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What are our rights?

lycansmom's picture

My SD is 13 live and lives with me and her BF, he has joint custody with the BM but he has residental custody. What are our rights, can her BM enroll her in anouther school without residental custody?

RaeRae's picture

If she lives with you, she goes to the school in your district. If BM tries to change schools, bring her back to your school and take her to court.

lycansmom's picture

Because the SD plays the if I dont get my way all the time card I will go live with my BM. We are at the point that the next time she says it we tell her fine go but make sure your mom gets you to school on time. (We know her mom wont do it cause she is lazy) but we are tired of being threatned by her.

RaeRae's picture

Our BM pulled a stunt with the schools. We had the kids enrolled, BM and DH were supposed to discuss the next school year (this year) but BM didn't reply to DH's emails. She then, the Friday before school started, enrolled the kids in school near her husband's house. Luckily we had a hearing coming up the next week. Anyway the 1st day of school was on her day. Since the mother had not discussed the school issue with us until the previous weekend (where she TOLD us where they would be going, instead of discussing it with us) we checked the kids out of school and brought them back to our schools. The judge was not happy in the least with the stunt she pulled and reamed her a new one for it. The judge ruled that these two people could not co-parent, and DH ended up getting full custody that day (they were on a 50/50 custody plan)

lycansmom's picture

The BM keeps telling the SD that it doesnt matter that we have residental custody she can change her school anytime they want since they have joint custody. Monday I am going to call the school dist and find out.

RaeRae's picture

Let your school know she is possibly going to try something, and not to release the records without the consent of both parents.