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Am I wrong??? Be Honest!

newmom01's picture

I asked a co worker of mine that is also a step mom and we are both in our mid 30's and she said " A little" to me that meant yes which was ok, because thats why I asked.

Here is the thing: I am re-decorating the house for the holidays, we bought a new sectional sofa that is HOT! anyway I took down my framed art to give the living room a more homey feel instead of a sterile art gallery look ....So I hung a portrait of my youngest son then of my oldest then put me and dh's wedding picture underneath and then two decorative medium size mirrors that match all the frames on the wall at the bottom luike this (see below)

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Dh asked why ss's pictures were not on the wall....I just stared at him ... I told him I dont mind putting them up on the walls in living room, just not this one. Personally I feel that everything regarding a first time mom experience has been taken from me. I did not have your first or second, I had your third and fourth and then I could not even do the Jr. thing because first wife did that! Then When I had the baby in hospital, I could not even enjoy that experience because dh went to go get them so they would not feel "left out". And of course the pregnancies in general, he had already went through that twice with first wife!

SO Im like damn, can I hang my sons on my wall with out them ! They can go on the very next wall which is rectangle shaped room anywhere i put them they will be able to be seen. Thier stupid mom does not have my sons on her wall of even in her house and they are brothers! I have to include them in ALMOST everything


briarmommy's picture

I think your fine as long as they are somewhere in the room. Put some pictures of them on another wall, as long as they get equal exposure in the living room I don't see the problem. I bypass this by just not putting out pictures in the living room, the hallway has one of me and my daughter and then on either side of that one of SS, DH, and I. Then on the other side one of DH, Our Daughter, and myself. BUt my room is full of pictures of our daughter, us and our daughter, or our wedding pics, SS isn't allowed in our bedroom so he can't be insulted and I get all the pics I want, DH has never said anything about it.

Jsmom's picture

As long as they are prominent elsewhere in the house, I have no problem with it. DH mentioned the other day that our guest room only had pictures of my past and none of his kids, so I have to make a point to find some pics of SS to put in there..

dragonfly5's picture

*Well Put^^^^^^^^ I am reading stepmonster right now..I get how you feel but he loves his kids. They are his family too.

You are doing the right thing to reconsider. Bravo to you.

You are his first...first for so many things. Don't forget that, he chooses you, he wants you, he is happy with you.

It isn't easy to mix and match...but we do it everyday. It is a necessity of survival.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I also agree with these two posts above. Not saying at all that your feelings are not legitimate, they absolutely are. But it is true that reality, as hurtful as it is, is that the skids are his family and have a pla ce there. I have struggled with this also, but never even brought it up to DH. His kids pictures are on the fridge, where SD put them a long time ago. She has even had pictures of bm and DH and the two kids on there for a few days . Her dad told her that was a little weird and she put them on her school binders.
We all may wish things are different, but we have to do the best and fairest with what we really have. I do feel for you for not having all those first time mom my things that you would have liked to have.

newmom01's picture

That How I felt, but dh insists that I put them on "that" wall ...he says it shows "seperation" To me the fact is I did not give birth to them ....and just to be clear my relationship with the boys are good has improved 100% over the years. they are 9 and 8 .... So its not that i dont like them...this is just my kids with dh.

newmom01's picture

Thank you ripley.....I will go try and find frames today for them ..I really liked how you worded your statement as well it was firm and truthfull ...THANKS !

Disneyfan's picture

I think it's wrong. It sends the message that there are only 4 people in the family. The SSs are just extras.

giveitago's picture

If I were going to put pics up in the living room I'd do a big pic of EVERYONE together on that wall with smaller pics surrounding it. Hell, I'd put pics of our puppy dogs and the bird up there too!
I do not have photos in the living room though, SD remarked on it and I said that the frame she gave me with her picture in it is on my bedroom dresser so I can see her smiling face every morning when I wake up.

aggravated1's picture

I don't have any pics of my SK's in my house. I guess it all depends on the situation. If I ever have need for pest control, I might revisit this decision.

newmom01's picture

Dear Echo,

We ar all here for venting, or support. Why must you always seem to attempt to make me feel bad? If you read my above comment I have already agreed to add them to the wall. This is not the first time that you have made a comment like this twords me on other posts. If I am taking this the wrong way I apologize, but please do not try to put me or others down when you respond to posts it is not necessary. Just give your opinion and leave it at that! Plus i dont have kids by anybody else beside my dh! AND I bought MY own home before I met dh!

Not saying I have the right to do what ever I want, but just responding to "Thier own daddy's home". Its my home too!

Auteur's picture

Ha ha!!! "pest control" "buck toothed ugly"

HILARIOUS!! Yeah if I want to put up a "Howdy Doody breeds with Alfred E Newman" Display, I'd be in luck.

newmom01's picture

Dear Echo, This is from your Bio......SO it breaks MY heart to see that you DONT even like your ss's how contradicting can you be?

"My kids are very much a part of our lives, but my SSs are not. Thankfully.

I have to be honest...I don't miss my SSs at ALL. I love our life as a family without them. I struggled all these years to make a 'family' of the 7 of us. And, at the end of the day, you can't fight nature. It IS stronger than nurture and my SSs proved to be a carbon copy of their low rent, gutter swimming BM."

Basically say the truth, but you dont have to be so nasty when you say it! Thats all Im saying to you.

newmom01's picture

I dont want to argue with you, again Im just saying dont be so nasty/judgemental when you give your opinions.....But to answer your question I would be hurt, If I moved into dh home and he put up pictures of him and his kids, and not mine if I had some from another relationship. But If he put them up on another wall right next to it that would have satisfied me, because it is his house and his kids. My mil has dh and my ss's covering a whole wall, but our sons are not on there.

I did not make a big deal her house her rules, I dont like it, but she pays her rent not me.

BUT I get your point, It just felt like you attacked me thats all

aggravated1's picture

Did you lack love and respect for your husband when you cussed your SS out and called him those horrific names? or does that only apply to people's wall space? Just curious. Hard to know where the boundaries are, sometimes......

Disneyfan's picture

The SSs are a part of the OP's DH's nuclear family. They may not live in the home full time, but they are still his family.

Auteur's picture

Since GG "accidentally" ripped a childhood photo of Awesomeson, when he was having a hissy fit over me emailing another SM about the horrendousness of his "beeeeaaaauuuuuuuutttiffffull wife" (the Behemoth, aka the BM) there are no photos of my bios around the house period.

I have them safe in a photo album here at work. On the other hand he has his brats' photos in our bedroom as sort of a "shrine" to them. There has been talk of him hanging up photos of their beastly faces in the living room once all the rennos are finished. Um no. He has his shrine and I have been relegated to moving my photos out of his destructive path.

I don't even look up my email on the "home computer" anymore b/c I've accidentally left it open twice and this last time, he got on me for telling his own niece that "I'm trying to get GG to come out of his shell" BLASPHEMY!!!

He then went on to tell me that he considers his ex-family (The Wookie, Ex MIL, and all that clan) to be MORE FAMILY to him than his actual own family that didn't side with the Behemoth!!!

I'm sure if I'd let him, he'd hang photos up of the Behemoth and the Wookie as well in MY living room!! As he said he'd rather invite the Behemoth and Wookie over to MY house than his own family that DIDN'T side with the Behemoth!! UNREAL!!

Sorry, phew, that felt good to vent!!

Auteur's picture

Yeah he doesn't want me associating with HIS family that doesn't side with the Behemoth. I wonder what he's hiding? The side of his family that DID take the Behemoth's side isn't talking to either of us, naturally.

Sorry to hijack!

aggravated1's picture

Well said, Fabumom!!

And for the poster that said since they are DH's family they are the SM's family also--in my case, they most emphatically are NOT.

Auteur's picture

A lot of it comes down to personal taste as well. I was never one for putting photos up on a wall. To me it looks too "old folksy" or "white trashy"

The ka-billions of photos that the Behemoth used to send our way practically every friggin' other day "to show GG what he was missing out on" (TM) are up in GG's souvenir box in the attic all ready to be shipped out with him once the house becomes non-upside down value-wise.

hismineandours's picture

If the dh is worried about the kids noticing their pics arent on a wall-then why on earth doesnt he put some pics up? Problem solved. He can chose a wall and put pics up. And unfortunately he does have two families-that is just the reality of it-just as the kids do. Why act like it something negative or to be ashamed of? Perhaps the kids are perfectly OK with the notion of having two families and would not even care to be in a photo arrangement of their father and sm's children together. Maybe they think it would be really awesome to have a photo arrangment of them and just their dad? That shows THEIR special link to dad. Why not celebrate everyone's unique relationship in the household? Not everything has to be the same all the time. I've got 3 bios and one step. We have about a million pics of all them especially from when they were younger. I have some pics of my ds and ss (boy pics) and of my two dd's (girl pics) Dh and i have pics or us alone. We have pics of all kids together-tons of individual pics. I dont really think that most kids give that much thought to where their photos are placed or the specific arrangment. I even have a few pics of my 3 bios. They were taken when ss didnt live here as dh was deployed to Iraq-very precious photo to me as it is literally the only professional photo I have of my 3 bios together. My relationship with them is special and unique-why should I have to pretend that it is not? It doesnt have to mean I hate my ss or I am trying to exclude him-he can have a very special relationship with his bm.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Since it does not sound like these are bad SS's, the issue is not about removing a reminder of pain and abuse and all that. OP hurts because she misses having had "firsts" with her kids. Ripley said it best in my opinion: you want to be "with" your husband, not against him. Reality is that these kids are part of his family and if being united and together is the goal, then the right thing to do is to include them on the wall, even if it is difficult to do so.
A lot of the advice here has come from those that have horrible skids and have given up, and that is fine for them, and legitimate. OP is not there, and she has a chance to have a good thing with her husband; Ripley's advice will help in that direction. Should her whole family fall to pieces and skids turn into nightmares and all that, then the advice of those that are already there would be more appropriate.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

And I don't think that anybody is saying that everybody should have skids pictures on the wall. Those that have been abused and mistreated have the right to not have those reminders. It's just for those where this is not the case.....then it's just not the case!

vanrocksout's picture

Everyone's picture should be on the wall.....but I DO get where you're coming from. I have baby #2 and #3 is on the way soon....and I too feel like you!! SS born first gets everything!! Not only does his mother get all of my hubby's money, he gets two birthdays, Christmases, and so on! It takes everything in me to be fair but I suck it up 80% of the time.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Maux, I get what you are saying and you could be right that a wall is not a big deal. But the point is that her husband noticed and felt a certain way about it. So the advice was given with that in mind. If it means something to him and she wants to be with him, as a partner, and there is no nightmare associated with the skids, then why is it a big deal the other way around? If he did not care, then who cares?
Even when we had our problems with SD, and sometimes I wished she did not exist (!!!!) I kept reminding myself that I married this man because what he feels matters to me. If it did not hurt me, then I owed him to respect his feelings. Maybe it's different because I also came to the relationship with my own child, and I needed that to matter.
Maux, in your case, I would not want the pictures either, you have every right not to be reminded of the nightmare your skids put you through. I just don't think OP is in the same situation.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I see your point about DH being grown up about it too. I guess considering all of it, they should both come to an agreeement that dhows they care about how the other feels.

briarmommy's picture

Here is some perspective, my sister has 3 bio children some walls have pictures of 1 or 2 of the kids another wall another kid. All of her kids are not all on one wall but no one cares or makes a fuss because they are all bios so why does it matter as long as they are all somewhere just because they are steps. As long as you are hanging them somewhere screw it, people hang pictures all over they aren't always on the same wall even when there is no steps or mutible families involved.

caregiver1127's picture

I find that we have to even ask these questions so f**king ridiculous - it is your house newmom01 and believe me when your BM puts up pictures in her house she does not give a freaking thought to how anyone will feel not even how her kids will feel about it I am sure she does what she wants - and quite frankly most kids don't even notice the pictures on the wall - I have a whole wall of pictures in our family room and not one of my friends kids or friends of my DD even glance at the wall only the adults do - so OP it is your wall, your house do what your want to do - you live there full time and you are the boss remember that!!! Good Luck and great on finding the "hot" sofa!!

aggravated1's picture

I am laughing at some of the posters who are so upset about wall space. I am going to have to share a NEIGHBORHOOD -LOL

caregiver1127's picture

Serously Ripley where was I calling the OP ridiculous - I for one am probably one of the most pro stepmothers on this site - please please please do not read my comments and try to make me look bad or start a fight - I was sticking up for the OP - now we will leave it at that and from now on try to read my whole comment and not specific words - that tends to get people in trouble - Thank you (imagine Brenda Lee Johnson from the Closer saying Thank you!) Good day Ripley!!

Disneyfan's picture

Maybe if there were just photos of the kids it wouldn't be an issue. When you add the adults with one set of photos and not the other, things change. One wall becomes the family wall, the other isn't.

twopines's picture

I just asked DH about this, and he said he would not think it was strange, or be hurt, or that I was "sending a message" with my photo placement. If all the kids have a photo in the room, for him it would be fine and dandy. I hope you don't feel too bad over this.

hismineandours's picture

I wonder why, if the dh does not approve of her photo arrangment, then he doesnt go out and get some frames and then hang pics of his kids where he likes. This is always one of the things that irks me. That alot of these men sit back and are worried about their kids feelings-but as I said they are "sitting back". They are not involved in doing these sorts of things for their own children when they should be. they are not the ones pondering a nice photo arrangment for their children-face it-they probably couldnt care less-UNTIL the stepmom puts up something of the children she gave birth to. I feel like it fine for her to want to have a photo arrangment that SHE enjoys-and likewise I also feel like it is fine for the dh to have a photo arrangement HE enjoys-but isnt it up to him to create one he likes? I'm all for being thoughtful to the person you married-but there is also a time to take some personal responsbility. Why had he not previously arranged some photos of all his children? Why now is this an issue for him? If it is an issue-then he needs to do something-not go to his wife and tell her to change the setting that she chose.

Also as far as the "creating a division"-yes there already is one. I personally made the mistake when my ss was younger of NOT creating a division-but absolutely treating him exactly like I did my own bios. He got just as much space for photos-just as many walls as the other kids-and it did not create any peace or harmony. Heck he's not been to our home in months and he lives 10 minutes away. He has spent years rejecting this piece of his family-and I did put his photos up. I realized later that ss WANTED to be treated differently-he did not WANT to feel like one of MY kids, because he had his own mom. It's easy to sit around and think what these kids might want or what they might care about, but in reality we dont even know so why waste so much effort?

aggravated1's picture


EXACTLY. You made a very good point. For all of you out there worried about poor Dh's fee-fee's, why the hell could he not pick up a hammer, some nails and two $5.00 frames from WalMart and put pictures up of his kids???????

Once again, people want to pile on the freaking wicked stepmom bandwagon, but I am pretty sure unless OP's husband is a total idiot he could work out the great engineering feat of hanging a picture without adult supervision. Why didn't he? Its only because SM took the iniative and decided to do something SHE wanted that everyones hackles went up. Unless he is armless or blind,what is the problem?

aggravated1's picture

My point is.....if he wanted pictures up of his kids, he could have put them up. As a stepmom with bios, our first thoughts usually are not, and should not have to be, what would make the SK's happy. It's not our job. It's DH's job to worry about that.

OP wanted to do her wall with her wedding pics and her bios; and she wasn't being nasty about it, but this is HER family. This is her first priority, and it SHOULD be.

If he felt so strongly, he could have done a "wall" himself. Obviously he didn't, so he should not be telling her what she should do differently. I would have told me DH to find another freaking wall and be done with it. It's in the same house, for God's sake.

And don't even get me started on how bios get excluded and treated differently, not to mention having to live in a stressed household full of stepfamily issues. I am a stepmom, bio-mom, and a stepdaughter. Bio children get the shit end of the stick, I promise you.

cant win for losin's picture

That is soooo true. No one thinks of the bio kids and what they have to "deal" with. Biokids shouldnt have any issues, they have their mom n dad! WRONG!!!!
I am making it a point in my home for our dd to experience the "intact" family things. There is no reason for her to miss out because of my poor choices.
I mean come on disney dad, you try so hard to over compensate so your kids of divorce dont experience unpleasantries, why cant i make sure my child of intact marriage experiences pleasantries!?!

caregiver1127's picture

Crap Riley now I have to apologize because I commented before getting to this post!! Told you I was fair!!

cant win for losin's picture

I think things like pictures, gatherings, holidays, birthdsys, vacations, finances, time, rooms, houses, schedules...etc.... i think all these things we have trouble with (that we vent about) and other family members too (dh, bk, sk, mil etcc)

These things are just physical reminders of the fact that we are NOT one family.
We just arent. We are not the intact family, we are not the first family. We are multiple families co existing under the same roof. Sometimes full time, sometimes part time, sometimes for visits!