Uh Oh, I just called the 21 yr old SD, AKA Princess, a spoiled bitch
In front of BM. It was not received well. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. She was complaining because her BM was wearing one of her sweaters. Then complaining because her new jeans didn't get washed. There is a guy at school she is trying to get interested and she needed those new tight jeans washed before tonight. You see he is a hottie and smart and her current bf doesn't even go to school and works at the video store and doesnt have enough money. But she won't break up with him because xmas is coming and she wants the gifts from him. So not only did i call her a spoiled bitch i said im going to tell her bf what she is up to.
Of course BM was furious with me, you don't talk to my kids like that, even though she was just as mad at her. Blood is always thicker.
The writing is really on the wall now. Once you cross this girl she hates you forever. She will do all in her power to get me gone. Maybe thats what i wanted.
That's pretty much how I got
That's pretty much how I got hated forever by BF's D18. Called her on it and she didn't like that one bit. She showed what she really is even more. Of course blind dads don't or won't see it.
It is funny how certain
It is funny how certain people can't see what they allow. My BD11 always calls out SD13 - it is so funny. my BD says she can't believe she has any friends at all because she's such a rude snot!!!! It is priceless and I love when she does it to her because I am not "aloud" to.........
who cares; screw em' I bet it felt good to say that
If you aren't married to BM,
If you aren't married to BM, please run! Unfortunately, I think the only thing that will make SD change for the better is getting a few hard life lessons from the real world.
OH~~~ I called my darling
OH~~~ I called my darling adult SD's *brats* during a Christmas party last year, and you would have thought I called them every name in the book. They didn't even hear me say it, as I was speaking to someone else. My lovely SIL bitch let them know after the party, and I have been on their shit list since. Which, is COMPLETELY fine with me. For once I don't have to put up with their emotional blackmailing anymore and they don't come around anymore. I wish them the best, but I'm not going to change what I won't tolerate from other human beings, and they have a long way to go before they evolve into what I consider a human being.