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About my age- Heavenleigh_SM_at_18

Nemo's picture

I wanted to say thank you for all your imput and comments.
I understand that you all think I am too young to be dealing with this, and perhaps your right. But, its what I want! I want to be with him and I want to help SD5 learn how to treat adults and do good in school. The reason I post on here is because, I need help! I dont know how to deal with it all, and I love when you guys/ladies give me good advice that works.
So I was just wondering if we could get past my age, and help me with my problems. I have the same problems that you do. Everyone here is a combination of ages and no one harps on the 23 yr old cuz she's not in college and planning what she wants to do with her future.
But if everyone wants to know, I am planning my future career.
I'm currently working at a nursing home as a activities assistant, and as a receptionist.I work 7 days a week. I'm starting classes on the 18 of this month at a community college to become a respiratory therapist. Being with SO isnt holding me back. Because he helps me, and he pushes me. He's the reason that I'm starting school on the 18. Because he wants me to be someone and be doing something. He didnt finish high school, but he made damn sure he called me every morning and got me up because he knew i would be late if he didnt. He made sure I was on time everyday and when I wasnt I got an earful about it.

I'm just asking if you could all please just help me with the problems and give advice instead of harping on me because the person I am choosing to be with at the age I am.

Thank you.

Pantera's picture

My only advice to you is DON'T LOSE YOURSELF and STAY IN SCHOOL. I think that everyone on here that takes your age into consideration doesn't want you to miss out on opportunities because of the situation you are in.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

StepCHill's picture

Hey there! I am only 25 and understand where you are coming from... I love my DBf and wouldn't change anything! What I say to get me through the day is " ok, I just have to get through this one class." or "ok, I just have to get through this one day of work" etc. Keep your head up and you'll always have ST to listen when you need to talk!

BridgingTheGap's picture

I'm 22. I haven't had issues with people here telling me I'm too young to deal with my issues but I've had people in my family/friends tell me that I'm too young for this. Quite frankly, after some of what I've gone through, sometimes I agree. I should be enjoying my youth. But like you, I love my SO and he makes it all worth it at the end of the day. He treats me well and loves me. We are united and my feelings matter to him.

People comment on your age because they care and are concerned. They want to make sure that you're happy. From the sounds of it you are. I'm glad to hear that you have goals. Just be sure to stay true to yourself and don't lose yourself. Remember that you can't care for others unless you're in mint condition.