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Going to have a meltdown due to his ex-wife the BM.

LaMichelle's picture

This weeks fight between my fiance and his ex have been about his BD5 dance recital. His BD asked that her father and myself attend but it isn't sitting well w/ her BM. In fact his ex told us that if we showed up to the recital she would cause a scene and/or call the cops on us. We would have every right to be there but my fiance has so much anxiety over the issue he doesn't feel it's worth going. My fiance feels that if I don't go his ex wins or if we both don't go his ex wins b/c it's all a battle w/ her. Also if we were to show up the chances of my fiance getting his BD on Father's day goes down to zilch.
She also tells him that her BF of 8 months is more of his BD father than he is. She has had around 7 or 8 BFs since they separated over 3 yrs ago and most of those she said the same thing about.
Two wks ago this lovely creature decides she was going to try to get me b/c "karma is a bitch". She works at a junk debt collection agency and "coincidentally" a hospital bill of mine from over 5 yrs ago comes across her desk. She decides not to call me to collect and instead "passes it on to legal" then texts my fiance what she had done. DUMB ASS!! She violated a HIPAA law. My fiance called her supervisor to explain what she has done and she was written up for it. Her supervisor sits her down to talk to her and b/c the ex is such a muture 29 yr old, she starts screaming about how my fiance is never going to see his BD again! Her supervisor told us all this later as she got to see a nice glimpse of her true personality. Now the ex ignores all of my fiance's phone calls to talk to his BD b/c SHE f'ed up and keeps saying that my fiance tried to get her fired.
I have many emails and messages from her threatening me and boy did shit hit the fan when my fiance told her we were having a baby together. She started sobbing and told my fiance "I was carrying what was supposed to be HER baby"! Psycho...
I've never had any contact with her nor do I want to. In the past two yrs she has gone from being "gangsta" to a heavy-metal "groupie" and now she is a biker-chick, even went to Myrtle Beach for bike week. I laugh b/c she's so ridiculous.
I just hate to see my fiance deal with this horrid creature and I know he loves his BD but I have given up caring about her and what happens b/c his ex doesn't have a reasonable thought in her head and the maturity level of a 13 yr old.

I am confused's picture

Holy crap. That dude made a BAD call with the first marriage... The good news is that he doesn't have to live with her any more. Hang in there. It's nice to know there are some people out there who can take it in stride.

You seem thoughtful and intelligent so don't give up on the SD simply because the BM is a lunatic. If anything that means the SD NEEDS YOU more than she otherwise would. Let your feelings for your fiance be the armor you need to deal with the BM, and stay close to the SD. It'll be best for the SD in the long-run and the fiance will never forget it...

milknosugar's picture

I agree with fiance about you going to the recital. If BD wants you both there you go. You have no control over her actions and if she makes a scene - bring it on. Make sure you have a video with you if she ever threatens to keep skid from fiance you can use it to help him keep his kids.

Sometimes, you just have to do the right thing no matter what she may or may not do. I have learnt this the hard way. We spent ages trying to figure out how to avoid conflict "for the sake of the kids" or so she wouldn't make life harder for us but it tore us apart instead.

If she is going to behave badly, let her. BD will know one day who the grown ups were.

Bettina's picture

First I have to ask is there Custody paperwork in place?
If so and she refuses him his time with SD she is in contempt of court. Keep record of this and file it with the officials.

Second go to the recital....If SD has asked for you to be there then it is important that you are there. If you do not go it will give BM amunition to say "see your father didnt care enough to come". If BM acts poorly and causes a scene then she will show herself in public and you will have witnesses to this for future refrence if so needed. Dont worry about the police being called, sounds like if they came for anyone it would be her.

Good Luck with this I hope all goes well!