Financial Frustrations
I don't now where to start. My H has 3 kids from his first marriage. We get along with BM and her new husband and the kids. BM has custody and we have visitation.
My issues/frustrations are all financial, and, unfortunately we have joint accounts. I'd like to split the accounts but don't know how to even start to bring it up without starting WW3. I love the kids, but the amount of money I have spent on them....I feel like I'm being used. I make more than DH. When we first met he made a little more than me, but since then I have gotten better jobs/promotions and he has stayed with the same company making about the same with no benefits.
When DH and I started seeing each other, he and BM were in the process of selling this house. BM told him she wouldn't pay her half of the mortgage anymore, and he couldn't afford the entire note on his own so instead of getting a new place together we moved into this house. I hate this house. I hate that I am paying on a house that I didn't pick out, in a neighborhood I don't like, and I hate knowing DH couldn't pay for it if it wasn't for me.
I've also paid for the kids health insurance since we've been married. For the first 2 years we were married there were no other kids, now we have a daughter as well so the rate is the same if I cover one child or all 4. I've also covered everyone on dental (only to find out that BM hasn't taken them to the dentist since the divorce).
Every weekend that kids are here H gives them money. Sometimes its money for babysitting, but mostly it's money for the mall (20,30,40...whatever makes him feel like a big shot I guess), but I'm starting to resent it. I mean, Since we have joint accounts, I helped pay for the TVs he financed that are over at BMs house (plus the other debt he got from the divorce), the HDTV he had when we met, the plasma he just had to have 18 mos ago and he's already talking about getting an LED TV, the most expensive cable/Internet connection that he just has to have, the 500$ vacuumm...I could go on and on.
Writing all that out makes me wonder why I didn't start resenting it earlier, but really this month Things seem to be coming to a head. We are getting out of debt. Finally. I got a promotion and raise and that with our tax return is going to pay off our final credit card balance. Yay, right? Well, now SD needs braces so he's agreed to pay for that. OK, I understand her teeth are jacked up. A couple hundred a month for a year or two wont be too bad, but then I suggest a vacation for 2012 to a place I have been talking about for 5 years and the response I got? I want to go someplace less expensive and take all the kids.
All of these things separately are reasonable, but shit! I didn't just go through 5 years of working for the devil to get where I am to not be able to go on a vacation to the place I want to go. It makes me want to tell him to pay for all his shit himself and I'll take DD on vacation alone.
I know we're a family and all that crap, but damn it why can't I get my fucking vacation when its my fucking money!?
Im just really sad about this tonight, and I don't think I can handle a rational conversation about this without breaking down crying. If you made it this far, thank you.
aww honey im sorry i dont
aww honey im sorry
i dont really have any advice as me and dh DO have separate accts, but do have joint one just for bills and common items we share. I think you should do something though, as you dont want the resentment to keep building 
I hate that phrase..."I want
I hate that phrase..."I want to take all the kids."
It's supposed to be a vacation, not a prison sentence. I want to get away when I go on vacation, but that's my opinion and apparently, I'm the only one who shares that opinion in my house. Ugh.
We have all separate accounts
We have all separate accounts and when we do a family vaca and take all the kids, he pays for his kids and I pay for mine. We don't have any shared bio kids. I'm lucky that most time he wants to do vaca without any kids. I think you need to sit him down and explain how you're feeling. Don't let the resentment build until you blow. You definitely deserve a vaca of your choosing!
Ohh I feel your pain. I also
Ohh I feel your pain. I also make more than DH, I had a seperate acct and joint accts (we still do).
We have 2 joint accts and I have a single acct. I got tired of always funding everything!! We got so far in debt because I let him make most of the financial decisions becuase I felt bad for the skids becuase they came from such a horrible background with BM and I wanted them to have so much more when they came to live with us (regretting it now). But you need to let DH understand that you are his wife and partner and you need to set your foot down. Go out and open your own acct - even if you dont tell him at first. Even if it only has $20.00 in it. It will make you feel better, even if you don't do anything more with it.
But if you want a happy marriage you need to talk with him. Sit down and stop his spending habits with YOUR money - just because you are married does not mean that everything you make is automatically HIS.
I get so tired of hearing "what is yours is mine" Bull crap!!!
If you are too afraid of starting WW3 then start pulling the $$ out before he does and stash it away. That is the only way to keep you sane - everytime you use your debt card get cash back so that there are no large cash withdrawls. Either keep the cash somewhere safe - or open that other acct and deposit it there.
And yes I have done this before. The only difference...contemplating divorcing DH and trying to save up money for an atty.
Good Luck