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OT - Is your mom "happy" that you are with DH or does she wish you "never" married that man!!

stuknaz's picture

Is your mom "happy" that you are with DH or does she wish you "never" married that man!!

reeny511's picture

ha ha funny should ask. My mom just told me I was better off without him and all his "drama". She even told him that I dont need him and when I've had enough of his crazy ex drama, I would just leave and he can't afford CS for 2 kids!!! ha ha

Pantera's picture

My Mom used to think my DH was the best thing that ever happened to me, NOW she thinks he's the worst (because of his son and all of BM's drama)

Totalybogus's picture

My mother loves my husband. He is a such brown noser... add to that, he thinks the sun only shines on me. She loves that I found someone like that.

She absolutely hated my xh. She was ecstatic when our marriage ended.

Marie09's picture

My mom loves DH. She said she's never seen me happier. She did worry when I met someone who had children and dealing with the BM. But my mom loves him and his kids and accepted them into our family with open arms. She supported him through custody battles and offered a lot of support through those times. So I doubt she'd do that if she didnt think highly of him.

Stepmom2Ched's picture

My mom LOVES her son-in-law! He treats me like gold and she sees it. They can talk about anything and everything...they had similar childhoods, so they compare notes.

She disliked my first husband because he was (and probably still is) immature. He's a pervert and she found first hand how much of one he is.

~*~Cheer up! It could be worse.
I cheered up, & it got worse!~*~

bearcub25's picture

My mom and my adult bio kids think BF is the best thing for me. They all say I have never been happier (well in awhile).

toriandred's picture

My mom doesn't like DH very much. She tried to talk me out of marrying him I don't know how many times. Even on my wedding day, while I was getting the final touches done on my make-up my mom was telling me not to do it. She said "here's your last chance to back out and run". She also tried to get me to leave DH while I was pregnant with our first daughter. She shows him respect and all now, but not much. Especially because of what BM has put us thru. She's more uh just being civil with him. My dad thinks DH is cool. They worked near each other in the same line of work for years and they threw jobs each others way. Plus my dad has been married 6 times so he has no room to talk about me being DH's 3rd wife LOL