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Greenfig's picture

Is taking a child to Disneyland by the divorced parent has become synonymous with guilt parenting? Is it to cover up for the feeling of lacking?

I keep seeing the Disneyland thing popping up, including my posts. The BM in our life is in the process of a 10 day Disneyland trip; and she is a negligent, self absorbed, workaholic and absentee mother for the rest of the year.

TheWife's picture

If you can take a kid to Disneyland as an intact family, why can't you as a divorced family? Hell, some people just want to take their kids to Disneyland.

Not everything is a result of guilty parenting. It's ok to get joy from seeing your kids happy!


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

usade's picture

Going to Disneyland/Disneyworld is ok, although I wouldn't recommend it for a child under 7 or over 11. Too young to appreciate it before seven and too old to care over 11 for the most part.

I resemble this I am going on 32 and would just LOVE to go to Disneyland/world. Yeah, my body's gotten older, saggier, fatter, etc. but my mind must still be stuck between 7 and 11 ( I want a slurpee! lol)

TheWife's picture

Girl you are good. There is no way on God's green earth that would have went down in my book. You have tons more patience and self restraint than I do.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

CRenfort's picture

WOW!! I just thought it would be nice to take my stepson back to Disney World because we had fun the first time around. I didn't know that there was a huge discussion post on this subject. My husband and I like to travel (I come from a fairly traveled family) and thought it was a great trait to pass on to my stepson. I think that somepeople just like to go. My parents took me more than 10 times, and they've been married for 40 years.

really? I mean really?