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prenup in remarriage?? what financial risk to consider?

eviltrophywife's picture

how did you agree to handle fiancial issues before (hopefully) you got married.
need advice what to look out for?
don't want to deal with stepkids, don't want them to get inheritance from my family or me. if DH wants to that's fine. But he already indicated that he doesn't expect anything from his biokids and vice versa. when they are out and 18 that's it.

Sus's picture

We're NOT married yet. And here's what we plan on doing, some is already in the works. I cannot remarry until I am 58 years old,or I lose my Gov.
retirement & medical, which I get as a widow. Once I turn of age , I get to Keep all the benefits and medical. So we're waiting , although he doesn't care about the money.And wants to get married now. LOL
But its a substancial amount and Why should I give that up, when I am so close to the age limit. And he has retired four times. So he gets four retirement checks,right now,plus what he earns yearly, and will be getting another next Dec. when he finally RETIRES Permanently!!!
I still see him working though, doing something. He is NOT the type to lay around at all.

I own a home and land in Florida, have for many years.No one's on the deed but me.( so far )
He owned a home in Texas, and sold it. We recently Built a new house for us. The house is in Both our names. The loan is only in His. He pays the mortgage and all bills related to that house, with his money. He still works full time, will retire (AGAIN) next Dec. And his income is 6 x mine.
He also owns quite a bit of land, he has had most of his life.
I am a widow, I have a small business and retired from my main career, when my husband was sick and took care of him until he died. Then I never went back. I traveled a lot & healed from my grief.

I get a widows retirement from the Government,from My husband.
I pay the mortgage on my home in FL, and my property(land)its free and clear. I pay my own credit cards,when I have a balance. And pay for insurance etc on FL.
I am moving this Spring, to our new house.I have been in FL since july, my daughter was pregnant with mulitples, Helping daughter & son in law.
Youngest daughter is getting married in March,So lots of things to keep me busy.
I fly back and forth alteast 2x a month, he pays the travel expenses.
And stay a week or so, depends on what's going on.Lately the babies are all sleeping 5 hours at night so by Spring,I should be OK to go back out west. And my daughter wouldn't need as much help, as she has needed since their birth in Sept. And youngest will be married !!

He has his own money and I have mine. He insists on paying for everything, when I am in TX. He doesn't allow me to pay for anything. I don't really care for that arrangement, I would like to contribute something. He's old school and believes a man should take care of the Wife. So what can a woman do?
When I leave FL, the house is Locked up, utlities are shut down. So no expense there. I just have to pay the Mortgage, insurance and tax.
Our plan is to sell My home in the future when the market gets better & build another "new" house on the land. So we will use this house, while new one is being built & then sell old house.
We will have Two residents , like we do now. One for Winter, One summer.
"IF"one of us dies, The property we're NOT using will get sold and will be divided between all our children ,his & mine.
At that time. who ever is alive will decide where to reside. And the other property will be sold. That way neither of us is stuck, living in a State away from our children, unless we want to be. Then the other property will get sold.
Then who ever is left, once they die, all property is sold ( what ever is left at the time( and divided again between all the kids)
bank accounts, I get to keep mine, I will also get 50% of his, since he has a lot more then me,and he wants to make sure I am taken care of until I die. The children "ALL" will share 50% of his accounts.
I will get the other 50% and all retirement benefits as a wife, along with my own.
Our new house in TX, everything is "NEW" nothing from his previous lives. Except pictures, and his personal things, Guns etc, that will goto his Sons. MY house is everything I had all my life. My children will get first choice on items, (some are family things) The rest his children can have if they like. I set aside something for each Child of mine & his. Jewelry wise. So all will get something, Mostly my jewelry from My husband will go to My girls and the Jewelry he bought me will go to His daughters. Which I feel is very fair.
Anything not taken will be sold & money will gointo the trust we have set up for the adult kids,and grands and future grands.
In our will's it is also stated that EACH Child "ALL" of them, will get matched funds. Another words, if they work,we will match their income toa certain percent yearly. IF they don't EARN , they get Nothing in that calender year. We do NOT want the adult children sitting back living off the trust. So the more they earn,the more they get !
We also made provisions for college for grandchildren, to help them with an education,they can lead a good life. All are children are college graduates and earn pretty close to the same amount. The only thing else we made provisions for is "IF" one becomes disabled,and also for medical if needed. Then the trust will take care of them, living expense and medically.
They also will get a dividend check each 1/4-4x a year,percentage
based on interest on Investments we have made.
Anything our children Inherit from Family besides "US" is strickly each persons. Like from grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, ect.
We have separate accounts,(personal) and we have Family(a couple shared
accounts) for the house, food, maintanence, Trips, gifts, But we have the separate accounts, set up for death benefits. They go directly
to the surviving spouse.
We also both have investment accounts, go directly into the trust, if one of us should die. I get full use of the Trust accounts if needed, to maintain which ever house I decide to stay in.
We really worked hard on this. We want all the children to be treated equally, upon our deaths.

Amazed's picture

no prenup here...just a postmarital agreement and a will that states SD and Choochoo get nothing if DH passes before me. SD will get her 1mil. of life insurance from him and I will take care of choochoo if he's still a minor,I get 1mil of life ins along with everything else. TheFrizz's alimony stops in the event of DH's death and she has no claim on our estate.

I get 100% of the estate if something should happen to my husband. Now in the event of a divorce, he gets the house bc I could never afford the mortgage or the upkeep. But I do get half of everything we've earned since the date of our marriage.

if we both die at the same time or something like that, our estate gets put into a split trust for the children. 50/50. We also put in a clause for someone to take our dogs and we've alotted money for their care in the event of our deaths.

The children get their trust in the form of a monthly payout for their care and then they have the option of getting the remaining sum when they're 21. There are assigned executers of the estate to manage their money for them.
If we get divorced, I asked for no alimony to be paid to me and I won't take his retirement or profits from his business. But he does have to keep me employed for as long as the working relationship stays in tact and reasonable.
He gets our rental properties and our vacation homes, his cars and I get my truck. We split everything else down the middle.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

soverysad's picture


"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!