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Wishing SS Would Get His Head Out Of His Ass and Grow Up Already

StepmomB19's picture

So, you would think a 17 year old kid would know his or her own damn school schedule.. but not my SS, he's too busy worrying about xbox to care....

We asked him when winter break was over, he tells us the 7th...well his friend calls tonight and tells DH school starts tomorrow, well fine and dandy not a big deal, but SS from hell just went back to mommies last night, I only made enough dinner for me, DH, and kids that are here...DH informs me of this at the last minute..and OFCOURSE mommy won't feed SS so now it's my problem to make extra for dinner..

This is what pisses me off about my situation, and is exactly why I'm contemplating divorce; I am ALWAYS the one that is left to sweep of SS, DH, or BM's mess, or I am ALWAYS the one that pays for choices made by DH, BM, or SS....anyone got a barf bag?????? :sick:

Missing_Me's picture

*hands you a bag* I am in the exact same position as you right now. I will say a prayer for ya and hope that you don't make the decision to divorce the way I just did..
Good luck and it's almost over for you

buttercookie's picture

If SS needs dinner let one of his bios provide it, or gasp at 17 he should be able to fix himself something simple. I went through this crap with my SS at that age and I came really close to divorcing his dad over his behavior. You need to make your DH parent his own kid and step back from the situation. Nothing good comes out of stepparents taking care of skids who's own parents won't parent them. We just become bitter after we are used and abused and some of us even become scapegoats for whatever life lesson the skid fails to learn. Stop doing anything for a manchild. He's almost an adult and he has 2 parents and honey you ain't one of them. I'm speaking from experience. Save your own sanity.

buttercookie's picture

Oh and in my situation the skid continued on until he was 19 loafing at my house making messes, creating bills (he had to have a cell and a car) and treating me like crap. I finally had enough with being uncomfortable in my own home and it took DH to make his adult man up and start being responsible. I'd start making changes now or your going to have an adult moocher with you.

Timetogiveup's picture

I just had to deal with this too. My butt pain SS (aka Stink) will be 17 next weekend. The kid is a freaking idiot.

We were up in our cabin, there is about 2 feet of snow on the ground....we were basically stranded. The boy was flipping out that we were NOT going to be home for school on Monday. The guy plowed us out but told us the main road still had about a foot of snow on it. Stupid ass DH decided we had to leave Saturday because tart-boy was crying. I was never so scared in my life, we drove on this one lane, canyon road with 300-400 foot dropoff (no guardrails) in about a foot of snow for 4 miles!!! If we waited until today, the damn road would have been plowed. BUT NOOOOOOOO....DH felt bad for the boy.

This afternoon, he reared his ugly head and said "I made a mistake, we don't go basck to school until Tuesday." I wanted to kick the little bastard.

I know I should check the school calendar because this kid is the biggest idiot. I have always wondered what is wrong with the kid....I knew EVERYDAY I had off from school and when vacations ended. I can't tell you how much this one pisses me off.

StepmomB19's picture

thanks for all the supportive comments, it really means a lot, I honestly don't know how much more I can take of the idiotic antics of this kid, and his parents...@ buttercookie - I disengaged a long time ago, and 99% of the time hand the responsibility of SS to mommy & daddy...I even will go as far as not even buying school clothes for him, that's how done I am. It's just shit like this, when I'm backed into a corner that really rides my nerves..he's not here yet and it's already late here so I'm not sure where he is, or if he's coming home tonight..if DH has anything to do with it, he'll be here.

@ Timetogiveup - I know exactly how you feel...anything thing for SS, no matter who is put at risk, inconvenienced, hurt, etc...I remember years ago, my daughter was in the hospital, and the MANLY thing to do would be to wait until she was released to throw SS a 5th birthday party..but NOOOOOOOO make SS wait? RU KIDDING? DH threw him a party while my daughter was in the hospital recovering from surgery..I never forgot that, and that is part of the reason why I hate SS, have total resentment towards DH, and totally hate BM, my daughter didn't matter to any of them. All that was important was SS. I know this was not his fault at 5 years old, but still....I couldn't help but to wish he choked on his birthday cake..

@missing me - I have been forced to consider divorce, a girl can only take so much, and my shit bucket is completely full - waiting to see if DH holds up his end of the bargain, if he slips even just a little, I'm paying the D Lawyer a visit...