"half" sister -- why does this bother me so much?
SD11 insists in referring to my BD as "half" sister, whem introducing her to friemds amd such.
BM remarried in July, and SD now has a step sis15 and step bro13, =Sje calls them brother and sister. period. she doesn't qualify it with step.
this really bugs me......
Have you asked her why? Does
Have you asked her why? Does she realize she's doing it?
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Just ask her
Just say hey I noticed you call them brother and sister why do you call BD a step - see what she says. I think it would be interesting to hear if this is something that the BM could have directed her to do...
Thats weird
I am 26 years old and even though I have to have brothers from dad, stepmum I always call them my brothers.I don't really refer to them as half as for me they are full brothers. Even though we half I see them as full blood. My step-brother and I are distant because we not blood related. However I do see him as even my half-brother as my father brought him up as his own. We not close really neither me and my half-brother.
I think when you live with your mother kids seem to take their mothers skids as their sister,brother rather than the one who don't live with them and thats there actual half-sister.
Well if your hurt about your dd being called hurt then your dp maybe aswell. Maybe he could or you can explain to her what it means having a half sister and step sis/bro and say she is really more related than them too. She does not live with you? So therefore will see them as bro/sis as they live with her. Your bio dd which is her half-sister she dont know so as far as she concerned she is half. She probably don't really know your dd that well. So is your dp hurt as if she is calling her step-siblings bro/sis but maybe she sees their dad as hers aswell.Many friends of mine live with a sis/bro who is actually half-sister and to them they are full blooded sis/bro and even some who is not they see them as family. There lots of people and relatives like my step-auntie which was with my uncles who sadly passed away. My uncle had twins boy and she had a son. So because her son's half-sister mum was unable to look after her as she had mental health issues she took her on as her own. So then she took her half-brother and think my cousins the twins a brothers aswell I think. Situations are weird that way really. Try not to let it bother you too much. Maybe she just wants me to know like I sometimes don't want people to think my step-mum is mum so I have to say that my brothers are actually my half-brothers from dads side. Especially if she don't really like you she want everyone to know your not her bio-mum and to do this and not hurt her mums feelings. Do you get what I am saying. Very complicated stepfamilies. :?
Sounds to me
Like she is being vindictive. Call her on it or say as I do to others who mention it. There are no halves or steps in my house, we are all a part of this family. My SS is very proud to have 2 brothers, a big one and a little one. He has never called either one a step or a half which is politically correct. When my toddler goes to bed, I say go say goodnight to brothers, he walks into their room and yells, goodnight my brothers, they both smile and hug him to death. It's beautiful and it warms my heart
I think if my SS did throw in the word half I would be ropeable and tell him in no uncertain terms, he is your brother, if you want to play in half and steps, do it where my boys or I can not hear you!!
Must break your heart.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
More info....
Mystery, she does live with us. She sees her "half" sister every day, sleeps in the same house as her, etc. You're right that she doesn't know my DD well, becauses DD is only 4 months old!
SD sees her "step" sister every other weekend. She sees her "step" brother twice a year (he lives with his BM on the other side of the country). Both of them came into her life very recently (BM married in July - though we didn't find out about it until October because SD was instructed not to tell us....that's a whole 'nother story though)
SD also has a half brother, who lives with BM. SD has always called him "brother"; I've never once heard her say "half" brother.
I said to her, "You know, you don't have to call her a half sister." She launched into various explanations of why she DID have to, which included:
1. She doesn't want anyone thinking I'm HER mother. (I don't know why calling my DD "half" prevents that....but obviously has not thought about this logically)
2. My DD ruined her life by being born (this is her standard go-to when she's upset about anything)
3. Her brother is not really a "half" because they have the same mom, and moms are more important than dads.
4. The steps don't have to be called steps because they are older and she likes them
This all just boils down to SD having feelings of jealousy towards DD, and not handling her feelings well.
Wow, that says a lot. It
Wow, that says a lot. It must be hurtful. And I suspect she is indeed jealous. As for calling the older steps her actual brother and sister, I'd say it the coolness factor. She feels cooler saying she has those older siblings.
My SD15 refers to her older half brother's paternal grandparents as if they are her grandparents and she met them once. They see my parents on a monthly basis, are rude to them, and refer to the as their steps.
It used to be a slap in the face, but now it just seems pitiful as it just an example of her low self esteem.
Hopefully, you'll be able to see it that way too. Don't let it overshadow that precious baby, because it can't.
Good luck....
Well then you know she's
Well then you know she's just doing it to get to you. By calling her a half sister people will know that not both of their parents are the same and if they know you guys that means they know they only share a dad. That seems important to her for people to know. Maybe as she bonds with her the half will be dropped...or maybe she needs to bond with you more to drop the half. I would say let it go if you can. Do you refer to her as your step-daughter instead of daughter? Maybe she sees it the same way. I have a big family due to remarriages. I have 1 "whole" sister, 1 half sister, 1 stepbrother & 2 half brothers. When I would tell stories to someone that involved one of them, and would use brother or sister, if they didn't know them well they would always end up asking which one, what side of the family, etc to get a better feel of who I was talking about. So as I grew up I think I just learned to give them labels for others people's information. But it certainly doesn't mean I feel any differently towards my half sister than my whole sister. And I'm closer to my step-brother than I am my half brother. Sometimes its just for informational purposes. But from her response, it seems like she is a) just trying to get to you and b) hasn't had time to bond enough with her yet.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
It would bother me too
I think your SD is just trying to hurt YOU and make you mad. If you can stand it, you could play the 'broken record' of every time she says it, you correct her and state her (ridiculous) reasoning out loud so that it makes her look as rude as she is! I had a mean older sister and we never did grow to be close, so I feel for your BD!!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I think that she is just
I think that she is just continuing on her crusade that she started when she found out you were pregnant. She is no longer able to ask when you are getting an abortion.. so now she is devaluing your little girl by calling her a half. Do you normally react when she makes these statements?? if so, dont give her a reaction.. she is just trying to push your buttons.
What does DH say in all of this? Did he stop picking up only sd early from school??? or is he picking up both or rotating who gets to go home earlier?!
Hope you are hanging in there..
how are you?
Yes, she is continuing the crusade. She just gets in these moods where she launches into attack mode, its really weird. Last week, she actually asked me whether I had my tubes tied and said it would not work for me to have another child and that her dad doesn't want another. I couldn't believe it! I told her whether I had my tubes tied was my personal medical information and it was none of her business.
Dh thinks she gets triggered by something (yesterday, he thought probably me picking up DD and then arriving at SD's school with DD), and then SD just launches into irrationality and tries to hurt me.
He's been better about spending time with DD lately. He even let me sleep a whole night earlier this week and took care of feedings and everything.
BUT ANYWAY!!! How are feeling? Are you getting excited???
I am getting really
I am getting really excited.. The u/s we had, which said we were having a boy, showed him yawning a couple of times.. and he kept putting his hands up to block his face.. like.. NO PICTURES PLEASE!!
I am tired.. and have a bit of a cold right now. I can not even tell you how much I can not wait to meet my baby.
I am sorry that she is being such a menace. I was sincerely hoping that would stop or die down once the baby came. I am glad to hear that your dh is chipping in more and stuff w/dd.
The fun never ends.. does it!?!? LOL
zero child
LOL, tempting!
I understand now
She really don't like and anyone probably assuming your her mum I bet she says no she not my mum. Ever she calls you by your name or she says this my step-mom.
She would be so jealous as she is not daddys girl no more. Maybe she still is and nothing changed really since your dd been born. This would be how she feels.
She probably feels like now her sister got her parents together she must feel the odd one out.
Actually jess its kind of weird the way she feel about her step-brothers to be honest. I can understand her see her brother as her full blood brother.
I personally feel bad for your dd but I guess she feels very very resentful towards her. Yeah its not really much you can do and you really can't force her not to call her sister half.
My wife's father was killed when MIL was pregnant with my wife
MIL married FIL when my wife was 2mos old. My wife has three younger sibs. They are her brothers and sister ....... period. My FIL is actually closer to my wife than with his other three and they are bio and my wife is not.
As for the ZERO child. I like the concept. How about "this is the parasite kid that mooches money from my family and lives in my home but is not my kid". Facts are not good or bad they are just facts. I doubt she would like being referred to as the parasite kid so make a deal with her. Her sister is her sister and she can be your step daughter. No deal then she is just the parasite child.
I just realized that she is 11. That is a little young for the vindictive approach. I would just talk to her about it and let her know that if she wants to be referred to as her name then she can refer to her sister as her sister. If not, call her Miss (last name) or hey you.
When my son was younger he came back from visitation with the biodads toxic crap perspective that SS could not call me Dad. BioDad told him to call me by my first name. I told him no. If Dad was not longer good enough then he could refer to me as Mr Rags. He said "I like dad" and we have never had to have that talk again.
Best regards,
My EX, my oldest son's dad,
My EX, my oldest son's dad, doesn't want my son calling his stapdad "dad" either. My son lives with us and sees his dad one weekend every 3 or 4 months now that he's in school..his dad is in a different state. My husband has lived with us since he was 2 years old, but it pisses my ex off so my son calls my DH by his first name. I have to agree, I'd probably be a little upset at my son calling a stepmom "mom" (not that he has one yet), but even though I wouldn't like it I think it should be what the kid feels comfortable calling you, by your name or "dad" or "mom". Adults shouldn't MAKE them call them by a certain title.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I was the first person he called Dad face to face.
I understand the aversion to having a kid call a second spouse Mom or Dad. Especially when the aversion is coming from a heavily involved and invested parent.
However I believe that Mom and Dad are earned titles and not just assigned due to an accident or choice of genetics. I started dating my wife when SS was 15mos old and we married a few weeks before he turned 2. She used to have a picture of BioDad on the wall in the LR of her apt and he would point to it and say Daddy periodically. She tried to keep the kid connected to his father but the father was not particularly interested in having much to do with the kid.
After we had been dating for several months, one evening he pointed to me and said Daddy and I was Daddy. His BioDad did not see him for nearly a year after my wife left to go to college and took the Skid with her (after he abandoned them to move in with his 16yr old girlfriend and her mother .... he was ~22). She went to the airport to pick him up many many times but he never got off any plane he said he would be on.
In fact she was venting to a friend that he had stood her up again by not being on a flight he said he would be on when I walked in to the Grad Placement office at school. I was there for an interview and she was doing research. I overheard the conversation and turned to her and said "in that case, how about dinner" and the rest is history. I had seen her around campus a few weeks earlier at the start of a new semester and had noticed her immediately. 6' tall, blond (bottle) long legs and very shapely. Wow! :jawdrop: She is even more amazing now. My Venus, soul mate, mother of my son (I regularly thank them both for letting me be his dad). Neither of us are as in shape as we were then but we have built a pretty good life together and she is more stunning now than she was my teen bride.
All because the toothless BioDad would not get on a plane and go visit his kid. His loss. My world.
He played my wife and the kid and I earned the Daddy title and have been earning it every day for more than 14yrs, 19wks and two days.
We had the discussion I mentioned above when he was about 8 and had been calling me Daddy (Dad) for more than 6yrs.
When he brought the "DaddyFirstname says I cant call you Dad" crap home from a visitation my response was "Fine,if "Dad" is no longer good enough call me by my name ....... Mr Rags". He said "I like Dad" and that was that.
No contention just a conversation.
I just thought I would clarify a bit.
Best regards,
Sorry Rags, I didn't mean to
Sorry Rags, I didn't mean to respond to your post directly I just meant to respond in general on my experiences & thoughts! As in, while I wouldn't neccessarily like it if my son called a stepmom mom also, I wouldn't tell my son not to just because I was jealous or something, like my ex does, I think children should choose on their own what they're comfortable with...I definitely think in your situation you earned the title of dad far more than sperm donor! I just realized I had hit reply to your post
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
No problem. I was not offended just thought I would clarify.
As challenging as the yours, mine and ours world of blended families and Stepping is I don't think any of us can be overly thin skinned.
I was not offended just throwing out some more info on my own blended family deal.
No apology neccessary or requested.
Have a great weekend.
Best regards,
Sounds like jealousy to me-the one thing your BD and you have
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
in common, which none of the others involved in SD's life have, is your H.
I see the poison in SD17 against me-and I believe it's because I am the woman now supposedly permanetly in H's life. And she doesn't like it one bit. And H, of course, compounds the problem by treating her like the queen when she is here-to let her know, I'm sure, that she remains first in his life and always will.
Saying BD has ruined her life is out and out screaming-I am jealous! I don't want to share my dad with a cute little baby.
And I don't know what the cure for jealousy is.
Wow...even MY SD calls BD and BSs her sister and brothers
She calls me her stepmom, or Zen when introducing. I call her SD or Rick's daughter for clarification sometimes, (like when I'm seeing people who haven't seen me in years and they have a confused look on their face as to how I got another kid in between the two boys since last they saw me.) But usually I have taken to saying these are OUR kids- BS, SD, BS, BD. I think if I keep that up, and BM continues to fade into the background, eventually SD will drop the step with me, and I will follow her lead. Though in light of everything that's happened the past year and a half, I should maybe take the lead on that one, without any pressure for her to follow.
I think your DH should address it. SD should know it's not ok to call her sister "half" and other Steps "whole." I definitely think it's a malicious attempt at hurting you.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I think
that she is just trying to get under your skin. What she is saying is true, don't think anything of it. When you meet people say "this is my daughter .... and this is her sister....". She will let this half sister thing go after a while. I agree with some of the others, she is upset now that she is getting less attention and has to share space.
My SD9 used to say half brother about BS2 until he was about 6 months old. She didn't start saying that til "BM says he is my half brother not my brother" I just said" he is your half brother, you will never have a brother from you mom and dad"---she replies "he is so lucky to have a mom and dad that live together" I realized then that for SD it was about jealousy but of course the idea was placed into her head by BM.
Exactly! I ask my kids
I ask my kids periodically and alone if they or their siblings are EVER being mean to, rude to or in the least bit disrespectful to their SM. 2 years ago I didn't like what I heard and I nipped that in the bud!
And that is when I pulled SM aside and let her know that under NO circumstances are my children allowed to be less than kind to any PERSON-especially HER, their SM. And if they get out of line-she can take care of it. I trust her to care for my kids, I trust her to keep them in line and not let them walk on her, too.
I told her that I know HOW freakin' hard it is for her-for ALL SMs and I that APPRECIATE all that SHE does for MY kids. I was married to her husband for nearly 10 years-I KNOW what he's like, I KNOW that she is the one REALLY taking care of them. He might tickle them or play with them once in a while, but SHE is the one doing the mothering when they're at her home. And I'm a big enough/secure BM to admit that and to say it to her face. She had tears in her eyes and told me how much that meant to her.
We were cool from then on. My kids have a really wonderful SM and I'm so blessed--it could have been so much worse!
She's 11............she's
She's 11............she's practicing for those teenage years! My mom said I went through them from 12-23yrs then she started liking me again-AFTER I had my first baby. Ha!
I have 2 half sisters/2 half brothers.
I guess I was too lazy to say the W H O L E thing out, I just called them my bros....sis(es). Honestly, I didn't realize it or know better-they were just...........family.
But I have always hated that whole COLD, step-dad/father-in-law/grandma-in-law/half brother/ not really my mom/not really my dad crap. I think that is the fastest way to alienate what could be a close, strong and loving family. If there's love and we take care of each other-WE are a FAMILY. We omit the "legalities" of adding the sur names (Is that what you call it?).
My vote is with the others, of course. I am a firm believer in if you don't know something--ASK--never assume you know what the other person is thinking. ALWAYS just ask...
And you know what? When SD is 30 and has cleared any garbage BM might have pumped into her brain, I'm sure she'll drop the halfsis stuff and remember how cool you were to her.