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Is it me?

stepmom008's picture

Are all men idiots or just mine? I am a girl that likes to spend my weekends sitting on the couch, doing nothing. This weekend, I've had absolutely none of that. We went and got the Christmas tree, decorated the whole house, went to see black belt karate testing, and SD9 and I spent over 4 hours at my BF's parent's house baking. Do you think he bothered to help with laundry or get anything done around the house during those 4 hours? No. He was very busy sitting on his ass, drinking beer and watching football. Oh, and I forgot the nap. Then I get home and am STILL doing laundry at 9:30 and he has the nerve to tell me to stop complaining? F@%! him! Seriously? What IS that? Yes, I got pissy bc SD wanted to sit in the dark with only the christmas lights on and I don't want to sit in the dark. But princess gets what princess wants. So, I started to go to the bedroom, and got yelled at but you know what? He could have thrown a load or two in while we were gone. He's very good at getting his and SD's stuff done but god forbid he help me. I just really feel like I'm alone in this and I'm mentally exhausted.

Stick's picture

Stepmom008 - It's definitely not just you. I love my husband more than I thought I could ever love someone and there are still days when I am feeling this way!! eeek!!

I would suggest to you that when you have weekends like this - weekends that are filled with major time-consuming activities (getting the tree and decorating are a LOT)... then, maybe put the laundry off? It doesn't need to all get done this weekend. If you have to throw 1 load in a night each night this week, that's a little less than trying to do it all today.

Give yourself a break. As you can see, your DH has mastered this. He did the tree... he helped with the decorations, and he took care of his need for R & R by watching football and sitting down. I think it's our "thing" sometimes, as women" to feel we need to get it all done.

Try to prioritize and let go.... I think it will help you get away from some of this exhaustion. Oh - and most important - do something for yourself next weekend, or this week. Get a mani or pedi or a massage, or go for a cup of coffee. Take a bath if $$ is short. Just pamper yourself so you can be ready to go in for the next round!!

Chin up !! It will be okay

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

stepmom008's picture

He's definitely mastered the R & R thing. As for me, I'm self-diagnosed OCD and CAN'T let things go. I can't go to bed on a Sunday night still having laundry to do. I'm up at 5:20 every morning and don't get home until 5:45 at night. The last thing I want to do is laundry. Plus the money thing has been super stressful lately. And by that I mean not having any. I'm a little resentful that I left my entire family (we're really close) 2 years ago with my nephew having just been born, 1500 miles away and a really good paying job to move here to be with him and he's not willing to go to the next level yet. Every time I bring it up he says that's the goal but nothing yet. It seems like everything's got to be his way and that bugs me b/c I'm a major control freak myself. Ugh - I'm just having one of those nights I guess...

Stick's picture

Stepmom008..... I'm going to say the dreaded sentence on here... Actually, I'm not going to say it.

I'm going to ask you though, now... Is he worth it? Still? Even though he's being a dink and not meeting your needs? Is he worth it?

If your answer is YES unequivocally, then I'd say, yeah... you may just be having one of those nights.

But if you are wavering, more than because of the 1500 mile move and leaving a great job.... if you are wavering about everything... then you may want to take the next few months to see if this is really what you want.

You aren't married yet... And being a stepmom is the hardest thing I have ever done. And I'm in a pretty decent situation, and have had a really hard life to compare that to!! So it's no understatement.

Think about yourself... and what you want... and answer this.... Is he worth it?

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

stepmom008's picture

I wish it was as simple as me trying to please everyone else. The problem is that it's me trying to please me - BF couldn't give 2 craps less if we lived in squalor. I'm the one that likes to have everthing clean and ready to go so that we can start the week fresh. Part of it's probably learned or genetic bc my mom is the same exact way. I'm just tired ALL THE TIME and can't relax until everything's done. I wish I didn't but I don't know how.

stepmom008's picture

I don't know - it's possible. This isn't anything new for me though. Even when I lived by myself (oh those wonderful, peaceful days!!) the weekends were my time to get everything cleaned up. Hopefully I'll find out once I start counseling again!

geminimoon's picture

I too needed to here this 008. I do feel that as women we can multitask and for men it is harder. They can have a trend to not help as much as they should. Please don't take it out on your step daughter she is enjoying the magic of Christmas.

kidsaplenty's picture

If this is any kind of a pattern (which you seem to indicate it is) then consider this the preview to the movie and whether you really want to be a part of this show. Personally, imo, I believe you (and anyone in this sitch) deserve better.