I'm new and have just discovered this web site-I'm hoping you can help
I am divorced with two children(8yr marriage) and married a divorced man (16 yr marriage) with two children. We have been married 3 years (& dated 3 yrs)and it's been quite a ride right after we married. My children live with us and his visit biweekly and one night every week. I was never anticipating the behavior of his ex until I married him and then lived with him. OMG. They say hindsight is 20/20--I wish I would have seen his interactions with her and her behavior.
I never knew hell but, If I had to guess-I'm in it. All our arguments consist of his ex and his interactions with her.
I just want to know, I understand that they have children together, I understand that there needs to be interactions between them about the children-and in 3 years he has modified his behavior with ex and children but, does it ever ever trully tapier off. I used to think going to his ex's summer home with kids for a week when she was there with her family and he hung out--it was wrong. He did not. Is it wrong? Am I being unfair? This behavior and similar behavior stopped by my DH but it was going on for a couple of years-driving us to counselling and divorce discussions. Now, exwife is emailing him daily 3 times at least, calling , texting about children--anything that pops in her mind-how do I know? I work from home as does he--it's (to me) excessive but he thinks its normal and its about the kids and he wants her to update him. Am I crazy? to tell him to ask her to email him once every two weeks on logistics for the children's schedule or is the day to day thing just a necessary? My ex does not over involve like this. I mean, the other day his ex calls for advice on a FAFSA application for their oldest and tax questions. They are 7 years post divorce (they're children are 18/16). You'd think she could ask her tax consultant instead of my DH.
He tells me, really, I don't care about her I don't like her, I am being civil due to the children. I finally was so fed up, that I posed this to him. " I said, okay you mean what you say? really? Then send her an email (you do already 300 times a month)send her an email and prove to me you don;t care of the woman, you are being civil b/c of the children and all the things you swear up and down to me with your interactions with her and say it to her in an email. prove it to me my darling...
Ladies, you should have seen his face. He tried to back himself right out of it and I said, "oh no" you;re being honest with me and convincing me--she means nothing. As a man, you should be able to say the truth to someone to their face and as you do to your wife. Go tell your ex via email, she means what you said to me to ..her. I'd like her to acknowledge your interactions with each other are "civil" and for the children. Because-I think, she (not dating in 7 years) is all over you. You going to her house to drop of a CS check to see her--when it can be mailed--is not civility but a tad on the border of " I want to see you". You two are friends. just admit it. Don't lie to me and say you don;t care for the woman. What makes this 10x worse is that 7 months ago she sued him for lifetime alimony and would have won. her buyOut was $100K. She collected $142K from a stock sale & then 1 month later demanded $100K. Forget the money, I dont care for that. what upsets me is my DH, has forgiven her 7 months later and says she is not a bad person. And We don;t have this kind of money laying around. we had to remortgage to do it.
His behavior towards her has me upset.
So I went on a tangent because I am angery. My question is, is it wrong for me to ask him to send her an email basically saying that he communicates with her for civility sake of the children, and that she needs to tapier down the emails a weee bit, and that he does not care for her? (as he tells me).
That's exactly what my
That's exactly what my counselor says - if something is a problem for the marriage, then it is a problem, and it doesn't matter if it is logical in someone else's eyes.
He sounds like he is not over
He sounds like he is not over his wife. THere is a book called Boundaries that my therapist recommended. DH had the same problem when we got married. We were having a lot of problems, I thought it was me, so I sought out my therapist from a year earlier. He looked at me and said it sounds like they still haven't divorced. THese problems you are having aren't yours, they are his. Lightbulb moment for me.
Now for us, BM has been dispicable on several things so now he only emails her. There is very limited communication. As it should be.
Put your foot down on this. He is going overboard.
FIRST, let me say that i have
FIRST, let me say that i have had similar situations happen when my bd. we jumped into the relationship right after the divorce(stupid of course) but to answer ur question on if u should have him send an email expressing what u mention. in my opinion, i think that maybe a request for him to allow u access to all of those emails if u dont have that already is definetly appropriate.(ppl who have nothin to hide, hide nothin)and then u should decide what is importanat and wat is just small talk and have him only reply to important emails and she should get the picture.i also think that the cs should be mailed and the two of them should not be together without u. u are his wife and should be invited to all things that he is invited to or he should not go. if there is a co in place which i am assuming there is then he really doesn't have to go out of his way because he will be able to see his kids and then they can tell him wat is going on in there lives if age appropriate. i think that boundaries are being crossed from what i read. some communication is needed but again in my opinion not every day. maybe weekly.woman's intution has never failed me. when i thought something was funny..it was!
lastly i read somewhere that women hurt more but men hurt longer. i can't say that i disagree
It's excessive. Have him send
It's excessive. Have him send her an email letting her know that emails from her should go to the family email account from now on, and that everyone checks that one. Also he could tell her that onthe interest of moving on the hanging out needs to stop.
Text is a wonderful thing for
Text is a wonderful thing for exes, however, excessive texts are not ok. My dh's ex thing texts him for every little thing as well... " will you please give the boys a bath", "how was C's day at school today" REALLY? I think we know to give the kids a bath and if you want to know about school so bad ask THEM when they get home. I had a real problem with this and my husband and I talked openly about it as I told him that I don't feel comfortable with her constantly texting him for stupid things... I told him I trust him very much, but there is no reason she should be texting him other than " what time are you coming to get the boys" I know I am prolly looked at as the "b" but guess what, we have two separate relationships. She has her own husband she can talk to, leave my husband alone, yes MY husband, not yours anymore. If you tell your honey that this bothers you and he doesn't put a stop to it, theres more feeling there than he wants to admit......my dh just started ignoring calls, texts, etc... it bugged her to no end, but there was nothing she could do!