trying is not enough
Hi everyone, I havent been online for awhile due to pc problems. This site is my sanity in my stuffed up world.
Yes, still problems with SD. When I thought bad was bad enough, it has got worse. My DH and I married last May in a beach ceremony with two witnesses, very simple. SD was told by DH that we married and all hell broke loose. She told my DH that she wanted 900.00 before we married and if he doesnt have it, then we have to wait until we marry. }:) I am not a child and will not be told what to do by her. My DH thinks I am over reacting with this. While SD was in Canada (we are living in Australia) she called my DH at his work for my phone number as she wanted to apologise to me..Thinking his daughter was telling the truth, he gave it to her. Well, no apology, just insults that my son is really really weird because he has a colostomy and that she wont have her dad with any other woman but her mother. She is nearly 21. Well phone calls start up at all hours of the night and early morning. Not just a couple but non stop until 3-4am. On dialer display, it shows her number. BUT!!! DH says it is not her as he has asked her if she has the number. Dear bitchy daughter says "you never gave it to me". DERRRR...
The newest prank is writing shit on the web about her broken heart since DADDY got married!!!!!!! and DH wont believe it, even if he is shown the pages!!!!! I have had enough. I have my two teen children to think about here. I am not sleeping and have stopped eating due to the stress...THEN !!! when my doctor prescribes something, DH will say I am mental case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes enough is enough...
She's a horrible person to even pick on a child with a colostomy.
I think you need to start taping your phone calls with her and play them for your DH. Or, better yet, answer them and tell her you're alone, and let him hear how she speaks to you.
This cannot go on. He needs to know that his daughter can either straighten up and GET OVER IT... or stay out of your life.
And then, after you have the proof for DH. Change your cell number.
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I sincerely hope that karma will get her some day.
Thanks Stick for your reply....I am totally losing it today.. Emails are coming through from SD and tld my DH that she has sent them..He called her and she denied it,,He told me he believes her and this destroys me....
I know I should start afresh with life as this is no life....
But it hurts so much.....I sometimes think blood is thicker than water in this case....
I have been blessed with 2 great kids....Son with colostomy has launched a magazine, he is only 16....My daughter is sweet.. Both kids hate seeing me like this...
Does it get any easier over time???
This is insane and I KNOW it's driving you crazy. I had recent incident with BM that she was harassing me..etc..and when confronted FH believed her because she said "no I didn't". Your DH should beleive you! or at least give you enough benefit of the doubt that he does something to investiage more. You mentioned phone calls at 2am? This is to your cel...have your husband answer these calls..if they are NOT does HER name and HEr number show up?
It sounds like he just does not WANT to believe
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Ignore it.
Start ignoring her.
You cannot control her so quit trying. Quit trying to get Daddy to control her - she's half a world away he can't do it even if he wanted to - and he doesn't.
Once you accept the fact that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO defend yourself you can get on with your life. Lets be realistic: who reads those emails - who reads those "public" web pronouncements? Anybody you know? Anybody who is important in your life? Did your boss ask you why you're doing these things to this poor girl? Did your Mum tell you you're a bad girl for treating this poor thing this way? Do the neighbors point at you? Does anybody in your life believe her?
Other than Daddy of course and everybody knows he's biased so everybody will let him carry on without taking it seriously.
It takes two to play the game you're playing and like any other game it as soon as one of the players leaves the game is over.
Once she realizes she's not having an effect on your then you will stop being the target. As for your husband let him deal with it in his own way and in his own time. You have no responsibility to save him from his kid. He knows the truth. Repeat that. He knows the truth. When he's had enough he'll put an end to it. Meanwhile don't answer the phone calls, pull the plug on it if necessary and don't respond to the web postings of any sort.
You have the power to end this right now by simply disengaging.
There's an exception to everything I say.
Ditto to Ignore It
Yes, it is wrong that your DH won't believe you. Truth is, he probably really DOES believe you. I've seen this situation play out many times, in many different ways. Bottom line is, he doesn't want to feel as if he has to choose you or his daughter. And in this extremely adolescent scenario, he is still being spineless.
However, it does take two to argue. Every time you tell him what happened, he is most likely at least asking his kid about it. She is LOVING the feedback. I'm sure it makes her want to pester you more.
You have the power to make decisions. You have choices. You aren't victim to her antics unless you allow yourself to be.
Have your number changed. Your DH doesn't have to say he believes his kid is harassing you. Who cares if he admits it or not. Bottom line, you are being harassed via phone, and the number needs to be changed. If he gives his beastchild the number again, have it changed again. Eventually, he'll get sick of having to pay to have the number changed. So far, the only consequences are for you. They need to include him. Just change it. You don't need to ask his permission. Send him an email at work... had the number changed, it's now XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Don't spend time looking for her postings on the net. Pretend she doesn't exist. I'm saying this from experience!! I have 3 adult stepdivas. They have horrid behavior. I decided to pretend they were all dead a few years ago. I don't bring them up, I don't ask about them, I don't go visit them anymore, they are nothing to me. Ahhh, the peace!! What will it take for me to include them in my life again? Well, they need to treat me with respect. If they can't, they will remain out. When you read what she writes, you are allowing her negativity to fill up space in your head. It will rob you of your sanity, your time, your love, your family and your children's peace. You can't afford it. She is not worth it. You married a man. You did not marry his kid.
Block her emails. Do not respond to her EVER. Do not answer the phone when she calls. Do not respond to her emails. She can't fight with someone who won't respond. Eventually she will give up. I used to engage my stepdivas. Tried to be friends with them. Absolutely did nothing but give them more foder to use against me later. Now, they get to guess what I'm thinking. No more personal talk. I talk about weather only.
The eldest recently has shown signs that she may be getting the picture. I still don't trust her, but I believe she has figured out that in order to see her dad more often, she needs to be civil to me. Not asking too much, since I have always been nice to her and her sisters up until I cut them out of my life.
Bottom line, you have to demand respect. If someone (anyone, and being the child of your husband is no exception) treats you with disrespect, you don't allow them or their behavior into your sanctuary. You have to protect your sanity and your family. Protecting that doesn't mean that you keep hounding your DH to protect it for you. YOU protect your family. The less you say to him, the better.
Now, if the little diva declares a visit, then you have some room to negotiate. If she hasn't proven herself to be civil, you can choose to not be there or have your DH go spend time with her somewhere else. That is YOUR house also. Don't forget it.
thanks everyone
Thanks everyone for your advice...Greatly appreciated.. SD now lives in Australia, she called me from Canada....I thought long and hard about disengaging and while I am a wreck, she is controlling me....I will not give her the satisfaction! I am an intelligent woman and this brat will not defeat me....I still feel hurt that DH is believing her but Karma is out there somewhere and I can proudly look at my two teens and be thankful.....
thanks everyone....
Good luck and I'm so glad that you are feeling that way. I agree with Orange County. Maybe I was wrong to say, answer the phone and hand it to your DH. Maybe he's right... Ignore her and she'll fade away. Whatever works for you... just stay strong!
Turn the tables?
Just a thought from my evil little mind but....if she is not sending you these nasty emails, and when you send back a nasty reply to one of her "it wasn't from me " emails, and she shows it to dear old Dad and complains about you being the hell did she get the reply if it wasn't from her in the first place? Most of these nasty skids just don't have the brains to figure out the consequences of being stupid. She thinks she's being clever but they never realize how the shoe fits on the other foot too. Even if she never shows it to DH at least you'll be able to give her a piece of your mind and you might feel a bit better. SD is an adult now and there's no way I would let her or anyone else treat me this way if I were you. I've already had that fight with my SD 20 and now we ignore each for me!! =o)
DH needs help!
Thanks for your advice, things here are pretty strained with all the fireworks from SD. On Thursday night DH informed me he is going to get PC forensics to check out my PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this and totally lost it and went and stayed at my girlfiends house for the night..! This brat is dangerous and I feel it will never stop....The poems she posted on the net were about her and Dad and how she misses him and wants his touch so bad as no other man will ever match up to him!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was sick! I told DH about thse poems and he made no comment to me only to her and that I was spying on her....He did not read then at all.....She has been a bitch from day one, more so after we married. She wanted 900.00 and we did not have it so she and BM called taxation and told them I was making money illegally!!!!!! It was all sorted out with them and after the investigation they knew it was reported from someone being nasty....but it is the strain and bad taste left in the mouth. I feel she will not stop and it worries me what she will do next
Had a good laugh
StepAside, thanks for the good laugh, I needed that!!! I think if I sent her a naked pic of Dad she would make that as her screen saver
Yes it is my PC DH only came with one suitcase when he moved in here...I must thank you again, thanks for putting a smile on my face
lizdel, why are you still with him?
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
My SD18 was nasty to me-but not to these extremes! She made me miserable. I grew to hate just the sound of her name. Because her actions around H were obviously sick jealousy that "daddy" got married.
How do I feel about her? Well, I feel exactly about her as she does about me.
BUT who do I hold responsible for what has happened here? H. He allowed it. He encouraged it, with his "she's my everything" behaviour. Whenever he was called on her bad behaviour here, he turned it on me. Whatever she wanted, it was never too much. When she was in your face rude to me, and I told him, I'd hear "I didn't see it, I wasn't there" as tho I was lying. And when he was there and saw it, he made excuses for it. I spent the last months of this marriage being nothing but a housekeeper/second income/occasional sex partner for H, while any trips, any extraordinary expenses were for her.
Girl, that is not what a husband is. A husband is a life partner, not an enemy. A husband is not someone who has your computer investigated because you received vile e-mails from his spawn. A husband is not someone who defends the person who would wound his wife.
Like you, we went away and got married at the beach. It was just us & the minister. But all kids knew about it way before we got married. Like you, I was married a year ago, April 30. And this has been one of the most miserable years of my life, due, in large part, to H & SD18 against Bewitched behaviours.
This is no way to live. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that in 6 months time, you'll see me on here, posting about having a life back again. My life. Not one ruled by games between H & SD18.
No, you cannot control your SD. No, you cannot control your husbands responses, or lack of responses, to her attacks on you. But you CAN control what you will accept in your life.