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my live in boyfriend can't stand my daughter

gcasimm's picture

someone please help... when our relationship started my daughter was calling him "dad" which is amazing considering her father is a junkin living in the woods who hasn't been a part of her life ever. He has two kids that we get every other week a daughter 14 and a son 8 my daughter is 16. the two girls butt heads just like normal average teenage sisters, I know this I have a sister and I coached cheer for years, that is just what girls do. he doesn't even acknowledge my daughters existance in the house. I finally broke yesterday and said Look I realize she isn't your favorite person, and I feel like she is a thorn in your side but she is my daughter and will be with me for the rest of my life. I think it's just several issues, his daughter is some what over weight where my daughter is very small, my daughter was up for homecoming court, just a bunch of small stuff. There was an incident over the summer where his daughter broke up with her boyfriend and turned to cutting... my daughter was there and witnessed it and came to me about it. My daughter and I have a very very close relationship, so do his daughter and I so much so that when she decided to have sex this summer ( at 14) I was the one she told and I had to tell her father... he feels his daughter does no wrong - I found an open condom in her bedroom floor while I was cleaning the carpets and showed him saying you really need to talk to her, take her to the ob and let them talk to her... he did nothing. do I continue in a relationship where the man despises my daughter?

startingover2010's picture

no, do not continue. i am in the same boat, except I am the one who doesnt like my bf's daughter. i can tell u that it will put a strain on your relationship.

plus, HIS daughter has issues he wont deal with. do u want to invest your life dealing with someone else's problem?

gcasimm's picture

yes his daughter does as well as his son with seperation aniexty...and my reason for leaving or what I tell him would be what? I can't be with a man who can't acknowledge the existance of my daughter? then that will place more resentment towards her and I want to be able to see his kids.

Angel's picture

Tell him that you are trying to be a good role model for your child (during the time your daughter is WATCHING YOUR EVERY LAST MOVE), and that you are aware that her character is being formed. Living together is not what you want your daughter to think is the way to go & that you must walk the walk. Tell him that you have re-evaluated your priorities.