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Kind of Proud of ME!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Yesterday, DH and I were riding home from work. We were having a nice conversation when all of a sudden he says,

DH: "I know my kids have problems, but I don't need it shoved in my face all of the time!"
Me: Turns to look at him and calmlysays, "I did not bring up your children"
DH: "I'm just saying, quit shoving them in my face!"
Me: "Where did this come from?"
DH: "Just saying"
Me: Takes a deep breath and speaks calmly....."OK, remember, we do not speak of your children anymore because you cannot be sane and rational about them". And, I changed the subject.

I remained calm the whole time, I was very proud! I have no idea why he started mentioning the adult skids, either. I figure either 1) he talked to one of them and they were on a "crazy trip", or 2) he talked to one of his family who had just talked to one of his kids who was on a "crazy trip".

I really think, he's starting to see the VAST difference between my daughter, her husband and friends, and our friends grown children and his kids. Everyone else's kids have become productive adults and are decent human beings. (and, most of those kids are from broken homes, yet managed to function! Products of good parenting!) You can have a conversation with them, call them for a favor, and just treat them as a PERSON. His kids are not like that.

Beats me...but I'm not playing into his enabling, guilty daddy role anymore. I have a life and it does NOT revolve around the drama his kids create. Let HIM deal with the mess HE made.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

"I hate it when they start these things in a car. There's no more modern cage in existence."

SOOOO True! He only tries to start something when we are trapped in a vehicle together. Like I can't do "the silent treatment" there, too!

And, yes, I've had to remind him repeatedly these last few months that we no longer speak of his children (especially "she who shall not be names - SD24). I disengaged and he didn't want me to keep "picking on his kids". (you know,for things like manners, respect for their father, etc etc) Anyway, he was in agreement about not mentioning his kids. So....can't have it both ways Bozo!

RosePearl's picture

GO YOU! Smile

2timemom's picture
