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Just when I thought I'd seen it all....

StepmomB19's picture

I live in the's going to be 80 degrees why is SS from hell sporting a heavy winter coat, and a Elmer Fud furry hat??? I mean, really? what a dweeb...

Thanks for allowing me to vent here, I think I would have already been committed if it wasn't for this forum... Smile

StepmomB19's picture

He doesn't, he'll wear a jacket when it's 115 degrees outside..and he bundles up in his room with a heavy blanket...

it gets on my nerves..hard to ignore ya know....

hbell0428's picture

I know!! it is so funny!! My kids will go out with no coats when it is like 30 degrees. Like they are tooooooo cool for coats. Whatever, I get my coat on, boots, scarf and my

StepmomB19's picture

I could understand if it was 30 degrees out, but it was 80 today, and there he is like a freak, bundled up like it's North Dakota...he's so weird it's sickening...

StepmomB19's picture

I wouldn't put this under the category of "normal" teenage behavior - no teenager I've ever met acts the way he does...

if he wants to pass out in the heat, wearing his Elmer Fudd hat, he can go for it..

Sooz's picture

Maybe SS is wanting to feel protected, hence the heavy gear, espec now at Christmas time, or perhaps SS has fond memories of skiing or a happy time in a colder clime.... Why dont you ASK him/her?

StepmomB19's picture

I did ask him,out of curiosity, not concern, believe me he could wear a hefty bag and a beanie hat for all I care...anyway, he didn't answer me... he just stared at me...also, he grew up in Phoenix, so I don't think he's reminiscing about playing in the snow....

it's just another quirky thing he does that drives me crazy....that's why I post here to keep my sanity, like everyone else.. Wink

Broken Blue Crayon's picture

May be the teenager thing or could be a Phoenix thing. My husband is from there and so was one of my ex's. They both wore/wear hoodies if it's under 90 degrees out.

MamaBecky's picture

Is he really thin? Maybe he is anemic or has low iron and really does feel chilled even when it's warm out.

young stepmother of two's picture

Haha! Sounds like a typical teenager thing. Wouldn't think too much if it has a meaning behind it. Lord knows when I was that age I was wearing black pants with chains and brown Burkenstocks and wierd wrist sweat bands.

StepmomB19's picture

LOL I know not really trying to figure it out, just venting...after 13 years of this odd behavior (he's always been this way, this didn't start when he entered his teenage years) I'm just fed up with I said before can't wait until he's 18 so he can go and be weird some place else..

BigEasy1203's picture

Saw this and had to post to it. My SS is the same way. Not so much with a big coat but he never wears shorts, not even in the hot Texas summer. Always just "skinny" jeans. Sometimes he wears the furry hat too. Plus many times in the winter he goes to the bus in the morning with no coat, just a T-shirt and it's very cold out. I think it's just a "cool" thing, he's attempting to conform to a certain dress style and there are certain things you can and can't wear. I'm sure it's the same with your SS. I find it ridiculous looking, but whatever. I'm sure one day he will look back in pictures and wonder "what was I thinking?".

hismineandours's picture

Some kids will do anything they can to defy the norms. Its why kids in 0 degree weather will wear shorts and kids in 80 degree weather wear winter coats. It says, "Hey, I'm cool! I'm unique. I dont dress like all you other freaks" Biggrin