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Our first anniversary falls on the same weekend as Father's Day!

LValleyGirl28's picture

So my DH and I have been trying to plan something special for our first aniversary and decided to go to NYC or Baltimore for a three day weekend. Cheap and easy since we are pinching pennies.

I just looked at the calendar as I was scoping out hotel prices and the Sunday of that weekend is Father's Day! Typically he has her for about six hours on that date if it is not a custody weekend.

I just don't know what to do! We have SD6 EOW, Tuesday evenings from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. and every other Thursday for the same time period if we don't have her that weekend.

It's our FIRST anniversary for God's sake! What do I do? I could just burst into tears right now!

frustratedinMA's picture

My first anniversary fell on Easter. We had the skids and we had my inlaws in town to visit w/the skids. I dont know what to say.. We made plans that evening for a dinner alone.. the inlaws watched the skids (oh.. because school vaca started the following day, wouldnt you know, and of course they had to stay).

We were able to enjoy our dinner alone.. and we went back to the house, where the inlaws were still up, and we got our frozen cake out of the fridge (where it had been dethawing) then went in the kitchen and ate together w/the inlaws in the other room.

It wasnt the most romantic of situations.

jen76's picture

I would schedule the vacation. You have a first anniversary- obviously only once. If you and DH already decided where to go then plan it regardless of what weekend it is. It sounds like you see SD pretty often so cancelling one weekend shouldn't be that big of a deal. Especially if it isn't your normally scheduled weekend and you are only getting her for 6 hours to me that isn't worth not being able to go out of town. After the first couple of years anniversaries seem to get less important to really celebrate.

LValleyGirl28's picture

I truly appreciate your help. I still feel a little helpless that he might be upset about missing Father's Day. But it is our FIRST anniversary. And I don't really ask for much. Last year the holiday fell the Sunday before we left for our wedding and honeymoon. He did have to miss 6 hours whith her while we were away and sulked about that for a little bit.

Anon2009's picture

to the visit you have with SD before your anniversary or the visit you have with her after your anniversary. That way your DH and SD can celebrate father's day and you can still celebrate your first anniversary with DH. That way, everyone gets what they want.

melis070179's picture

My first Anniversary fell on a Monday (we got married on a Sunday so the first 4 or 5 will be during the week!), so it wasn't the best either, but we at least went to dinner and ate our wedding cake. This one will probably be your DH's call ultimately, but I would ask to skip the 6 hour visit. First anniversary only happens once. But then again, so does the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc! See how your DH feels and try to come to a compromise
Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

LValleyGirl28's picture

I took all of your peices of advice and parlayed it pretty well. I came home after work that evening and asked him to give me 10 minutes to chat. He turned the TV off and we talked. I told him I looked at the calendar at work and that the Sunday after our FIRST anniversary was Father's Day. While I didn't want him to miss that day with SD6, our anniversary vacation was still important. I gave him the option to miss Father's Day and reschedule OR take two days vacation and leave on Wednesday night and return early Sunday morning so he could have a few hours with her. He agreed to take the two days vacation time and I am happy. Happy for two reasons, we are going away like he promised and it's two less days of vacation he burn up on hunting or the crazy idea of taking us camping on the beach. That's a whole nother story....