something trailer her parents own and pays no rent/electric/taxes, has a car her dad gave her and has no car payment..... she has a cell phone bill and maybe car insurance.... with a full time job, she has more disposable income than we do, but do you think the judge saw it that way with her fake lease agreement and car payment agreement and whatever else... hell no! now she's trying to get money from the government....... free money with NO bills, a full time job & child support....it is fucking sick!
Sometimes it is back payment
Sometimes it is back payment for many years of NO help at all. When you are in arrears of 13,000 u might.. just might owe somebody something.
Child support is based on a
Child support is based on a century old idea that women are incapable, infantile human beings that need a man to take care of them. I do beleive in BOTH parents supporting children after divorce, but the current AMOUNTS of CS are far too high and are ridiculous. Child support at the levels many men are ordered to pay (these days) is really nothing more than spousal support disguised as "for the children".
And if you argue against the amounts paid, you are suddenly accused of being an evil person who doesn't want to support the children and all the shrill women out there shouting about how much it costs to raise children. To that I respond, if it is so expensive to raise the children, let your ex raise them, or share them 50-50. Gives you more time to work, and your expenses are lower. In fact, you ex would probably pay YOU for the joy and love of having his kids in his life daily.
AGree Livlaughlove!!!!
I receive CS for my DS. DH
I receive CS for my DS. DH pays CS for his two kids. I have seen both sides. I didn't start receiving CS until my DS was 10. I never once asked for an increase of the minimum amount the state gave for my DS's CS.
The IDEA of child support is a good one. It's whether or not the CP uses the money wisely or foolishly that is the issue. Or brags to others all the (non-kid-related) things they are doing with their CS, that is the problem.
The worst in our case is, if you need so much money "for the kids" why don't you work??? Why are you buying an expensive house with two extra bedrooms AND a new car when your old one was better than ours? Why are you spending SO MUCH $$ on lawyers to try to rake my DH over the coals? Couldn't you use that money for the kids' sake?
It is these types of issues that make people say CS is bad and CP should have to cough up receipts.
whatever the agreed amount in
whatever the agreed amount in the papers is what you pay. anything else is your gift to her. she's one of those entitled bms.
child support, is soley for
child support, is soley for living expenses: utilities, food, school clothes, etc. Sports, school activities, school lunch's, medical, dental, vision and recreational activities are seperate, completley different subject
Not according to the Judge in
Not according to the Judge in my SS-18's case. According to that bottom 10%er family law idiot "CS covers half of all expenses associated with raising the child". We attempted to get the SpermIdiot to pay for half of the expenses associated with football, band, etc...
NOPE! Apparently the $130/mo the SpermIdiot was paying at the time was enough to cover half the housing, food, clothing, utilities, transportation, sports, band and all other cost of living associated Skid costs. Of course the SpermIdiot was SUPPOSED to pay half of all medical expenses not covered by insurance according to the CO .... that never happened.
The SpermIdiot has never paid anywhere close to half of the expenses associated with raising his oldest child. Hell, he has never paid a dime for the costs associated with raising any of his four out-of-wedlock spawn by three different baby mamas. SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa paid his CS obligation for my SS and have raised his younger three spawn in their home with no help from the worthless POS son.
If I was in a situation where I had to pay CS.... that would be all I paid to my XW. If the kid was with me, then I would pay for anything I chose to pay for. I would not give my XW a penny more than a CO required that I provide. The rest of my resources I would maintain complete control over.
Fortunately my XW and I never spawned.
as far as school pics....my
as far as school pics....my exh give me the money for the pictures he wants and i buy my own
The whole thing about CS
The whole thing about CS helping to put a roof over their heads and food on the table is bs in my opinion. My husband pays 600 a month in CS plus covers his health/dental insurance. They have joint custody. What the courts don't think about is that the father has to provide food, clothing and shelter for the child during his visiation as well. Unless the mother has the child more than 50 - 75 percent of the time, I do not feel as though she should receive any child support. In my case,my husbands CS pays for her vacations she goes on once a month while she leaves the kids with her mother or her sister. The courts really screw the non-custodial parent and often make it difficult to even pay their own bills.
I don't know what to say in
I don't know what to say in my case, but the truth.
My DH was ordered to pay C/S even with a 50/50 time split with SD6 but it has no been diminished to every other weekend. His C/S has not yet been adjusted for that which in my eyes, if he is not taking care of his daughter as ordered, he should be paying more for HER support, not his ex-wife.
I do not want to see DH in the poorhouse but it is only fair in this case if he is not abiding by the visitation plan ordered. He asked for it by caving in to BM and her PASing of SD6. He should have stood up to BM a long time ago and took charge.
You play you pay.
I am the CP SM of 2ss. I
I am the CP SM of 2ss. I came into the picture 8.5 years ago when things were 50/50. No CS for anyone. For the last 6 years we have had the boys at least 95% of the time with no CS. I mean, none is ordered b/c we've never asked for it. She hasn't worked a day on all this time so it never would have been paid anyway and has a BM ever had to face any consequences for not paying CS? She hasn't paid a penny for anything - sports, school supplies, etc. My husband was a stay at home father all this time b/c I have a good job and child care is expensive. So I have footed the bill all this time and I'm fine with that because he takes care our our DD as well. But if that crappy BM EVER paid us a penny I would probably spend the money on ME ME ME! I deserve some payback and have me eye on some fancy $20 shoes from Wal-mart. Haven't been able to afford new shoes for me in years.
I will never forget the time
I will never forget the time my BF asked BM if she was planning on contributing to the upbringing of their son. She looked at me and said, "He doesn't seem to be hurting." - implying that it was perfectly OK for me to spend my money making sure he is covered but she can keep her money for herself. Stupid witch. BF told me last night that she was going to give him $60 to help with the costs for baseball and wrestling this year. I looked at him and said - so what? $60 in nine years? Thanks for nothing, bitch. I seriously think he wanted me to give her some credit for handing over $60. I'll get her a medal if he wants me to. Mother of The Year! Not...
child support is meant for
child support is meant for the payer to pay for THEIR portion of the expenses of raising a child. just tell her what ever and move on...the child support IS dh's HALF of all expenses
finey-i think that too is bs, parents are not required to cover edu expenses if still married, it should not be an order on decree's i've been fired up about that ALL DAY-imo college expenses should be the requirement of the student and IF mom and dad CAN AND WANT to pay, that is their CHOICE.
waht states is this new law in? i challenge the residents to get a petition going to have that law revoked. after hs i need to focus on MY FUTURE AND RETIRMENT not the kids...i paid my own tuition MYSELF so can they :sick:
Child support is for shelter,
Child support is for shelter, food, clothing, and anything else that the child needs for every day living such as medicine, etc.
Tell her no and to take you
Tell her no and to take you to court if she doesn't like it. CS is for all of those things!
BM Live with her parent no
income = (work $8/hour+CS770/month+ her 1st Ex for the first child + Social disibiliy check)
This is what i was told by SS. when he come to my house asking to take him to have a haircut because BM said CS not enough to pay or never take him to a dentist for 6 years or send him back with a one leg eyeglass.(missing one leg)
Jenny Criags's program 250/month
Gold Gym (BM+SS's stepsister from 1st husband)
Weekend Concert
Tattoos (a lot on her body)
brand name clothes
Make up
Car Payment
I haven't read any of the
I haven't read any of the other comments but I have to say from my own experience, I recommend if possible for your DH to send the CS money through the State and not give her money out of his pocket to protect himself from her and her incessant bullshit. What ever monies he was ordered from the courts is what he has to pay, nothing more. My DH used to give his ex cash and would always give her more than she was due to get and NEVER got a receipt. She turned around, went to court and told them she didn't know where he was and he never gave her any money. She wanted him to go along with her lies, thankfully the court saw right through her and then he wised up and started having it taken right from his check. When she gets the money, she can use it for anything she wants as long as it goes toward the children.
I am the BM and I am
I am the BM and I am receiving child support from my ex - so, please don't shoot me. I am just trying to explain how this child support thing works in my case, and as I can understand, also in many other cases. SO, here it goes...
BOTH my ex AND I pay child support - the numbers are all based on a child support calculator, here in Utah - I am just on the receiving end, because his income is way larger than mine. The money I receive from him, helps pay for the house payment, utilities, my girl's phones (which, by the way, help them stay in touch with him on a daily basis), clothing and food. His child support payment by no means pays for ALL of that, but it helps supplement MY income, so our girls can have the same standard of living, as they are accustomed to.
Our divorce decree states, that all extracurricular activities, that our girls are involved in, will be split 50/50. SO, things like soccer fees, fees for school, uniforms for choir, etc, we both pay half. Furthermore, if we both want school pictures, one parent orders 2 sets, and the other parent pays for his/her set, on receipt.
Medical bills are also split 50/50 between my ex and me. He is the one with the policy, so I am the one who pays him half, when he provides me with a receipt.
My ex, like so many other fathers who have to pay child support, asked our mediator, if he could make me provide a statement every month, showing him what the child support money goes to. The mediator told him, no. He even went as far as demanding, that every penny of his child support, were put into savings accounts for our girls. The mediator told him, no. Child support is for the children, so they don't have to go without.
I understand, that there are many BM's out there, who try to take their ex's to the cleaners. They have many different reasons for doing so...and sometimes, none. You, as new spouses and new step-moms, might look at them as money hungry b******, or see them as being jealous or scorned, because now their children's fathers are with a new woman. But, since you probably are only told ONE side of the story, you really should't judge these BM's, for what they are doing...
There are no winners, in a divorce...
In some states, they'll
In some states, they'll garnish your wages.
As for what it's to be spent on, it can really be spent on anything. If the CS is put on an account (VISA card) and your statement says you used it on a rental car while on vacation, who's to say that you didn't use money from your own income to compensate the difference?
Financial management is up to the person receiving the money. Obviously it doesn't work out properly every time, but a lot of the theory and law behind it is based off of ideal situations.
According to the Bm in our
According to the Bm in our lives, Cs is for ridiculous clothes, cheap ill fitting shoes, the list goes on, we would buy her extra things, but they are mysteriously lost or damaged, Bm does not teach Sd to look after her property, though we try to teach her, I bought her a pair of white sandals for best last week, the next day I had to throw them away because they were so scuffed beyond repair.