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**Spinoff** Does your BM work??

ohnoyoudidnt's picture

Our BM has not worked in 7 years if my memory serves me correctly.
I do know that BM earns cash just cannot prove it right now...sigh

Elizabeth's picture

Our BM stopped working as soon as she found a sucker willing to marry and support her. DH and BM divorced when SD was 2, BM remarried when SD was 4 and stopped working. Meanwhile, her husband was working two full-time jobs at one point to support her, and we were paying for EVERYTHING related to SD, so BM was pretty much set. Fast forward MANY years, SD is now nearly 17. BM just got a part-time job about six months ago, after making sure she got the maximum CS from DH because she "had no income." Boo hoo. There's an easy way to have income, and it's called GET A JOB!

Sorry, sore point for me.

MarriedwithChild's picture

Excuse me but, Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


bearcub25's picture


Our bitch had the nerve to call BF to ask with help to pay SS16's lawyer. She never said the words, 'I'll get a job to help' just 'But, I don't work' and 'I'll use my CS to pay it.'

Sure let the 9 & 10 yos go w/o b/c you're a lazy assed bitch.

blondie66's picture

My BM stopped working as soon as she had her first child with my DH many years ago. During and after the divorce she would constantly point out he OWES her big because he forced her to quit her job and didn't want her to work all those years. The truth is quite the opposite but she conveniently forgets that.
A few years ago, she went on to find a "job" with veeery flexible hours (read - work as much as I want and whenever I feel like it). She can. She has been on our payroll with a staggeringly high amount of a long-term alimony. Now that sweet deal is finally coming to an end (yeah for us), she found a sugardaddy who will provide for her. So she can keep playing "work" and have all the luxuries she's used to (as her divorce attorney once said "but she DESERVES it").

bioandstep2009's picture

Our BM doesn't work. She quit her job almost 2 years ago and I doubt she'll ever work again. Her BF now hubby supports her, his three kids AND his own XW (who also does not work) with huge alimony payments (thousands of dollars a month for the XW). He does all of this yet the house is under foreclosure, he has final judgments, IRS lien and other liens on his house. But supposedly, he makes a lot of money. Uh, yeah, ok...

Kb3Hooah's picture

Our BM works. I'm a BM also and I work, I don't get CS either, so I have to support our children on my own. Every BM that I know personally works.

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

bearcub25's picture

I am with you MM.

My kids' Dad passed away. While we got some SSI, it was nowhere near his income and it was up to me support us and keep our home (I had always worked anyway) cause there sure as heck wasn't an EX to call when things were tight or a major repair bill came along.

TheWife's picture

She didn't work for years, and then when her DH moved them into a house, he made her get a job. She now works at the gas station.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

DISbelief's picture

Heeheee**** thinking about the pee on the floor!! Laughing outloud!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

TheWife's picture

LOL. Sometimes when she is getting on my nerves, I think about this. LOL.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

DISbelief's picture

OH, and the condoms and whip cream. I so wanna fly out and watch you do that one day. That would be worth the trip. Hair all tosseled. I am laughing at this all over again. So funny!!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

DISbelief's picture

Let's see. BM worked when DH and I started dating. She got fired a few months later for poor attendence. She blamed it on the "stress from the divorce". She was out of work for well over a year. Then she FINALLY got a job, and was fired less than a year later for... hummmm... poor attendence. She blamed it on "the stress of the divorce"... she has not been out of work for a year and a half. Guess what she blames it on. Too bad this divorce was 6 years ago, and everyone just looks at her like she is mental when she says that. LAME. She is just too lazy to keep a job. That's all there is to it.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

reeny511's picture

I dont understand how the BM in my situation pays her bills. For whatever reason she cant keep a job. She works on and off. My DH only pays her child support and it's not enough to live on so I have no idea where she gets her money from. She even had the nerve to tell the judge the reason SHE's not making it financially is because DH is not paying enough child support. Sorry but the last time I checked child support was NOT for BM's doctor bills, cell phone and car payment. It's for SD to have the things she needs like her own room (which she doesn't have at BM's house - they have a one bedroom apt.) food (BM is on food stamps), clothing and whatever else kids need. She blames us for their meager living situation. Why cant she just get a job and have some goals instead of trying to live off the goverment and some man. I know the economy is tough now, but she has ALWAYS been this way. Always relying on someone else to help her pay her bills.

I was not raised this way. If I need something I go out and work for it even if I had to I worked two or three jobs to get it! Sometimes I just want to yell at her "Get some pride woman! Stop being a leech on society. What are you teaching your daughter!!!!"

DISbelief's picture

Preach it Sista** BM in my case is on food stamps too, and medicare... and wic. She lies about DH not being around in order to get these things. I have SOOOO wanted to turn her in for welfare fraud on SO many occassions. But DH won't let me. He says "until it involves him... we stay out of it". Well, when they come after him for repayment because she has labeled him a deadbeat dad in the state of California... I suppose that is when he will do something. By that time he will have a warrent out for his arrest and his drivers license revocked. That's what they do here. And he is FAR from a deadbeat dad. We provide EVERYTHING for this child. Short of basic needs are her house. Clothes, health insurance, little league... everything. She has to feed him when he is there and put a roof over his head. That's IT.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

bearcub25's picture

I hope he has all of the receipts to keep his butt out of trouble and get hers into trouble for filing a false charge.

DISbelief's picture

We do, but all we need is our custody agreement. She lied and said that he was no where to be found. Funny since we are the ones that enroll him in school every year. We have so much proof backing this up, it's not even funny. Even down to signing him up for little league. Pictures... how can he be NONexistant and have weekly pictures with him?? Videos... texts and emails from her regarding arrangements. She dug herself a grave on this one if she ever gets caught.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Stepmom1966's picture

Great job. My situation is the same. I wish I could get Food stamps, but when you actually work you don't get food stamps!!!

*I know the voices in my head arn't real...But they do have some great ideas!!

Stepmom1966's picture

The oldest skids BM just got her 1st job ever & works part-time. She basically lives off the CS. The youngest skid's BM has never worked. Both lazy & don't have shit. & they expect me to run their kids around & care cuz they're too lazy & worthless to do it!!!
Me & FH both work. FH's whole paycheck goes to 1st BM & mine pays everything!

*I know the voices in my head arn't real...But they do have some great ideas!!

usade's picture

BM is turning 30 and had 1 full-time position for 2 years during her marriage/divorce/re-marriage/separation. She's now on welfare and doctor-hunting, hoping someone will deem her medically incapable of working full-time and can as such entire early retirement, never have to work another day in her life unless she FEELS capable of doing so (quarter-time, plus govt. bonus for being such a trooper) the meantime, welfare, family, CS will have to cover her partying (she does - she left her BD11 home alone, came back at 2 in the morning and had a hangover (she told me this with her own mouth!)). If necessary, she'll find herself another bank with male genitalia.

Constantly_guilty's picture

BM worked when she and DH first got married then she quit her good and profitable job to open a "children's second hand clothing store" the store never made any profit and eventually went under. Then she stopped working altogether. After she and DH divorced she got a part time job selling paint for about a year but quit that. Then she met some woman through her cult-like personal improvement classes that needed a "personal assistant" so she did that for awhile but that was more being paid a little to run errands for someone. Then she decided to be a "reiki healer" WTF. She spent all sorts of time and money to be trained or certified or whatever the hell it is you do to become a "healer" did that for a few months before she found her new sucker to marry her and move her to the country overseas in which he lives. She lived off of him for the first year of their marriage until, I'm guessing, he basically said if you want to see your child you better get a job because I'm not paying for you to fly her back and forth to our country. So now she works part time for some guy doing his books and keeping his office for him.

I find this particularly humorous because this job will surely end in her firing if not prosecution. When she worked for her father she embezzled money from his company that my DH had to pay back (her own father!!!); when she owned the clothing store she AND her partner stole money off the books so that she never had to share any of the profits with her husband (my DH). So basically, whenever she's given access to bank accounts and money she ends up stealing....yep, I'm sure this will end well.

usade's picture

Well, she'll be lucky if (should she ever repeat the mistakes of her past) she can get back to the States and do time there, instead of overseas. Even in regards to prisons, "there's no place like home".

minerva385's picture

Ha...BM working? That is a joke as it seems to be through out the responses! I don't think our BM has ever worked. She lives off the state and any poor suckers she can suck into her twisted web of decit.

nycSM's picture


chicagosm's picture

Wow that would make me really mad. BM has worked a full-time since they first got married.