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Money woes

MadeMyBed's picture

Well, I was sitting here wondering why DH's ex ("Psycho") who makes twice what he makes, owns FOUR (yes, 4!) homes still get child support?? I know she is CP but My God, how much more $$ does she need while we struggle??
Then sometimes I think the $$ is worth it for her to have the SKs 99% of the time.....hhmmmm....poor vs. crazy, which is worse?

Loops1987's picture

How about poor and crazy???? ha
I'm currently 3 thousand pounds in debt as SO is unemployed and we still pay for SS's clothes etc
We don't pay specific child support as SO was dead set against it as it wasn't going on SS, However we must spend thousands of pounds a year on clothes, shoes, coats, uniform, and thats without the none-essentials like toys/ days out etc.
Money is a very sore issue in our household and the situation with SS drives me mad as we spend/ buy the same amount as we would if he lived with us full time (infact probably more as stuff goes home and disapears/ he doesn't look after it- which he would if we kept an eye on him).

PoisonApples's picture

And it sounds like he's not even paying CS

Where did it sound like that? it sounded the opposite to me.

MadeMyBed's picture

In my case we DO pay CS, believe me! BM makes twice what DH does, owns 4 houses, goes on expensive cruises, vacations, etc. WE also have to pay to see the SKs, fly them 1500 miles every 6 weeks back and forth, direct flights only for the little darlings, and around holidays which means crazy airfare prices. All on top of a pretty good amount of CS for 2 kids/monthly.

MadeMyBed's picture

well, I guess its just the fact that BM makes double! hee hee
Anyways, after YEARS of a removal trial, corrupt judge believed her lies and let her move 1500 miles away. The kids are 10 and 16 but HAVE to fly direct per the judgment. DH HAS to pay for flights per the judgment.

MadeMyBed's picture

Yes I was joking about the CS, ALTHOUGH if any CP makes double what the NCP makes is it really fair for the NCP to pay? Does it all even out? They both have to have homes for the kids. She earns double AND gets $$/month? Seems a little excessive, no?

BUT I do think its excessive that they are flying within the US, always flying together and they cant connnect on a flight? dumb. Believe me, this judge did not worry about the kids in ANY of his decisions! The "no connection" rule was, Im sure, aimed at the flights being more expensive for DH. Bad enough that she got to move, breaking DH's heart, and then HE has to pay excessive fees just to see his kids? After paying CS every month if he has no $$ for flights, guess what? he cant see them. Too bad

Chavez's picture

I agree that NCPs should pay CS no matter how much or how little the CP makes. However, I also think perhaps your DH didn't have a great lawyer to fight the visitation ruling. If the Judge allowed BM to move yet DH has to pay all expenses for visitations, there is something wrong.