How do you sit by and watch as the skids play DH (and really BM) with lies? How?!
Somebody please tell me how to do this. I think I've gotten better because I've finally learned to remove myself from any parenting involving them. I've learned that's the way to go. If I don't, then I get pooped on for giving a crap and putting in my all. So I've given up all parental duties to DH. They're basically short roommates at this point. But now I sit by and watch DH learn the hard way that the skids can be little liars about responsibilities. How do you just sit by and listen/watch?!
I am still trying to figure
I am still trying to figure out that one myself. I have had sds for 11 years. And one of them lives with us so I do participate in her parenting. The the other one lives with her mom. Who is rude and now it is rubbing off on the 15 year sd. But i get the short roommate part. But do we have to let them be rude to us and be disgusting slobs??