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Child support amounts and details...survey..please help me out!

ANDIE's picture

Hi guys! I am a stepmommy to a 5 year old and I have a bio son who is 15 months. I have a question for you all, I wanted to do a survey because I am curious. Without getting to nosey...can you guys tell me how much child support your husband pays for your stepchild. Also, can you add, what state it was done in, how much money is made between both parents, does the father get to claim the child on taxes, and if you live far you split travel costs. I am just curious because my hubby is getting ready to sign his child support modification and I wanted to see what was the norm for child support amounts these days. thanks so much!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

My hubby pays $600 in TX for one kid. The norm for one kid is 20% however they also factor in the kids he supports at home (our biokids) which lowers the percentage for each kid we have together. We have 3! Then they subtract how much he pays for ss's health insurance to get an amount. I'm a stay at home mom so we are a one income family. Bm has worked...oh maybe 1-2 years inthe 12 years since ss has been born. Now she's not working again but is at least married because before it felt like dh was fully supporting two households! Anyway, he also has to pay half of dr visits. We do live in another town...2 hours away. Since dh is the one that move he's still required to pick up and drop off. However if bm were to move a longer distance then she'd have to meet us halfway or split it where one parent drops off and the other picks up so the burden wouldn't be on dh...since she moved. Dh has never been allowed to claim them and i don't know who has since bm never worked. He was going to bring it up this last time in court but since we have three kids of our own... But I would try to get it where you could alternate years. Tell dh not to sign unless he is completely satisfied with the decree!!! It's better to figure it all out now than to decide it's not what you want andhave to pay an attorney to fix it.

Rags's picture

My wife gets $380 for one kid. BioDad has 3 other out of wedlock spawn by 2 more mothers. The case is in OR where the ultra libs are in control of the courts and cater to the entitlement idiots hook line and sinker,

BioDad is a licensed plumber and makes ~$48000 per year and my wife is a CPA and makes nearly twice BioDads income per year.

Each party pays 50% of the travel costs for visitation which is 5wks Summer, 1wk Winter, 1wk Spring.

My wife gets to claim the tax credit for our son (my SS) because she is the CP.

In most jurisdictions the CP gets the tax credit for the kid.

You can go on line to your state's online CS calculator to get a pretty good estimate of what your DHs CS obligation should be based on his income and BMs income applying any credits each parent may get for nonjoint children.

happymostly's picture

my dh pays $286 for one kid in OK. He doesnt pay any extra for insurance (yet, this CS amount is still a temporary one, so it might go up) BUT BM is on state insurance and all sorts of govt help because she doesnt have a job now. But when the order was set, it was set at minimum wage for her (when she was working) and him working 10$. He has since got more income, and she quit her job, but she gets SSI for sd's 'disability', so not sure how everything would change when the final order is put in.

onlynormalone's picture

The formula for our state is 25% of gross pay for 2 children. We have joint custody and it go's by gross income.
So its the YTD gross divided by 12= then take that number x 25% and thats your number. Do same for other parent and subtract the lower one from the higher one. They should also have a cap sheet in your state to tell you how much OT they are allowed to work with a chart as to how much to pay. Everything makes a difference so bring in all bills for the kids-school lunches,clothes,daycare and medical insurance.

mom2five's picture

When we were non-custodial, we paid $2,700 a month for two. The kids moved in with us a couple of years ago. She doesn't pay us any child support. My ex paid me $700 for two.

onlynormalone's picture


beachstepmom's picture

My husband pays $300 per month for one child and has no other children to factor in. We live in NC, child and BioMom live in FL.

Husband makes $600 per week, BioMom makes around $500 per week and she gets state assisted health insurance called Florida Healthy Kids or something like that. She also has my SS7 on reduced lunch at his school somehow.

We buy all of the plane tickets for SS7 to fly to and from to visit with us for 1 week at Spring Break, 9 weeks for Summer, and 2 weeks for Christmas. We buy ALL clothes, shoes, school supplies, allergy medication that insurance does not cover, all Christmas from Santa and us, and pay for karate while he is here with us for the summer as well as Baseball in the Fall while he is in FL.