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How Do I Handle My Anger?

Miss A's picture

Well for the sake of an introduction, I'm in my late 20's and have been a step-mom for over 3 years. I live in the South with my sweetheart and his 3 kids. The oldest, in her mid-teens, lives with us full-time while the younger two split time between our home and their mother's home. This is my first time reaching out for advice and guidance about being a step-mom.
To be sure, this is nothing I ever wanted. I made a conscious choice to avoid dating men who had children, and if I found out someone I was dating did, I would end it immediately. Why did I make an exception this time? It was an easy decision. I met this man, and something told me that I needed to put down all my previous opinions about kids and just get to know this person. I did and I am very much in love with him. I am in this relationship completely for him, not for the kids. I love them but am not maternal by nature. My relationship is my number one focus.
When the kids are at our place, I am the primary care-giver, making meals, doing laundry, homework, facilitating fun activies, etc. My sweetheart is present, but I am undoubtably in charge. I've spent time wondering why this is and have concluded that it's because my sweetheart just isn't really interested in being right in the moment with the kids. He loves them immensely, but being an active father is not exactly his strong point. On the other hand, I think that I might perceive him that way because I have taken over and he's just falling in line with my decision. But the bottom line is, if I'm not doing those things, making the household run, following up on chores, checking homework, it will not get done. I can't tell you how many times lately I've been tempted to just take a long bath and let him handle everything for a night. I honestly believe things wouldn't get done and then I'd still be left with the clean-up the next day. And left with taking the responsibility if school work wasn't done, if lunches weren't made.
I am angry. I am resentful but only to a degree. I feel trapped. All I want is my sweetheart by my side, and I cherish our alone time together. I don't want to raise kids, but because of my decision to love this man, I am required to.
I need to know how to handle my anger and frustration and negative feelings over this. I swear, I'm a babysitter and that is all. I am not appreciated by the kids, I am not even noticed sometimes I think. It's hard because I've never let on to anyone that I don't want to be a mom, I just fit into the role and to be honest am very good at it. My sweetheart tells me that eventually the kids will realize all I've done for them and at that point I'll know it's all been worth it. That statement does nothing but make me feel like I'm serving a prison sentence and I just have to wait for my release.
My situation is not unlike many of yours, I'd assume. I don't have any girlfriends, though, who are step-mom's and zero family that are. I'm so alone in this. That's why I came here. Hopefully I'll be able to find some calm from this community.

ivymlk's picture

I don't have any friends or family that are steps either. It's nice knowing I am not alone. And not the only one who feels like a babysitter (who is constantly being taken advantage of)!!

giveitago's picture

Likewise ivymilk, the only advice I can offer is to establish your own boundaries and gradually make DH more accountable. I was 'muggins' who did the whole babysitting thing and the rides to school and to and from BM etc. it has taken me years to re establish 'me' so it's not a quick overnight fix! I was a stay at home mom to my step kids, DH was working to support all of us after we got custody of all three of his kids. The kids are going to take SM for granted the exact same way they take DH and BM for granted, that's how kids are! However you choose to establish your boundaries is up to you but if the kids are well behaved, do their homework and their chores without any problems then please send them over here and I'll trade you!! I had to stop ours in their tracks with 'do not talk to me that way, it's disrespectful' and 'regardless, you are responsible for X,Y or Z'. They want something from me sooner or later and I'll ask them if they've done as I asked, if so then yes, you may, if no the I'm sorry you may not. It's not easy but the longer you leave issues unresolved then the harder it gets. DH could just be well satisfied at how you take care of his kids, it would not hurt to show somse appreciation now and again, right? I honestly do not expect any recognition for what I did until the kids are out on their own, have kids of their own or they fall into similar situations as adults, whereby they stop and recall how I/we handled it and make a choice from then on. If they make good choices then I conside it a job well done. I love my husband and our kids here, more than they'll ever know.