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BM just called me AT THE RESTAURANT...

ReadySetNot's picture

So, I have a two hour break during my day at work becuase im here at 7am untill sometimes 12:30AM. BM keept calling my cell-phone this morning seriously NINE MISSED calls?!?! So she acctually had the balls to call MY WORK number and ask for me because it's a "emergency" Here is the convo

ME: "Hello?"
BM: "Hi it's me, thanks for takeing my call earlier"- IN A COMPLELTY SARCASTIC TONE
ME: "I'm at work, I can't just stop whatever i'm doing and answer my phone"
BM: "Well whatever your job isnt that hard anyways, it's not like you do much there, well I know i'm not supposed to call you unless its an emergency so (her baby lets call him turd) Turd is sick and wont stop crying I need someone to pick up SS8 from school today"
ME: "I can't I'm working, I can't leave because tonight we have a few big party resverations a food critc comming in im the only chef on the other chef is out because.."
BM: okay, so you can leave though right even if its just for two hours??"

*you fucking retard listen!!*-I'm screaming inside my head

ME: No, I can't leave, it takes me a little over an hour from my job just to get to SS8 school, then ten minutes from there to drop him off to your house, then 45 minutes just to get back to work, I CAN NOT LEAVE. (I drew out those last words)
BM: Seriously readysetnot, your getting on my last nerves, you don't help out at all with ss8, you dont call him at all during the week neither does FH, all im asking is for one favor because turd wont stop crying i cant bring him to the doctors untill tomorrow morning.
ME: his school is 10 minutes from your house, why can't you just pick him up, I can't leave work for that long we have a busy night, lots of reservation and a food critc comming in.
BM: Could you just try to talk to your boss then?"

(Meanwhile i just want to bang myself in the head with a pan because she is retarted)

Me: *im a pissy tone* OK, IM GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU I HAVE ONLY FOUR PEOPLE ON TONIGHT I HAVE A SOUS CHEF, A PASTRY CHEF, AND A PREP COOK, AND ONE DISHWASHER, AND NO I REPEAT NO FRY COOK. I ALSO HAVE 10 RESERVATIONS AND A FOOD CRITIC COMMING IN AT 5. (SS8 has detention today after school so he wouldnt be getting out untill 3:30) if you think even for a second I can just leave my job whenever I want to, then why dont you just waddle on down here and take over for me while I pick up YOUR CHILD from school. YOU decided to be a stay-at home mom, these things happen YOU figure it out, for the last time I CAN NOT LEAVE. So just put your kid in his car seat drive the ten minutes to pick up ss* and deal with it.
BM: well thanks for the help bitch"
and then hangs up on me.

I kind of feel bad for her, but the other chef is out because his wife just had a heart attack this morning and had to be life flighted to the nearest city hospital. So right now it's just me. and now im working everyday untill he comes back. I usually let BM know when my sched. changes but I didnt even find out untill this morning so I planned to call her tomorrow when I had time. Just to let her know whats up. Sometimes she is so retarted it makes a goat look like a harvard grad! I understands she has a sick baby but still I just cant drop everything because being a full time stay at home mom is tiering for a day...BACK TO WORK I go.

BMJen's picture

mad, but it made me sit here and laugh. That woman is such a idiot. You're going to leave work, go get the boy, drop him off at his moms house, then drive all the way back to work.............all the while she lives ten minutes from him. C'mon!

This was fun to read!

Have a great night at work and impress that food critic to the 9's!

SerendipitySM's picture


How dare she speak to you that way and assume that you can drop everything for HER kid??? I am fuming after reading this. Her child is not your responsibility. She's a lazy bitch who doesn't want to drive 10 mins to pick up her son. This is unreal - I would have left work just to drive to her house and punch her dead in her stupid face!!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Stick's picture

Your BM is the village idiot. Don't feel bad for her. She sounds exactly like my BM over here. Like whatever you are doing is not important.

Not only is she stupid, she's even worse.. SELFISH!!

Don't feel bad. Do your thing and take it up with Dh when you see him!!

** Hugs honey!! **

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

bioandstep2009's picture

Wow, that arrogant lazy bitch! She owes YOU an apology. I think you handled yourself well. I wouldn't be taking any more of her calls though. Calling YOU a bitch? Let me see if I have this right... she expects YOU to drop what YOU'RE doing to pick up HER child who is ultimately HER and FH's responsibility? Yet I'm sure she'd have no qualms on telling you, "You're not the mom, I am" or to butt out. This really pissed me off!

LizzieA's picture

That whole scenario is just absurd. She shows no respect for you at all. The request was stupid and her response to her was abusive. Is she trying to drive you away by chance? No one on God's green earth would do what she asked, not even her mom or best friend.

Jon-Boy's picture

In an instant I would have just said, "Lick Balls Chopper!"
And I would have hung up the phone.

Jon-Boy's picture

I can't tell you enough how much this bothers me.
Why? I don't know.
Maybe b/c sometimes I get that idiot response from my ex wife.
She has been OK, not to much to bitch about lately. But this has my feathers ruffled.
If my ex was to call right now I would probably be rude to her.

Ha! Now I gots the issues...LOL
Ok... Calming down now....

alwaysme's picture

Is she insane, where is her dignity? it is not your problem she had the kid and her other kid not you!!!

Thats crazy stupid woman, who does she think she is? even if you were sitting on your ass at home it is still not your problem to get the kid!

nj stepmom's picture

Great Way To Start The Day, LMAO !!!