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How to know who is lying?

kimm1960's picture

Got an email from BM today. She stated that ss-7 told her that for the last 2 Wednesday visitations he had not eaten. She said that she has had to reheat leftovers for him at 8:15 at night and that she would appreciate it if we made him eat. WTF. Last Wednesday night he ate a whole bowl of soup and had a glass of milk and later had a fruit snack. The Wednesday before he had chicken nuggets and fries and apple slices with peanut butter and apple juice. He didn't eat much of it (he said he ate a lot at lunch and wasn't very hungry) and we didn't force him to eat more. Neither my DH or I are the "you have to finish everything on your plate" type of people. He ate a reasonable amount and that was fine with us. We just looked at it as a child's appetite varies like an adults does.

A few weeks ago we got an email from BM stating ss-7 told her that we never looked in his backpack. She went on to say that it was necessary for us to look at the things in his backpack to know what was going on with school. Well DUH! When we asked ss-7 why he would say such a thing when he knows the very first thing we do after picking him up is go through the backpack and do homework if he has it, he replied "I don't know where she got that." We said ok and dropped the subject. We are very leary of questioning him to much.

I guess my question is, how do we know who is telling the truth? Since BM lies frequently is it possible that ss-7 has picked up on it and begun doing it also. We caught ss-7 in a lie two weeks ago when he was asked about homework on the drive home from school. He kept saying he didn't have any and didn't admit the truth until DH said he was going to call the teacher and ask. So now we don't know who to believe. DH of course wants to believe it is BM lying but I just wonder sometimes. We have court (she wants sole custody) on January 8th and I don't want this "eating" to become an issue. She stated in her email, "I would appreciate it if you would make sure that he eats supper. I think that 8:30 p.m. is too late for him to eat. I understand that we would rather do other things than eat which is why he is not allowed to play until he eats his supper." We get him at 3:00 on Wednesday's. After his homework is done he is allowed to play until supper. What are we suppose to do, just have him sit here? Anyway, does anyone know anyway we can find out if SS is really saying these things or is BM flat out lying?

StepChicka's picture

Whoever is lying the BM is documenting this stuff for her case. What are you guys saying in return?

I sign, in pen, all my kids homework and forms they send home and must return. This lets the teachers know who is assisting the child with homework and obviously going through the backpack. I would go as far as copying them if my situation was more acrimonious.

As for dinner, ss7 could be going through a growth spurt and needs to eat more frequently or is very focused on having fun---boys do this a lot. Boys lie about no homework too. Lil' buggers! lol

Is it possible that ss7 gets in trouble for asking BM for food? He could be lying to prevent a scorned BM and to get food in his belly. DH and/or you (if he won't resist) need to ask him about this delicately. If he doesnt eat dinner on the night you have him then wrap it up and send it with him when he goes over to BM.

As for eating at a later dinner time, tell BM to get over it. I for one served dinner tonight at 8. I had to go to the store first. Shit happens.

soverysad's picture

Same issue. Both BM and SD lie. I started calling BM on speaker phone in front of SD and making SD tell her mother the truth and let BM deal with it. Neither of them like it, but it keeps me from having to figure it out.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!