Okay Weird question... How many people are the complete
Opposite of your SO's ex?
Me and BM are nothing alike. Heres a few
I have lighter skin, she has darker skin
She has a big butt, I have a little one
I have pretty big boobs, She has none
I'm like 10 pounds over weight, She is itty bitty tiny.
She has dark hair, and brown eyes, I have red hair and green eyes
She used to do all kinds of drugs, and still smokes pot, Ive smoked pot once in my life, and have never done any other drugs.
Shes a stripper, Im a reciptionist at a nursing home
I was just thinking about it today, how totally opposite the two of us are... And i thought I would ask.
Yeah, I'd say we're pretty
Yeah, I'd say we're pretty opposite in a lot of ways.
She's bipolar and takes tons of meds that are always being regulated and she's had electroshock. I've never even taken a pill except for birth control in my life.
I have a Ph.D. She has a GED and is now finally taking college classes in her 40s.
I get a good amount of exercise and eat well. She would exist solely on a diet of M&Ms and cookie dough if she could.
She's got an explosive temper and can't deal with any kind of disagreement from friends or family -- she cuts people who disagree with her out of her life. I am considered by most of my friends as "the counselor" and have a position of authority at my job because I am considered to have good leadership skills and fantastic people skills.
She gets absolutely no enjoyment out of sex whatsoever. Once, my DH went without sex for 2 1/2 years while married to her. Me, well... Let's just say I'm not like that!
DH tells me all the time that I'm his sexual fantasy!
Her favorite hobbies are scrapbooking and other crafty things. (No offense to anyone who likes that.) I personally can't stand doing that stuff. I much prefer to read, play music, watch films, or be outside working in my garden or taking a long walk.
She watches TV all the time. I rarely turn the thing on.
Physically, we aren't that alike, though the drugs she's taking incidentally keep her weight from ballooning (she used to be FAT! I've seen the pictures!). I'm naturally thin and look very good for my age.
There you have it, I guess. It's nice to not have a lot of reasons to be jealous of the ex!
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
I'm the exact opposite as
I'm the exact opposite as well. I highly value education, So I got 2 degrees, she could care less about school.
I am a professional with a full time career and a teaching job on the side, she hates working and quits or gets fired continuously.
I am very independent and loves to help my boyfriend with whatever issues or problems on his plate. She can't do anything for herself and never helped him with anything
I am short, light skinned, with long hair.
She is tall, dark skin, short hair
and that is just the tip of the iceberg. lol
I'll jump into this one,
I'll jump into this one, just for the fun of it since someone brought it up...
I: grew up working hard since I was 13, worked my way through high school, all 4 FULL-TIME years of being AWAY at college (earned my B.A. in Mathematics) and paid for it all myself (parents couldn't afford to help with 8 kids in our family), then I earned my J.D.- law degree... all the while still working FULL-TIME and paid for my entire law school education (only law school loans remain). I have EARNED AND BOUGHT everything I own myself - 2 brand new cars, a new house, clothes, etc...and I pride myself on an almost perfect credit score.
She: got pregnant with an out of wedlock son when she was 16 (not BF's), dropped out of high school, didn't get her driver's license nor her GED until she was early 20's (when my BF was supporting her ass & her bastard son's ass), went to hairdressing school where she defaulted on all of her loans afterward, has horrible credit, never used her hairdressing license, rarely worked during her 10 year marriage to my BF, except for occasional stints waitressing, bartending, answering phones...and only when my BF would push her go to work to help him out with the bills after the skids were old enough to be in school full time.
I: am conservative, dress conservative, no tattoos, have class, have many loving friends that I will do anything for, like to play volleyball
She: is (how can I put this nicely) into vampires, goth, wicca, witchcraft, wears black a lot, favorite holiday is Halloween, has tattoos, dresses either like a teenager (not age-appropriate) or just plain like a whore, changes her hair color every month or so, never keeps the same boyfriend longer than 6 months, impulsive, drama queen, selfish
She's, well, big boned (just to be politically correct) and I'm naturally thin and look very good for my age (sorry for stealing your line BB).
Yes, I guess you could say there are a lot of differences between BM & I - total opposites.
This will make me feel very
This will make me feel very good today.
She's ugly with over-processed, frizzy hair. I'm pretty.
She barely finished grade 8. I have a degree in social service work and am half-way through another one in accounting.
She works part-time in a retirement home. My job title is (was until I got sick) Manager of Administration and Finance in a social service agency.
She wasn't very interested in sex, beyond the obligatory Saturday night thing. I love sex and I'm good at it (FH is grateful that his best is his last!).
She is a fundamentalist Christian. I am an eclectic pagan with a healthy dose of scientism.
She has terrible taste in music. I'm a classically trained singer (coloratura soprano).
She doesn't read. I read voraciously, usually cyberpunk science fiction.
She encourages her children to dislike and disrespect their father. I encourage mutual respect.
She teaches her children to seek vengeance. I encourage compassion and kindness.
On the flipside, and to be fair:
She cooks dinner for her children every night. I hate cooking.
Thanks for this topic! I needed a bit of a lift.
Lol thanks ladies, you made
Lol thanks ladies, you made my day..!
She didnt finish high school
I did. Im now getting my ass. as a respitory therapist.
I havent had a child yet
She had one at 15
Ha... LOVE IT!
LOL... she actually reminds
she actually reminds me of the blonde cheerleaders in middle school who taunted me for dressing punk. i got my revenge on them by making better grades and going to college after they got pregnant by the quarterback and dropped out of high school. yep. her pregnant and blonde. me educated and tattoos.
"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."
Yup, BM and I are almost
Yup, BM and I are almost complete opposites. There is one similarity, which I HATE! We both are more computer savvy than BF. LOL She has worked in the computer field for like 4 months, then was fire. She now works at Taco Bell.
I have been a computer pro for 18 years. She can't hold down a job... even Taco Bell I am betting will find her lacking.
She is a druggie, I HATE drug users, never used.
She is thin, (hmmm) I am NOT!
In our counseling, it was brought up that both of us chose complete opposites this time around. Not a bad thing!
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm
HAHA - I have to join
HAHA - I have to join in.
She's stupid, I'm smart
She's a slut, I am not
She's desperate, I had to turn men away
She's unemplyed, I'm employed
She's OK looking, I am good looking
She's a klutz, I'm athletic
She dumped a great man, I now have that great man
She's lost, I am content
She lives off handouts, I am finacially independent
She's can't have orgasms, I can!
That was fun.
"She dumped a great man, I
"She dumped a great man, I now have that great man"
I love this one. Let me add it to my list too.
I will play.... She is
I will play....
She is overweight, I am skinny.
I like to save my money and use it for something we really want, she spends it willy-nilly
She is a back stabber, I hate those kinds of people.
I like to go and and do things like garden, mow the grass, she likes to sit on the couch and eat.
I like to cook and she likes to make cookies and fried foods.
I love a clean house, she does not like to clean anything.
I have held a job for as long as I can remember, she likes to live off of others money.
I hate drama, she loves to cause drama.
She likes to cry to get what she wants, I work harder to get what I want.
I will not ever cheat on DH, she slept with all his friends.
This is my first & only marriage, she is on number 3.
Never a failure...Always a lesson
Yes, we are polar opposites
Yes, we are polar opposites on every level you can imagine! And I like it that way!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Hey, I am enjoying learning
Hey, I am enjoying learning more about each of you, your outlooks and accomplishments . . . without thinking of or in some cases even reading all of the BM portion! lol
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers