I don't like my stepson. And there it is.
Dear Board and fellow stepparents,
I am absolutely THRILLED that I finally have somewhere to vent where I won't be judged and where people will relate to what I'm going through. I'm 43 and my husband is 48. We've been together 5 years, married for 2 and a half years. I've known his son since he was 11 and he's now 16. I had problems with him when he was 11 and I have even more problems with him now. He lives with his Mom back East (we're in CO), but comes out for a week during Christmas and/or Spring Break and for a big chunk of the summer. When the time rolls around where my husband starts saying "I have to start looking for plane tickets for Karl," I swear I start getting stomach pains and the dread starts. One of the BIGGEST issues I have is my husband's handling of the situation with his son, or lack of handling I should say. There are a few different ways he deals with his son: A) He doesn't notice the bad behavior, He doesn't think the behavior is bad or C) He doesn't give a crap.
I am going to attempt to make this as brief as possible, but it really is a long and detailed story. In a nutshell, my stepson lies constantly, tells stories all the time, is extremely rude and disrespectful, he steals, he is extremely immature for his age, is lazy as hell, eats like a lumberjack, has to be told the same thing over and over, interrupts and butts into to conversations that he is not a part of, acts very babyish and whiny, shuffles around like an old man, is manipulative, constantly asks for things or money, exhitibts strange and scary compulsions like pulling fur out of our dogs, picking at our dogs skin, pads, etc., has a need to pick up our dogs that don't want to be around him and hold them down, had terrible hygeiene, uses extremely inappropriate language and expressions, i.e. of sexual content, curses loudly in public, I could go on and on. He is on two medications for depression and ADD. He sees two therapists and has been suspended from school many many times. He currently attends a school for kids with behavioral issues because of his rudeness and inability to respect authority and get along with others.
Now...here are my biggest issues. His Dad, my dear husband, doesn't see this as being that bad. He doesn't realize that stealing and lying and extremely unacceptable, anti-social behavior. He doesn't see the lies and the stories. He'll shake it off with a "oh, he's just a teenager," or "Oh, I used to lie too" or "what can I do about it?" etc. My husband doesn't back me up and doesn't demand that his son respect me. Frankly, he doesn't demand respect of himself...his son says "Dad, shut up!" all the time and my husband doesn't reprimand him or really see anything wrong with that.
The worst part about it is that because my stepson's presence in our house causes so much tension, it causes my husband and I to fight constantly and it's "two against one." I'm the bit-- that tries to put the brakes on all of this...the only one who attempts any sort of discipline or routine, so I'm always the bad guy, unless of course I'm spending $500 on groceries to feed the kid for one month or if I'm cooking for him or driving him to the library or buying him something, well then I'm alright.
The other bad part of this is that my husband tends to treat me disrespectfully when his son is here...almost like he sees me as disciplining him too...like don't tell US what to do....what a nag, etc. and he doesn't hide how he feels to his son. In fact he has often raised his voice to me in front of his son.
I happened to see a text the little monster (whom I shall refer to as "Damien" from here on out) sent to his sister, my stepdaugher who is a whole other story...saying "I'm really staring to hate ______________. All she does is complain about Dad and he treats her just fine." Well hmmmmmmm...he does NOT always treat me just fine when "Damien" is around and boy, that sure sounds a lot like something Dad would say....and the REAL kicker is that when "Dad" is on a rampage which includes both stepson AND me...Damien runs to me saying what a crazy a----- his dad is...whatever is convenient for him at the time.
Anyway, I've got tons more, but I want to close with this: The fact that my husband A: allows his snot-nosed troubled teenage son to make him doubt his relationship with me and to "diss" me and talk badly about it, and B: he doesn't do anything about this behavior, refusing to see that boyo is being manipulative in trying to come between us (and what Dad really doesn't realize is that his son talks sh-- about him)....is what bothers me the most. The kid's mom, my husband's ex has a girlfriend (she's gay and has been...I don't get it either) and my stepson hates her...hmmmm, common denominator, wouldn't you say?
The kid is a bad kid, plain and simple. My husband doesn't agree at all...making excuses for the lying, stealing, swearing and disrespect.
I don't know that I can take another visit and if he decides to spend longer out here when he graduates next year, I may have to move back home. And the funny thing is, when his son is here, it's not like my husband spends that much time with him anyway, the kids sits on the computer all day...I think it's more the IDEA of having his son here that is attractive to him because it's an "in your face" to his ex, an "in your face" to me because he knows I can't deal with it and a "wow, he still wants to be with Dad." But when he gets here, I can count the number of activities they do together one one hand.
Thanks for letting me vent. I really need some help or just some "I feel your pain" type of stuff!!!!
Thanks so much!
Not digging kids in Colorado
I wonder if our wonderful
I wonder if our wonderful DH's who have kids that we just simply do not want to be around would be ok with us going away for the week the kids come and visit. I would think that it would remove alot of the stress they feel as well. It can not be pleasant for them either having to juggle us and their kids. I really think if I was in that situation I would remove myself from it. Probably not pracitcal for the summer but could you get away for the week in the winter and spring? I really wonder what they would do if we proposed that as a solution to them. One of two things, "great, I think that will make things much smoother" or "no way, what am I going to do with them the whole time" They probably wouldn't say the latter but think it.
I wish my husband's ex (BM of SD's 12 and 15) would come out of the closet to everyone and just get a girlfriend. It's been 6 years since the divorce (he found out she was having an affair with a woman for 3 years). Still, no significant other because she is a 'Christian' and her kids don't know she is gay. I don't know how, she looks/acts liks a man and is an ex-basketball player/coach.
You are lucky, at least the BM in your situation is not obsessed with your DH and your relationship, making everyday a living hell for you. All because she is SO miserable with herself and her own pathetic life.
Love :?
Hey there DogsArebest! Long answer sorry!!
Welcome!! I can very much relate to your predicament, although my stepdaughter is no where near as bad as your stepson. However, she is 15 going on 16... she's on anti-depressant medication and in therapy..... she is very immature for her age and needs a lot of push, etc..... so, I feel I do have a little experience here. Please understand that when I write to people, I write in "action" tense. Like you may want to try this, or you should... It doesn't mean you have to. Please don't take offense. It's just how I write.
The first thing I'd like to try to get across to you is that the kid may not necessarily be a "bad" kid. But he's definitely a TROUBLED kid.
But before we go further on that... let's separate the "real teenage" behavior from the abnormal teenage behavior. Eating like a lumberjack, SOME swearing (not at adults though), laziness, interrupting conversations, having to be told SOME things over and over - I can agree with your DH that your SS may be somewhat normal in that regard. Is Karl heavy or overweight?? Also, Karl may be rude and disrespectful - yes. Possibly not trained in manners well - yes. But abnormal... not so much to me, anyways.
Also, in my opinion DogsAreBest - the thing that YOU also have to realize is that for some kids.. SOME lying and manipulation are very very normal teenage behaviors. I just had this discussion with my best friend, who now is a counselor (of teens!) with a masters degree. She told me that when she was 16 she would have lied and manipulated to spend time with her father because she didn't get along with her mother!! To me, that means in some cases - like hers - that manipulation and lying are more a sign of being spoiled than being "bad". "The ends achieve the means" line of thinking. I don't personally always equate spoiled = bad. Some kids grow out of being spoiled... I did... my best friend did. SS can't play the spoiled kid manipulation game between the two of you, if you and DH can get on the same page. That doesn't mean that his lying should go unpunished. You should call him on it.
Now, if there's CONSTANT lying and manipulation .. If you can never tell what the truth is with the kid.... that's a different story and is definitely ABNORMAL behavior. I have a nephew like this. His father is an alcoholic and his mother has no control over him. He's lost and lies to make himself "bigger / better" than I think he feels.
Please try not to fall into the "evil kid" trap. By lumping what could be "normal teenage" behaviors in with the "abnormal" behaviors, you are hurting yourself, and your own message to your husband. IMO, It's better for you if you can try to sort those out.
Having said that, you are right though... Some of Karl's behaviors are not completely normal. For example, stealing is NEVER appropriate. Swearing at adults - never appropriate or acceptable. Karl definitely seems to have anger and authority issues. Picking at the dog - that depends on if he's (1) hurting the dog and (2) if he's doing it obsessively. As gross as it is, kids do pick at themselves and other things. But obsessively is something to watch out for.
For the behaviors that are NOT normal, unfortunately I think your husband may be in that "denial" stage of recognizing them. He also sees his son infrequently. So he may overlook it just to avoid the truth. The reality is... somehow, DH needs to come to grips with this for the sake of his own son. His son seems to be heading down a path that is not pretty and does not end well.
How do you and DH get along while the son is not around? The reason why I ask is because that's the time - when you two are close and not "in the thick of it" that you need to talk to your DH. I'm sure you know your husband well enough to know when to broach certain subjects and when to back off. Find the time that is right and speak to him. If you can, try to approach it in a way that is not confrontational for your DH. I know that sometimes these issues are compounded by communication problems between the two adults. So you may be thinking you are expressing concern, and your husband is HEARING criticism. You two may actually need to go to counseling to learn how to communicate better. You also need to be able to confront your DH about his treatment of you when his son is around in front of a neutral third party that will help him "get it". I think he does it out of guilt toward the son. So if he treats you bad, there's no "favortism" going on. Does this make sense? I don't know if that's a battle you can fight on your own with DH or if you'll need a counselor to help.
If you can do this without a counselor, I might suggest getting your DH in the right frame of mind to talk, and then possibly expressing to him your concern for SS. And not concern regarding you or the lying or even the way he picks at the dog. If it were me, I think I'd try to say to DH... "Listen honey, I just want to ask you something and see what you think. I've noticed that Karl seems to be having a hard time. I'm worried about what he's doing, but more importantly I'm worried as to "why" he's doing them. Do YOU think his medication is still working for him, or should we talk to BM about what the therapist is saying / seeing? Do you think we need to change his therapy? "
What I'm trying to do here is express concern for Karl's well being as a child, instead of nitpicking at all of the things he does that are annoying.
Personally, I think that if Karl is still having all of these issues, it's time for either a new therapist and/or new medication. What they are doing isn't working for him, and something needs to be done.
Best of luck to you!!!
No judgement?
We can relate but we will judge if you ask for help. If we think you're wrong we'll say so but hey you want all different views right?
I don't think you should try to disuade his under age 18 kids from visiting. But not any longer than they have already established. Tell your husband calmly that if they stay longer you're moving to a girlfriends or a long term residence hotel. They're surprisingly inexpensive and pretty nice. pots and pans and all that.
You can absolutely forbid them when they're 18+.
Now for what to do when they're here. First lock up or remove from the home anything you charish or has value to you. You can just rent a small U-Store-It closet if nothing else.
First you politely and calmly tell your husband what you're going to do: You politely ignore the kids. By that I mean you remain polite and responsive to them. Yu do not do any chores for them, no laundry, no food preparation. You don't engage in unnecessary conversation thereby avoiding any sassy remarks. Unless they're starting a fire on the living room floor you don't interfere. Just leave that hat on the end table or dishes on the coffee table. If husband remarks tell him you're not the kids maid. Furthermore you don't care if they don't get washed because you're not doing them.
Once you realize that they won't do any permanent damage you can quit worrying about your stuff. Then you quit participating in any child raising. Stop being concerned. You can't help where you're not wanted.
You've retired from the war. You didn't lose - you just voluntarily quit. Its time you worried more about your own mental and physical health.
There's an exception to everything I say.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...Here I am sitting in my computer reading all these letters and wondering what to do and after reading your post my perspective got brighter...
I also have a 14 years old teenager visiting this summer and in matters of these past few weeks he has managed to turn my life up side down...
Same as most of the other posts, my SS is allowed to do most everything he wishes almost no restrictions no consequences to his rude and bad behavior..
My husband his father does little to guide him or control him...it seem his parenting can be described as a bad stove....either does nothing and allows everything till it get so bad that the he want to smack him or punch him with the broom stick but the he turns around and buys him whatever stuff he wants to make him happy again...there is no middle ground...
This is the first summer that my SS is visiting us and cause my husband perhaps feel so guilty for not been with them he allows everything cause he feel if he says anything the kid may feel upset and not love him or come back next year..
All my advises on setting rules and controls have been shone off by my husband...he doesn't want to hear it, he wants me to look the other way...and because I have tried several times to talk to him about the importance of setting rules and consequences and structure I have become the bad guy..
And now I feel very upset and uptight till you gave me some clues here as to what to do ...thanks
I agree with Orange County,
I'd disengage from the situation and make dad responsible for taking care of his son while he's on the premises. I think I can do alot of window shopping or visiting friends in that week.
But, I won't say any more since I was chastized the last time I put in my two cents worth that didn't go along with the poster's happy subject matter.
***We're too blessed to be stressed!***
Thanks for all your replies, advice, stories, etc.
I really appreciate all of the replies, whether you were in the same boat as me, disagreed with me, agreed with me...doesn't matter either way. It was good to hear from all of you.
Orange County...that seems to be the plan for the next visit. Not much else I can do and there's no sense in getting myself all worked up for a short period of time. It may not work for summer visits (1-2 months at a time), but the Christmas/Spring Break is a week and I think that will be the plan for me.
As far as what "Stick" said...some of it I agree with, some I don't. He really isn't just exhibiting normal teen behavior. This is a kid who was kicked out of every school in a major city and now has to attend a school for kids with behavioral issues and/or autism. That's how bad it was. I will list the behaviors that I feel go way beyond "normal"...tell me if you agree with me on this one
1. The fur pulling and picking on the dog is compulsive. He also picks his own feet compulsively (gross) and gets impetigo from picking any sores or bug bites he has. He holds my dogs down until they squirm to get away and he won't let them go. I caught him pulling something out of my dog's fur and putting it in his own mouth. If that isn't bizarre, I don't know what is.
2. He cusses loudly in front of anyone...doesn't matter. He says sexually related and inappropriate comments around anyone. He has boundary issues.
3. You asked if he is overweight. He is not what you would call fat, but he is a very big kid. he's 6'2" and has some fat on him which he hides with big shirts. His father says it's "baby fat," but I think it's "fat fat" because he eats worse than anyone I've ever seen. I was raised with a teenaged brother and he ate a lot, but not like this kid. The other thing about my step son is that he always insults and comments on "fat" people. I have asked him to stop this, but he doesn't.
4. According to his mom, he has a porn obsession.
5. He just started wetting the bed and sleeps with a monitor that wakes him up if he starts "going." This is new to me; I've never known anyone that starts wetting the bed at the age of 16.
6. He crashed his mom's computer to the point where she had to buy a new one. She won't let him use it at all, yet he says "Mom bought me a new computer." It's hers.
7. His mom is fine in my book; a good mom who gets her kid therapy and does what she can to help him. She is way more of a disciplinarian than my husband. She and I get along fine.
8. Karl has stolen from friends at school and denied it...got suspended for it. He has stolen from me and from me and my husband. He stole our portable dvd player (stuffed it in his bag when he left here last visit) and then lied and said "Oh, I thought you said I could take it home." I told him the day he left, "Please leave the dvd player right there in the case", so he knew we didn't give it to him. His mom had to mail it back to us.
9. He tells his dad things to insult me and our marriage...but he's half the blame, his Dad lets him and doesn't tell him to stay out of our business.
10. He literally whines like a 3 year old when he doesn't get his way.
11. He is very manipulative...beyond the normal teen wanting to go to a party and sneaking out...he is twisted in his manipulations...but I can see through them and he hates that...therefore he hates me.
12. He lies and argues with me constantly...about anything and EVERYTHING....all day long, every day...and makes up things all the time. It's pathological and it seems like he's never been any other way.
13. We have two big couches in our living room. He would sit in between us and act like a 3 year old...wouldn't go on the other couch when I'd say "hon, I want to lay down there" (where I always lay) and he would say "but I want to sit next to my Dad"...and challenge me and fight with me....and then eventually get up and move somewhere else because he really didn't want to sit next to his Dad...it's all a game. Sounds petty, but it was constant and very annoying.
He is growing into a monster. He does terribly in school...even the special school he's in...he lies and steals...is lazier than any kid I know (and I know a lot of teens his age in my neighborhood), exhibits sociopathic and antisocial behavior and has zero respect for authority. He is unpleasant to everyone unless you're doing something for him or unless he's doing something he considers fun or unless he's locked on Facebook. What in he-- is he going to do when/if he graduates? How is he ever going to have a job or go to college? How is ever going to be able to live on his own? I am so afraid his Dad is going to try get him to move here with the lure that he can perform physical jobs like forking hay, working on a ranch, etc. to make money since he'll never be able to hold down a job out there in the big city. I absolutely cannot and will not live with him in our small house. When he is here, my marriage sucks and I want to leave. When he's not here, I breathe a sigh of relief.
I have suggested therapy to my husband. The only problem is that we live in the tiniest town...I don't know that we will be able to find a therapist, let alone a good one. I'll have to look into it. That's when I really miss the city.
I asked my husband a "favor" the other night. I said "please make me one promise; that you won't let Karl get involved in our marriage or make any comments about me that are negative or try to convince you that you need to be rid of me." (and I know he has done that, for a fact, I've seen it in writing). My husband got mad at me and said "he's allowed to express his opinions." I said yes, but he is 16 and he is butting into adult matters. All I ask is that you don't let him disrespect me and talk bad about me (your WIFE) to you. Let him vent to his friends, that's fine and not my business." Well, he didn't agree and we almost argued again, but I dropped it. Apparently he thinks it's okay.
I tried to bring it up again yesterday...and I said I was concerned about the manipulative behavior and his trying to come in between us constantly when he's here...and how that has to stop so we can have better visits. My husband said "you give him too much credit" and I said "you don't give him enough credit." I dropped it and it wasn't discussed again.
So you see how frustrating this is...he absolutely will not listen to anything I have to say no matter HOW I say it...when I told him his son was eating things out of the dog's fur, he didn't think it was that bad. To me, that is very bizarre and something to be concerned about...he has many compulsions and his Dad is pretty much like "oh, that's normal." He is 16 and wets the bed! I say, keep ignoring or discounting or thinking it's okay...keep letting him get away with lying and stealing...keep dismissing his very odd behavior...and you are not helping this kid at all...how is ever going to make anything of himself?
Okay, I'm done venting...thanks for listening and I truly appreciate all of you taking the time to reply to me. Hope it's a happy week for all of you.
Freaked out in CO!
on Detaching
Hi I have been reading your posts and my heart is with you as well...I live in the Caribbean and here under this beautiful and warm sun I can feel for you and with you...
Perhaps as I see it the huge part of the problem are our husbands...they don't realize the harm they are causing these kids by not doing what they have to do....be a parent!! they are so afraid of been a parent that they fear the basic purpose of parenting...guide you child to the best path...help him become healthy adults by setting rules structure and consequences...
It seems that in my husband's eyes common seems to yours...setting rules, behavioral expectations, consequences and structure is a sin...some how in their eyes it will harm their precious kid perhaps??...
And because of their stupidity they are creating and constantly feeding a monster that who knows may end up as another statistic, in jail or who knows worst..
and yes!! I'm angry at my husband for that ...cause he can't hear it, he doesn't wants to consider another much better approach for raising healthy kids.
Perhaps they need to read it in books by experts, or this the one I feel is going to happen learn by seeing the consequences of their ignorant actions. Perhaps not immediately but in the future and they perhaps we can say I TOLD YOU SO. and perhaps then we can prepare the sandwiches for him to take to his son on jail's visitation day.
Take care and keep this thought in mind: All these will pass, someday all these will be history.
I feel your pain - a little bit of my story, too
Hi Dogsarethebest!
I absolutely feel your pain, and I am not in position of judging you at all! I understand where you are coming from 100%.
My story goes like this; I have a 15 yo SS, who lives with us every other week; and who is a GREAT KID. He is a A-A+ student, involved in sports, responsible when it comes to his social life, he is a healthy eater, handsome and fit. He do not sweare, he doesn't do anything bad or sick like stealing. He used to lie when he was little (I know him since he was 6), and his lies were about hurting him, and I had to explain my "behavior" to a counselor a couple of times, but DH backed me up and that was dismissed. Although his lies about me wrongdoings convinced his BM and her extended family that i was a monster, the worst evil SM. That is where I believe the trouble is found: his BM and their extended family hate my guts for those things I have never done to him but they believe I did, as well as my MIL pick on me and takes his side any time he would spit little complain about me. SS is complaining about me to ANYONE who would listen. He through comments at me that I ruined his childhood by asking him to be quet whi his younger SB was napping or sleeping at night; he through his arms down yelling at me: look what you've done to me?? He is so frustrated with me, and I am not sure why.
I understand though where he is coming from, the divorce was BITTER, both BP hate each other, the fight for the boy was long, painful and expenceive, where he was alienated from his BF my DH, and brainwashed. Example: The very next day after myself being introduced to him and him spendin first weekend by us (SS was 6 that time), Ii was sick in bed, and opened door for them being in my nightgown. The next thing I knew SS is calling his BM saying I am walking naked around the house, BM makes a police report. And So On.
Anyways, he is one hurt boy, hurt deeply and not by me; but probably it is easier for him to spill all his frustration on me and choose me as a "bad guy".
DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I DO, GOOD OR BAD - IT IS ALWAYS WRONG, you can't win in this situation.
Yesterday he said that I was a bad person, and that everyone knows that, his mom, his grandmas, our neighbors, his friends. Another word, everyone who he is back stabing me with saying his one-sided truths when he mentions that I was "rude" to him (you can read "firm" or "strict" - we do not use unappropriate language in our home)but would never say WHY I was "rude" to him - there is always a reason.
I treat my DS the same way I treat SS, I am as demanding when it comes to disciplin to both, but DS takes it naturally while SS blows out a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE ballon of anger, resentment, deep negativity and spreads it around.
The counselor who I saw once by myself suggested to call myself instead of step mother "your father's wife", and try to ignore him by being polite and nothing more.
And yesterday when he started raising his voice at me I said : do not raise your voice at me, I am a nobody to you, I am your roomate, stranger, your neighbor, go ahead and raise you voice at you father and mother if they allow you. I stepped out of his room and shut the door. it was a big boom after that, complains to his dad...
I gotta go, bfore it turns to a book.
6 years later we are in the same shoes. Ye
I feel your pain - a little bit of my story, too
Hi Dogsarethebest!
I absolutely feel your pain, and I am not in position of judging you at all! I understand where you are coming from 100%.
My story goes like this; I have a 15 yo SS, who lives with us every other week; and who is a GREAT KID. He is a A-A+ student, involved in sports, responsible when it comes to his social life, he is a healthy eater, handsome and fit. He do not sweare, he doesn't do anything bad or sick like stealing. He used to lie when he was little (I know him since he was 6), and his lies were about hurting him, and I had to explain my "behavior" to a counselor a couple of times, but DH backed me up and that was dismissed. Although his lies about me wrongdoings convinced his BM and her extended family that i was a monster, the worst evil SM. That is where I believe the trouble is found: his BM and their extended family hate my guts for those things I have never done to him but they believe I did, as well as my MIL pick on me and takes his side any time he would spit little complain about me. SS is complaining about me to ANYONE who would listen. He through comments at me that I ruined his childhood by asking him to be quet whi his younger SB was napping or sleeping at night; he through his arms down yelling at me: look what you've done to me?? He is so frustrated with me, and I am not sure why.
I understand though where he is coming from, the divorce was BITTER, both BP hate each other, the fight for the boy was long, painful and expenceive, where he was alienated from his BF my DH, and brainwashed. Example: The very next day after myself being introduced to him and him spendin first weekend by us (SS was 6 that time), Ii was sick in bed, and opened door for them being in my nightgown. The next thing I knew SS is calling his BM saying I am walking naked around the house, BM makes a police report. And So On.
Anyways, he is one hurt boy, hurt deeply and not by me; but probably it is easier for him to spill all his frustration on me and choose me as a "bad guy".
DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I DO, GOOD OR BAD - IT IS ALWAYS WRONG, you can't win in this situation.
Yesterday he said that I was a bad person, and that everyone knows that, his mom, his grandmas, our neighbors, his friends. Another word, everyone who he is back stabing me with saying his one-sided truths when he mentions that I was "rude" to him (you can read "firm" or "strict" - we do not use unappropriate language in our home)but would never say WHY I was "rude" to him - there is always a reason.
I treat my DS the same way I treat SS, I am as demanding when it comes to disciplin to both, but DS takes it naturally while SS blows out a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE ballon of anger, resentment, deep negativity and spreads it around.
The counselor who I saw once by myself suggested to call myself instead of step mother "your father's wife", and try to ignore him by being polite and nothing more.
And yesterday when he started raising his voice at me I said : do not raise your voice at me, I am a nobody to you, I am your roomate, stranger, your neighbor, go ahead and raise you voice at you father and mother if they allow you. I stepped out of his room and shut the door. it was a big boom after that, SS complained to his dad about me - and so on, and on, and on...
Sorry for stealing the post. I just wanted to say, you have much more reasons to be frustrated with your SS than I with all his behavior, I am having a great kid at home, and it is still very stincky here.
You are right... those are all ABNORMAL behaviors that need medical attention.
Unfortunately, I cannot completely agree with OC - only because I think that's going to start an even bigger argument between you and DH. It will also create division that I think Karl will jump on. And as much as the effect could be to show DH what is wrong, I think it could backfire. I'd tread very very carefully there.
But then again, your DH isn't giving you too much support so why should you support him and his son - who CLEARLY has issues? Is there anyone else that you can talk to that agrees with you - a DH sibling perhaps??
If the kid is 6'2" and that antisocial, I'd be more than concerned for my dog. I'd be concerned for myself.
I don't know what to say, except thanks for clarifying the behaviors. You are right. He does need help! But until his parents do so, your hands are tied. I'm sorry. My prayers are with you!
Thanks, I appreciate it.
You are right; my hands are tied and it's frustrating. I guess for now I will have to play it by ear and see how it goes. I am not giving up on finding a therapist for us, even if we have to travel an hour to get there. Hopefully he will agree to go.
I try to put it all out of my head after his visits since it will be a while until he's back, but it has been getting worse and worse and the dread I feel if he wants to be here more when he graduates is really freaking me out right now. I have to try to not worry about that right now, but I also want to be prepared.
Thanks everyone. This website/forum is really a big help! I'm so glad I found it!
i don't like my stepson either
OMG, i googled for info on difficulties with SK's and this blog was one of the first five hits. it sounds a lot like the last year of my life. i am so glad that i fpund it, my H has me second guessing myself and thinking that i am the worst person in the world for not getting along with his son. for starters he lives with us full time, it has been difficult and i am plotting my escape. i'm not sure if i am doing the right thing but i know that living full time with him is making me a very unhappy person and it is showing. my husband is in construction and has not been working much and i am stuck paying for everything including feeding his ignorant son, can you smell the resentment cooking? there is work out of town but H uses SS as an excuse for not going because i don't want stuck with his lazy kid. he could go to BM, but like i said. H is using SS as an excuse. claims that SS thinks of this as home(even though my H is the only person in the house that SS speaks to) so now the house is up for sale as i can not or will not continue to pay for everything myself especially another womans child that bring nothing pleasant to the relationship. people said that my husband and i were made for each other but the SS issues and the lack of financial support have eaten away at that