Oh and I HATE this....SS14 pours ketchup or BBQ sauce all over ANYHING I cook. And it's not because he loves ketchup, it is just a jab. Quiche, Steak, soup, dosen't matter.
DH's kid picks everything apart with her fingers. You'd think she was 4 and not 14. As for your SS, if it wasn't ketchup or BBQ Sauce it would be salt or pepper. Just ignore it and let him ruin his food.
It bugs me when anyone drenches their food in ketchup before even tasting it. I'm a good cook. It also bothers me when someone salts something without even tasting it. Actually, if you read books on etiquette the behavior is deemed as rude.
If my DH puts ketchup on meat, which he only does rarely, and it could be something he cooked himself I have to give him a hard time about it. I say, "what are you — 5?" That might be a good dig for a 14 yr. old.
You so need to get over yourself. DH and I subscribe to the idea that if you're not picked on you're not loved. I'm sensing you don't "love" your husband the way I do. Different strokes for different folks. That should be your new mantra.
I cringe a bit when I see people grab the salt shaker without tasting. Some things though, you don't really need to taste to know you want ketchup with it or any other condiment. I know when I want fish, I'm gonna have tarter sauce with it. Not because the fish isn't good, but because I like the taste of tarter sauce with my fish. Same goes for ketchup, salsa, bleu cheese, ranch, black pepper, cheese, marinara sauce, seasoning salt, tabasco, etc. I also eat ketchup on eggs at times. It tastes good to me...doesn't mean the eggs didn't taste good before I put the extra sauce on it.
True, I know I'm going to want ketchup with french fries - but with ham, pork chops, unbreaded chicken, not hardly. I also know that if I go to denny's I'm gonna need to salt my eggs. I've tried ketchup on them, liked it when I was younger, now I'm more about tabasco on the eggs.
I'm talking about things that people don't normally add sauce to - at least not ketchup. It's a matter of taste, but I can see how the OP is annoyed by a nearly grown kid ketchuping EVERYTHING.
I eat meatloaf, but normally with bread and mayo. I don't want it any other way. I refrain when I'm not sure the host won't have a problem, but it's really hard. lol
My mom eats ketchup on her meat. I think it's funny because it does seem childish. But at least she doesn't pour on ketchup and then end up throwing it away.
A kid should eat what is prepared and what is on the table. If you don't put ketchup or bbq sauce on the table then they don't have the option of using it.
That seems a bit harsh. If it's not put on the table, they can just go to the pantry to get it...kinda like I'd do if I sat down to dinner and decided I wanted a different salad dressing than what was put out.
IMHO there is a difference between putting SALAD dressing on a SALAD and ruining a dish that someone worked hard to prepare with a completely inappropriate condement.
If he is at a restaurant .... fine. But not at home.
My mother used to be hurt when I brought friends over for dinner and they ask to slather some crap or another on a dish that she had prepared. She would politely respond, "the available condements for this dish are on the table".
I guess this is just the way I was raised with manners and respect for the efforts of the cook.
Our son (my SS) knows this lesson very well and has been a foodie like his mom and I my parents (his GrandParents) since he was 2yo.
Interestingly he used to love mushrooms when he was a baby/todler but can't stand them now. He eats them if they are part of dinner but he does not like them.
A kid will not starve if they refuse to eat what is served for a day or two. Eventually they will eat what is served and like it.
I was not implying or inferring that if not raised as I was anyone was raised as an animal.
This was a big deal to my mom and made an impression on me as a child so it is reflected in how I have raised my kid.
I will say, I did have fantasies of living in the forest with wolves when I was a kid, in a box car, running around a fire chanting.
It does amaze me now day's how many young adults and older children have no clue which utensil to use for which dish or what side the fork, knife, glass, salad plate go on in a place setting.
It is embarrassing when I am hosting a young college grad for an interview lunch or a new hire celebration lunch and they don't have basic table manners.
If they're drenching the food and actually eating it, I wouldn't care. My brothers put cheese on the strangest things and I have to turn my head sometimes lol but it's their plate, right?
I salt & pepper the CRAP out anything put in front of me… compulsively and to the chagrin of anyone looking on. It’s genetic… my grams did it, my dad did it and brother… I’m the over-salty queen! It’s a giant point of contention with DH (the in house chef!) and I, more for health reasons than cooking pride, but he still hates it.
I guess not being a cook myself I can’t understand the offense… if the skids dumped whatever all over anything I prepared I’d just be happy they were eating it. Most nights we play out that scene in “A Christmas Story”… “Who’s mama’s lill piggy..?” complete with faces shoved in their plates (and threats to pull out the plumbers helper and shove it in!).
I hate to say that I am guilty of more than one of these things. ANYTHING taste better drenched in Ranch dressing!!! Lol. I am not that bad, but I do love me some ranch!
I do the salt thing to. Bugs the living crap out of my mom!
Salt is fundamental. If I put just the right amount of salt in a dish and then you salt it without even tasting it, how are you going to determine if the dish is good or not? I'm the opposite of you I guess when it comes to S&P. If I have to add any, it's probably not something I'd order again...outside of french fries, eggs and mashed potatoes.
Salt for me goes lightly on eggs, on a steak (no steak sauce .... ever), and on some veggies. Other than that, I don't use salt.
Pepper I add far more frequently than salt primarily because I don't eat carbs and to overcome the cravings I like very robust flavors. If a dish is bland to my palat I will add pepper after I taste it.
Ketchup goes on a burger, dog or fries which I don't eat often and usually without a bun.
LOL - We used to put ketchup on everything when we were kids -- my Grandkids now do the same - with barbeque sauce or anything else. I don't take it as an insult, I just laugh and remember my childhood.
Instead of getting angry at him, smile at him and say -"that looks good, maybe I should try it sometime". I bet he stops doing it (just to jab you a little more)
Geeeez....I am not angry....yes it is irritating, particulary when MY food is the only food being drenched. Iam using this as a venting forum...............I thought that was what it was for. Excuse me...please.
He's the one who has to eat ketchup on everything. I'd laugh it off. Just enjoy your food and realize that this whiner is willing to hate his food just to jab at you. That's a pathetic way for him to live but it's his choice. Start holding your breath when you're near him as if he smells...
That's actually a great way to look at, it is HIM who has to eat all that ketchup I think I'll stock up....."Can I get you some more ketchup for that mac'n'cheese honey??" I feel better already.
I don't know, I don't like someone telling me how to eat my food so I don't tell others (except for table manners, of course).
I, personally, think that steak sauce ruins a good steak but my SO and SS15 wouldn't even think to eat a steak without it. My SO salts EVERYTHING, I pepper EVERYTHING...we just tease and laugh at each other about it. My SO won't drink anything but Mt. Dew, My SS15 won't drink anything (and I mean ANYTHING) but water, I will drink anything, especially if it contains alcohol
Yuk.....why even bother eating different foods?...okay to each his own but....blaaaaaahk. I am however after reading these posts, going to buy stock in Heinz or.....Hunts.....do people that 'ketchup' everything actually have a 'ketchup' preference???
Honestly, with five kids and all the stuff that goes along with that...I just don't have the time or the energy to care about ketchup. I don't care if they pour it on everything in front of them as long as they eat. And in our house, it's not ketchup, it's soy sauce. On everything!
I will try any kind of food and I usually like it. But your childhood fave of bologna and soy sauce literally made me get that fur ball gag in the back of my throat.
I think I will do an infomertial on the bologna and soy sauce diet. I am sure I can loose the 50-70 I need to loose in about four weeks on that diet and make a ton of money on selling it.
No, not being silly, it's
No, not being silly, it's nothing i ever say anything about....but yeah it bothers me. If this is the place that I have to vent, then let me vent.
DH's kid picks everything
DH's kid picks everything apart with her fingers. You'd think she was 4 and not 14. As for your SS, if it wasn't ketchup or BBQ Sauce it would be salt or pepper.
Just ignore it and let him ruin his food. 
It bugs me when anyone
It bugs me when anyone drenches their food in ketchup before even tasting it. I'm a good cook. It also bothers me when someone salts something without even tasting it. Actually, if you read books on etiquette the behavior is deemed as rude.
If my DH puts ketchup on meat, which he only does rarely, and it could be something he cooked himself I have to give him a hard time about it. I say, "what are you — 5?" That might be a good dig for a 14 yr. old.
It's not an insult. We joke
It's not an insult. We joke with each other. It's not intended as insult and he doesn't take it as one. It's just poking fun.
Obviously you did miss it.
Obviously you did miss it. But thanks for chiming in anyway as per your standard M.O.
Hit a nerve...have a
Hit a nerve...have a ....KETCHUP lover here?????
You so need to get over
You so need to get over yourself. DH and I subscribe to the idea that if you're not picked on you're not loved. I'm sensing you don't "love" your husband the way I do. Different strokes for different folks. That should be your new mantra.
I cringe a bit when I see
I cringe a bit when I see people grab the salt shaker without tasting. Some things though, you don't really need to taste to know you want ketchup with it or any other condiment. I know when I want fish, I'm gonna have tarter sauce with it. Not because the fish isn't good, but because I like the taste of tarter sauce with my fish. Same goes for ketchup, salsa, bleu cheese, ranch, black pepper, cheese, marinara sauce, seasoning salt, tabasco, etc. I also eat ketchup on eggs at times. It tastes good to me...doesn't mean the eggs didn't taste good before I put the extra sauce on it.
True, I know I'm going to
True, I know I'm going to want ketchup with french fries - but with ham, pork chops, unbreaded chicken, not hardly. I also know that if I go to denny's I'm gonna need to salt my eggs. I've tried ketchup on them, liked it when I was younger, now I'm more about tabasco on the eggs.
I'm talking about things that people don't normally add sauce to - at least not ketchup. It's a matter of taste, but I can see how the OP is annoyed by a nearly grown kid ketchuping EVERYTHING.
I eat meatloaf, but normally
I eat meatloaf, but normally with bread and mayo. I don't want it any other way. I refrain when I'm not sure the host won't have a problem, but it's really hard. lol
My mom eats ketchup on her meat. I think it's funny because it does seem childish. But at least she doesn't pour on ketchup and then end up throwing it away.
A kid should eat what is
A kid should eat what is prepared and what is on the table. If you don't put ketchup or bbq sauce on the table then they don't have the option of using it.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
That seems a bit harsh. If
That seems a bit harsh. If it's not put on the table, they can just go to the pantry to get it...kinda like I'd do if I sat down to dinner and decided I wanted a different salad dressing than what was put out.
IMHO there is a difference
IMHO there is a difference between putting SALAD dressing on a SALAD and ruining a dish that someone worked hard to prepare with a completely inappropriate condement.
If he is at a restaurant .... fine. But not at home.
My mother used to be hurt when I brought friends over for dinner and they ask to slather some crap or another on a dish that she had prepared. She would politely respond, "the available condements for this dish are on the table".
I guess this is just the way I was raised with manners and respect for the efforts of the cook.
Our son (my SS) knows this lesson very well and has been a foodie like his mom and I my parents (his GrandParents) since he was 2yo.
Interestingly he used to love mushrooms when he was a baby/todler but can't stand them now. He eats them if they are part of dinner but he does not like them.
A kid will not starve if they refuse to eat what is served for a day or two. Eventually they will eat what is served and like it.
Best regards.
I was not implying or
I was not implying or inferring that if not raised as I was anyone was raised as an animal.
This was a big deal to my mom and made an impression on me as a child so it is reflected in how I have raised my kid.
I will say, I did have fantasies of living in the forest with wolves when I was a kid, in a box car, running around a fire chanting.
It does amaze me now day's how many young adults and older children have no clue which utensil to use for which dish or what side the fork, knife, glass, salad plate go on in a place setting.
It is embarrassing when I am hosting a young college grad for an interview lunch or a new hire celebration lunch and they don't have basic table manners.
Best regards.
But can't appropriate
But can't appropriate condiments vary person to person?
SS is 14, he knows his way to
SS is 14, he knows his way to the fridge....just venting
If they're drenching the food
If they're drenching the food and actually eating it, I wouldn't care. My brothers put cheese on the strangest things and I have to turn my head sometimes lol but it's their plate, right?
*hangs head in shame* I salt
*hangs head in shame*
I salt & pepper the CRAP out anything put in front of me… compulsively and to the chagrin of anyone looking on. It’s genetic… my grams did it, my dad did it and brother… I’m the over-salty queen! It’s a giant point of contention with DH (the in house chef!) and I, more for health reasons than cooking pride, but he still hates it.
I guess not being a cook myself I can’t understand the offense… if the skids dumped whatever all over anything I prepared I’d just be happy they were eating it. Most nights we play out that scene in “A Christmas Story”… “Who’s mama’s lill piggy..?” complete with faces shoved in their plates (and threats to pull out the plumbers helper and shove it in!).
/// I can’t understand the
/// I can’t understand the offense…///
I need to find a syndrome name for this instead of keep saying it out.
I think it's a matter of taking offense from the SK's actions and assigning motives when it's a normal kid behavior.
*** ducking and running ***
*** ducking and running ***
I hate to say that I am guilty of more than one of these things. ANYTHING taste better drenched in Ranch dressing!!! Lol. I am not that bad, but I do love me some ranch!
I do the salt thing to. Bugs the living crap out of my mom!
Salt is fundamental. If I put
Salt is fundamental. If I put just the right amount of salt in a dish and then you salt it without even tasting it, how are you going to determine if the dish is good or not? I'm the opposite of you I guess when it comes to S&P. If I have to add any, it's probably not something I'd order again...outside of french fries, eggs and mashed potatoes.
*drooling like homer
*drooling like homer simpson*
Mmmmmmmm… heavily salted mashed potatoes….
Yes! *I think we just bonded*
Yes! *I think we just bonded* lol
Salt for me goes lightly on
Salt for me goes lightly on eggs, on a steak (no steak sauce .... ever), and on some veggies. Other than that, I don't use salt.
Pepper I add far more frequently than salt primarily because I don't eat carbs and to overcome the cravings I like very robust flavors. If a dish is bland to my palat I will add pepper after I taste it.
Ketchup goes on a burger, dog or fries which I don't eat often and usually without a bun.
In my case of course.
Best regards.
LOL - We used to put ketchup
LOL - We used to put ketchup on everything when we were kids -- my Grandkids now do the same - with barbeque sauce or anything else. I don't take it as an insult, I just laugh and remember my childhood.
Instead of getting angry at him, smile at him and say -"that looks good, maybe I should try it sometime". I bet he stops doing it (just to jab you a little more)
My BS12 pours Ranch Dressing
My BS12 pours Ranch Dressing over everything. He likes it. I find it kinda funny. Don't stress the small stuff. Kids are weird.
Geeeez....I am not
Geeeez....I am not angry....yes it is irritating, particulary when MY food is the only food being drenched. Iam using this as a venting forum...............I thought that was what it was for. Excuse me...please.
Zuz, Please do vent. Enjoy
Please do vent. Enjoy being a S-Talker.
He's the one who has to eat
He's the one who has to eat ketchup on everything. I'd laugh it off. Just enjoy your food and realize that this whiner is willing to hate his food just to jab at you. That's a pathetic way for him to live but it's his choice. Start holding your breath when you're near him as if he smells...
That's actually a great way
That's actually a great way to look at, it is HIM who has to eat all that ketchup
I think I'll stock up....."Can I get you some more ketchup for that mac'n'cheese honey??" I feel better already.
I don't know, I don't like
I don't know, I don't like someone telling me how to eat my food so I don't tell others (except for table manners, of course).
I, personally, think that steak sauce ruins a good steak but my SO and SS15 wouldn't even think to eat a steak without it. My SO salts EVERYTHING, I pepper EVERYTHING...we just tease and laugh at each other about it. My SO won't drink anything but Mt. Dew, My SS15 won't drink anything (and I mean ANYTHING) but water, I will drink anything, especially if it contains alcohol
I just figure, to each their own.
OMG!!! You tease your
OMG!!! You tease your husband?!?!? Watch out, blendedfam will you accuse of not loving or respecting him.
Well, she'll have TWO things
Well, she'll have TWO things to go after cause SO isn't my husband :jawdrop: I'm just the mean GF that teases her man!
I LOVE Ketchup!! Ketchup on
I LOVE Ketchup!! Ketchup on beef, definitely on steak, eggs, hashbrowns--any fried potato, really. I like condiments and sauces--wet food.
MY bio dgtr uses ranch on everything... and soy sauce on veggies.
Have you tried the new organic simply Heinz? OHH, yummy. It's really thick, no HFCS, and lower salt...
Yuk.....why even bother
Yuk.....why even bother eating different foods?...okay to each his own but....blaaaaaahk. I am however after reading these posts, going to buy stock in Heinz or.....Hunts.....do people that 'ketchup' everything actually have a 'ketchup' preference???
Oh Heinz dude... Heinz. If
Oh Heinz dude... Heinz.
If you buy Hunts you hate america and don't support the troops.
I don't always use Ketchup.
I don't always use Ketchup. But when I do, I prefer Heinz.
Honestly, with five kids and
Honestly, with five kids and all the stuff that goes along with that...I just don't have the time or the energy to care about ketchup. I don't care if they pour it on everything in front of them as long as they eat. And in our house, it's not ketchup, it's soy sauce. On everything!
My favorite food as a kid was
My favorite food as a kid was bologna smothered in soy sauce :sick: . Kids are weird, as long as he eats it, I wouldn't worry.
Kay, I will try any kind of
I will try any kind of food and I usually like it. But your childhood fave of bologna and soy sauce literally made me get that fur ball gag in the back of my throat.
I think I will do an infomertial on the bologna and soy sauce diet. I am sure I can loose the 50-70 I need to loose in about four weeks on that diet and make a ton of money on selling it.
I will split the proceeds with you.
Gag!!!!!!! Thanks for the fur ball. :sick:
Best regards.