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Guess what I'm getting for Christmas??

ferretmom's picture

I would have been happy with a sweater or jewelry but now I'm getting a whole new kitchen. Why?? Because sd set mine on fire. We've had several bad wind storms here the past few days and since no one offered to go pick up the yard today I had to. While I was outside picking up all the trash and branches up sd decided she was going to cook. The problem was she let the burners on with the empty saucepan and skillet still on them plus she tossed a dish towel on the stove. Apparently when the smoke alarm went off she disconnected it instead of seeing what was making it go off. I walk through my front door and find my stove and cabinets in flames. Lucky for me I insisted we have fire extinguishers all over the house, the big industrial type. H slept through the whole thing. He thought I was joking when I woke him up and told him about it. :jawdrop: We could have lost everything. Thank God I made him get insurance, he didn't think we needed it. This is another I told you so moment. I had the insurance adjuster out here, thankfully the agency is only a block away. H didn't like it that I put all the blame on sd, I guess he thought I should take responsibility for this disaster. The adjuster said I'd only get 80% of the claim but I can work with that. I told H that this is the last straw, he either does something about her or I'm going to CO with my son.

smurfy1smile's picture

I agree that you did nothing wrong. It is completely SD's fault. She should know better. What is that happened when you weren't home and your H never woke up? Would it still not be her doing?

We are redoing our kitchen and my BF us making the cabinet doors - way cheaper than buying them premade but they do take some time and my BF is a putz!

bellacita's picture

i mean really? what did U do???

what an idiot...i hope this was a wakeup call for him. i know theres still time to throw him under the tanker for xmas...let us know if u want us to stop by!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

frustratedinMA's picture

What the heck?!!?!? This man is on crack.. First off.. how old is SD?? and second was she punished??

I would be freakin pissed. I dont even like when the skids use the bathroom sometimes, as they have been known to clog the toilet and keep flushing TIL IT OVERFLOWS!!! and that is enough damage in my mind.

From now on, I would tell her if her daddy isnt up, she is to go where you go. She OBVIOUSLY can not be left alone.

As far as not taking any blame.. why would you??? you didnt do a thing wrong?? you didnt tell her to cook something for herself, you didnt put a dish towel on a stove that had burners going and you sure as shit didnt disconnect the freakin fire alarm.. OH.. and YOU DIDNT SLEEP THROUGH THE ALARM GOING OFF!!!!

This pissed me off.. sorry.

Happy to hear about your new kitchen though.

SerendipitySM's picture

OMG - are you kidding me?? How in the hell could this be your fault in anyway? Did he issue any sort of punishment for this?

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

ferretmom's picture

I told H that they are both mentally and emotionally retarded and that I take no responsibility for either of them. My Fil is helping me remodel and repair all the damages. He has contacts in the construction biz so I've gotten all the supplies at almost no cost. The new stove and refrigerator are being delivered tomorrow. From now on neither of them is allowed to do more the use the microwave. Thank God my son will be here in a few days. He doesn't do drugs, just drinks a 6pack before going to bad. That's almost as bad. I think it's time for a visit to the VA again.

stepwitch's picture

I just get to spend the whole day feeling uncomfortable spending the day with the outlaws, that believe my sd can and does no wrong. At least you get new dishes!

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Most Evil's picture

Your DH is lucky to still be alive, and SD needs to be kicked out!! I think this is building your case for DH to get her in line though, keep reminding him he could have died!

Take out an insurance policy on him if you haven't already, seriously. Sometimes when my DH wants to do something stupid, ex. go out into the ocean in a small boat, I start talking about his life insurance and whether it is paid up and what I will do with the money since he won't be there, ex. eat! and that reminds him of the risks.

Congratulations on your new kitchen, I need more cabinets really bad!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

ferretmom's picture

My Fil knows a company that deals in home salvage. Whenever a house is being torn down they go in and take whatever is usable. He got me some great oak cabinets and a new counter top for a fraction of what it costs at a home supply store. Then he called around to some of his old co-workers and got tile for the backsplash. He had floor tiles left over from when he did his kitchen so I only had to buy 2 boxes. We got everything done in one day and put the new stove and frig in this morning. He agreed with me that sd should never be allowed in the kitchen again. Yes I do have insurance on H as well as everything else I own. If anything should happen to him sd doesn't get a thing. I know that sounds harsh but he should have thought of it himself. As it is I put him on my family policy. I'm just glad it's all done before the kids get here.

stepwitch's picture

Been lots of work, hopefully you can enjoy your holiday now. Merry Christmas!

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

ferretmom's picture

The insurance agent said that in his opinion my kitchen was a total loss, it wasn't really. My fil is real handy so I used the majority of the check to buy my appliances. I think it was a good investment and when I leave I'm taking them with me. No way I'd leave them with someone who doesn't appreciate them the way I do. I love looking at them.

SerendipitySM's picture

Why in the hell would he want to give her money after she was the one that started the fire???

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

ferretmom's picture

Oh I guess I should tell you all I did everything in cobalt blue and black. It looks marvelous. H is upset that I used all the check and didn't give sd any. I don't care, I got my new kitchen and she isn't allowed to touch the stove at all.

northernsiren's picture

for what her mental anguish??? LOL he is quite the piece of work!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

SM#1's picture

What?? She almost burned the house down, why in the world would you give her money?!! Oh boy, what an idea lets pay the person that is at fault....sounds like a great idea to teach her a lesson! OMG

Mystery23's picture

You deserve something for all what you been through

ferretmom's picture

I've had insurance with this company, not this agent, for 20 yrs and never had to file a claim so I'm good. They cover all my property and car as well as my life insurance.