OT~ Living And Decorating In Your Own Home~ plus having OCD~
So my new home is awesome! I can open my window to see the sunrise and go out at night to see the stars! Yay!
I'm rather "new age" about interior decor' though. I love my Baroque and my crystals and candles. Anything natural and beautiful finds a safe home with me. I've draped Ivy accross my glass doors that lead out to my screened in porch to host ALL of my fossils and shells...
Sounds great huh? Well, DH would have the place cluttered with knick-knacks, pop art, and pictures of his son, (not mine) all over the place. So much for Monet, Van Gogh, and Manet...not the case this time.
Not good for reclimating new energies.
I NEED a cat. He has a dog that hates cats.
Does he notice the art and beauty? Nope.
You can only show somebody the "stars" a few times, after that, it is up to them if they ever choose to look up at night.
Anyway, having "some" fun with decor.
That's awesome, congrats! A
That's awesome, congrats! A beautiful home provides a refuge from all the stress of work and general life.
That's funny that you mention your DH's decorating style because although my H and I share mostly the same taste, I am way more into aesthetics than he is and our house would look like a very clean, abandoned building if I didn't decorate. I just finished putting in my front garden and got an adorable, cheery welcome mat with bright flowers all over it and got my front porch looking incredible and I went to work and came home and H had put two dirty car doors smack dab in the middle of my potted plants and there was a giant muffler sitting right in the middle of my porch. After I made a sulky H put the car stuff somewhere else, it was back to pretty and peaceful, but if I let him, I think he would decorate the house with bike and car parts and our living room would look like a shop! He is constantly working on one project or another and I have to monitor closely to make sure scrap metal doesn't wind up in our food!
Anyway, good luck with decorating and enjoy the new place!
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Thankfully years ago I let
Thankfully years ago I let DH know that since I am forced to put up with hiskids and ex's bullshit, and sit in this house most of the day, I will be the one decorating it! It was brown, everything, the wallpaper was hideous and of course brown, brown carpet, light brown curtains, brown couch, brown every where you look.. kitchen floor..babyshit yellow, with some brown flower things, .. I packed up all the football stuff, toy trucks and other stupid things he used as decorations.. now we have a very nice white and black living room..new carpet coming tomorrow... (it has taken a very LONG time to get), kitchen, yellow and burgandy.. wiht a few green things.. its super.. I love it.
the only thing he put up a small fight about was the bedroom..light purple and black..with darker purple chinese symbols on the walls.. one wall has our names, one has "love is without reason", then there is soulmates and destiny... I did get rid of the very girly thing over the bed...
epgr~ "the only thing he put
"the only thing he put up a small fight about was the bedroom..light purple and black..with darker purple chinese symbols on the walls.. one wall has our names, one has "love is without reason", then there is soulmates and destiny..."
* You will have to explain this to me in more depth. This sounds amazing!
P.S: I have talked my DH into my preference of decor'. I gave him a Feng Shui book to read...
I recently got a feng shui
I recently got a feng shui book.. DH thinks I have lost it..lol
Bedroom is amazing! we know someone who can print out vinyl lettering (like the kind on racecars)..I looked up the translation and crossed checked it on several sites.. emailed it to him.. what took the longest was figuring out what I wanted it to say!
oh and I lined the ceiling with purple xmas lights, its a very soothing place for me.. which is off limits to the kids!!!
I even painted the dressers light purple and black..
Our house is really
Our house is really peaceful...no pop art, no family photos allowed outside of the room designated as the "photo room". The colors are soothing and natural...light wood, cream, lots of soft greens and dark greens, blues, browns...whenever people come over they always say how calm they feel immediately after entering. I believe a home should do that for people. It should give positive energy to recharge the occupants. The art should be soothing and thought provoking. Lots of natural wood and fresh scents. Lol...I love to decorate...got a lil carried away there for a second!
your home is the sanctuary of your senses MWC...you deserve to have it decorated in the most soothing of ways.