You are here what to do?!? CS office rant...

CaveCanem's picture

So my husband gets a voicemail from the CS office today--they received his check and his letter; however they told him AGAIN they cannot process the payment, and that they will either give it back to him or apply it to the arrears. This is AFTER he went to the courthouse and was told by the clerk there to pay the bonus income to the CS office. Damn don't these people talk to each other?!? Anyways, the CS office told him they are just going to apply it to the arrears, which means he's still on the hook for the bonus income, which means he may be in contempt?!? Which means he will still have to cough up the $$$ for the bonus income...AUGH we have NO idea what to do now. So he is just going to tell them 1 more time to just pay the damn BM, and if they won't/don't, then he will just take the check back and probably just go BACK to the court. WHY is this so damn difficult?!? He is JUST trying to pay the stupid cow! She has stupid "demands" to take the money (which she claims she desperately needs), the CS office won't take it because of the ambiguous wording in the CO, and my husband is sick and tired of having to go back to the courthouse for MAKING A DAMN PAYMENT! Not to mention, BM texted him to tell him that she is sending him yet more court documents/reply to his modification/who knows what the hell she is doing this time...

alwaysme's picture

What a stupid bitch BM is, cant she just call CS and sort it out reasonably. Can he put money into a bank account for her and keep receipts of proof that it went in?

CaveCanem's picture

The CS office is being difficult because of the wording of the CO, the BM is being a bitch because...well she has nothing else better to do, and has nothing but time on her hands to think of the next reason to try and go to court for whatever...My poor husband has the money in hand and no one to give it to! BM won't take it without the last THREE months of paystubs (and rreally she just needs to SEE the totally blacked out/redacted bonus portion of the paystub, stupid cow), paperwork from his HR, and ONLY if he meets her ALONE. W.T.F.

We will most likely just open another account at my bank and put it in there for now until all this mess gets sorted out.

Rags's picture

Your DH paid the money to the CSE office with a letter clearly stating what it was for. If the CSE sends it as part of arrears Vs bonus related CS who cares? It is all going to BM anyway. DH complied with the CO as far as paying the bonus related CS. This is a non issue IMHO.

DH paid it to the proper legal authority responsible for distribution of CS. I do not see how a judge would have issue with this or how your DH could be held in contempt.

Federal law (The Bradley Act) states that any CS that is in arrears is not forgivable so DH will have to pay off the back CS eventually any way. A fellow STalker just enlightened me to the Bradley act this week and even though it sticks it to NCPs in this case it may be helpful to your DH since the money will be going to pay off his arrears on the oldest balance which should help reduce any penalties and interest that may be accruing.

I would stick with letting the CSE office be the middle man. That way there is no question as to whether the money was paid and if the CSE office does not give it to BM then that is on the CSE office and not your DH.

IMHO of course.

CaveCanem's picture

Thanks everyone. He just told the CS office to send the check back to him. He's already paying the arrears back at $50 a week, plus he doesn't want to pay this $ just to have to pay it all again, just in case they don't attach it to the arrears. It's a good chunk of money (almost $1,000 :sick: )and we just can't afford to pay it twice. He's afraid they will order him to pay the bonus $ all right up front, and if it goes to the arrears, then he has to come up with the additional money. We had to unexpectedly replace our roof last summer so our savings is totally gone and we just don't have additional money on hand.

This just makes a crappier situation suck even more. Amazingly his caseworker has been very friendly and helpful (well, as much as she can)--I suspect she must be married to a NCP!

CaveCanem's picture

So he got his check back today, but without the letter he requested from the CS office!!! WTF! But he has the envelope/postage to show that they sent it back, so hopefully that helps.

He knows he has to pay the arrears and would've just applied the $ to the arrears, however he didn't want to have to come up with the bonus $ twice. He hasn't spent it; right now it's in his savings account and we are going to open a new account at my bank (we have separate bank accounts) with the money.

He is going to try and make phone calls on Monday, and go BACK to the courthouse on Tuesday if need be. This is just getting ridiculous. Plus I made a NEW thread in regards to how much more ridiculous this is becoming.