Birth Mom Deceased - Rights of Step-Mother
My husband was left with one-year old twins to raise when his significant other passed away.
I met my husband when the twins were 5. I thought my dreams had come true and most of them have.
My skids are 16 and the SD, after being so loving, is suddenly calling me names, telling me she doesn't have to listen to what I tell her because I'm not her mother, etc. My SS is great. He is totally my son. He works very hard. He buys his own clothes, he is an exceptional student. SD used to be that way 'til she got into 9th grd.
Is anyone else having these issues? I am the only mother SD's ever known. I don't make her clean or do anything. I could be having a conversation with my husband and she'll just look up from her computer and laptop and tell me to shut up because she doesn't like the sound of my voice. She figures I can't punish her for disrespect because I'm not her mother.
I don't know what to do so I've partially disengaged as of last week. I'm tired of being told that I'm stupid by a 16-year-old and when I try to defend myself my husband jumps in and tells me to shut up.
Don't I have some type of rights in this situation?
Your husband jumps in and
Your husband jumps in and tells you to shut up?! Well why wouldn't she do it then, she gets away with it! He needs to set an example & demand that she respect you! She will never behave if he condones her actions. I can't believe your husband would do that. Did you ever adopt these kids?
Birth Mom Deceased - Rights of Step-Mother
Thanks all for your support. I considered leaving DH but I do love him and SS. I also know SD would just love that. If I'm out of the picture, she can do whatever she wants.
Has anyone ever seen the movie "The Bad Seed" with Patti McCormack? That is SD to a tee. She wants to eliminate anyone who gets in the way of her having fun. She likes to control and has a narcissistic behavior.
It wasn't always like this. Upon my first meeting with her, she ran to me, hopped in my lap and gave me a great huge hug. She called me "her mommy" and urged SS to do the same.
DH's sister told me SD was very spoiled the first 5 years because she was the only granddaughter and everyone felt sorry because she didn't have a mother. Everything was done for her. All she had to do was flash that big smile, toussle that blond hair and flash those big piercing blue eyes.
Sometimes she'd run to us crying that SS hit her. We'd punish SS. Later I found out (by silently spying) that she'd hit herself and blame it on him. He never hit her. Sometimes she'd act really sweet and give me a gift. I'd open it up to find a dead praying mantis or spider. I asked why she did it and she laughed. She said she liked to make me mad. She asks DH to kill me. She tells me to kill myself. This is just when I ask her to go to bed. I don't understand it. My SS is the complete opposite. He is a joy and a privilege to be around.
After it slowly emerged that she was the instigator, the sneek, the liar, she started to resent me because I told DH. This has actually been ongoing since she was about 9 but it has escalated beyond repair.
DH is afraid SD will cry child abuse or something if he punishes her. I told him he's nuts. They'd know right off that she was lying. That proves something to me though. He knows she's a liar.
Right now, to save my sanity, I'm not speaking to her because I started getting very depressed at a lost situation. I don't want to do anything more for her. I explained this to DH and he realizes it's the only way. In 2 years (hopefully) she'll be in college in another state.
I just wish there I had some kind of legal rights to discipline her. I'd like to show her on paper that I do have rights over her.
She's going to hurt herself one day and no one will be there to rescue her. Of course, I'll probably be blamed for it.
Do you have a counselor for yourself?
Is DH taking her to a counselor?
How did BM pass away?
I would highly recommend you get a therapist for yourself at the very least. My SD (13) doesn't outright say those things about wanting me to die, but she did think it was funny to chase my son (then 10) into the bathroom with a butcher knife, and try to stab his feet under the door. She cuts herself and is trying to pierce her lip lately.
She is so impulsive that I am looking into getting an alarm for BD's door. I don't have to for BSs because their room is in the basement. When SD started sneaking out at night, we outfitted the house with ADT, including a laser sensor in the living room (she'd have to go in it to get to the boys rooms.)
So far it seems to be keeping her in her room.
The weird thing was, when I talked to the guy installing it, I asked him about a small alarm for BD's door and insinuated the reason why. He did not seemed shocked at all. I suppose in his line of work he's heard a lot.
What you said about age 9 starting to show it, and going downhill from there. It's scary. I met SD when she had just turned 9. Like yours she wrapped herself up in me (BM was present but is bipolar/borderline PD- as is SD now.) Look up personality disorders. Your SD's case sounds worse than mine, but that may be what you're dealing with, and also read the recent post by Bewitched about living with a sociopath. I know from my reading up on Borderline PD, that sometimes they go together.
Please take care of yourself. If my SD ever threatened me that way I would have to go. I just couldn't risk what she might do, because she is so oppositional and impulsive. Especially if there's other kids in the house. I love my DH too. I so understand that part. But you have to do what's best for you. Your SD's behaviors are abusive and you have every right not to tolerate it.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I considered therapy...
I considered therapy for the whole family. I told DH and he said he is glad that I was finally going to seek help. You see, he didn't mean for him or SD but just for me.
I am beginning to believe she has psychopathic tendancies and I am really afraid for her. DH does not understand. He doesn't understand a lot of things. They go right over his head and he certainly doesn't want to be told his parenting is anything other than the best.
We've been together 10 years now (married for 7 years). It was great at first but as the kids got older it got worse. I would drive SD & SS home from school when they were little and wind up driving their friends home as well. All SD would do is make fun of me in front of her friends all along the drive route. I'd yell at her for being disrespectful and she'd just keep it up. One of her little friends asked why she was being so mean to me because her friend liked me. SD said because I was stupid. Needless to say, after that episode the friend no longer hung around SD. SD would tell DH that I yelled at her for no reason. He confronted me one day with that and I just let him have it. He couldn't believe his sweet innocent daughter would do something like that, until of course she did it to him.
My sister-in-law (DH's sister) told me to go out and do something for myself. It's kind of hard when DH goes out to his friend's every Tuesday night but I'll find a way. I'm trying to get involved with my sister's theater group. That'll help too.
By the way, BM died from a drug addiction. DH had her in rehab but she kept going back.
"By the way, BM died from a drug addiction. DH had her in rehab but she kept going back."
And DH doesn't see SD is headed for catastrophe?
That's why I asked the question. Since the twins were so little when BM died, I knew chances were it was either a rare health problem, a terrible accident, or accidentally on purpose.
Drug addiction is highly hereditary, meaning whether or not the BP who is an addict is still in the kid's life, they have a huge chance of being addictive. I've seen this in my own family, with my nephew addict, who's father spent most of their childhood in jail for drugs.
DH needs to know this. Why doesn't he understand it?
Another thing- most drug addicts are BP or another form of mental illness, also highly hereditary, and self medicate through their addiction.
I would go ahead and see the therapist "for you"
. And I guarantee that therapist is going to get DH in there "for you"
so they can enlighten him on what's really going on. Make sure you tell the therapist the whole story about BM too.
Good luck.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Put her out on her ass! NOW!
At 16-17 she can be emancipated at your husbands initiative. I would shut that crap down immediately. Let your DH know that the next disrespectful outburst from SD16 she will be out of your home. ZERO TOLERANCE!
The next time she pulls that crap pack her crap when she leaves for school and put it on the curb. Whatever is left when she gets home she can take with her.
Change the locks so she has to stand on the lawn waiting for someone to let her in. Have the come to Jesus meeting with her that she will be allowed back in only once and only if she agrees in writing to follow some basic rules of common respect and decency with all members of the household. Don't let her or her stuff back in the house until she signs the paper and has the wide eyed terrified look that she got the message.
An ill behaved child is one thing. An ill behaved teen is another issue entirely.
I experienced my own version of your SD's 16yo idiocy though I would not have lived through even one incident of disrespect that you described you SD perpetrating. My parents would have killed me for that.
After my first sophomore year of high school (I had two sophomore years) my parents enrolled me in Military School. We were waiting at the airport with my Dad for him to board the plane to fly home (pre 911). School did not start for a couple more weeks and Mom and I were staying behind to get me started at Military School. With about 45 minutes to go before boarding I turned to my Dad and Mom and said "I am not going". My dad opened his brief case, pulled out the check book, wrote me a check for $500.00 and said "You are 16 and do not have to go to school any longer. Here is $500.00. Write your mother when you find a job and have an address that we can write back to you at."
I sat there staring at the $500.00 check with the wide eyed terrified look thinking how badly I had screwed up that time. When they called my Dad's flight I stood up, handed him the check and said "I'll go". He gave me a hug and boarded the plane.
I made straigt A's my second sophomore year and for the rest of high school. I needed the proverbial come to Jesus parental kick in the ass to get my head strait. It sounds as if it is time for your SD to get the message.
Just my thoughts of course.
Good luck and best regards,
11 long years
with YOU as the ONLY mother figure in these children's lives.
The one who has been there for them, taking care of their every need, tending to them when they were sick, teaching them, "parenting" them in every sense of the word...
And yet, NOW, your DH has the utter GAUL to tell YOU to SHUT UP when the child is being disrespectful to you????
I agree 100% with Melis on this one. It is not the CHILD- it is your DH who, with his attitude, has given her the green light to speak to you and treat you with this blatant disrespect.
HE is the one you need to have a long talk with. And now. His attitude cannot continue. HE needs to show HIS daughter through both his words and actions that SHE cannot treat the adults in her world in such a way.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
Sounds like my H
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
When I asked him to tell precious SD17 to get up and go to bed instead of sleeping on the couch-SD13 was sitting on the floor, H had the easy chair, and I was left to either pull up a piece of floor to sit down & watch TV, or leave the room). His response?
Don't tell ME what to do.
These men and their attitudes towards their precious offspring are compounding the problem, not helping solve it. And you, putting your years into this ungrateful kid-smack!
I think alot of us could benefit from counseling...not because we're the ones with the problem, but just to have a professional inform the idiots (ok, don't know if your H is an idiot or not-just currently very upset with my H) we married that they are in the wrong.
A little laugh at my H's expense-talking to him, the young employee who was sharing his apartment at work has been moved to another location. But, his boss is being moved back to his location, so they will be sharing the apartment. So I said, so-your boss will be your new roommate. He responds No. I said-well where's he going to live then? His response-here. in the apartment, but he won't be sleeping in my room so he's not my roommate. I had to refrain from informing him that a roommate is "a person with whom one shares a residence whom is not a relative or significant other". I've decided that helping educate this grown man (44) is not my job. But that's typical. Argue or disagree with anything I say, to try and make me look dumb, when he's the one with the lower IQ.
That happened to me!
SD15 was laying on the couch watching TV. We have one other chair in the room. DH, me, and BDs 5 and 2 needed a place to sit. DH assumes BDs can just sit on the floor. So when I went to sit down and SD was laying in three of the spots, I told DH he needed to tell her to sit up. He started arguing with me. "What's wrong with the chair?" etc. So I sat in the chair, and then he saw what was wrong. No place for him or BDs to sit. So, instead of asking SD to sit up, he squeezed his but into the space next to SD's feet. Then BDs had to sit one in my lap and one in his. Moron!
I missed the line where your DH told you to shut up.
Put him out on his ass with his daughter.
Or, the next time he is in bed sleeping crawl under the bed and sew the sheets to the bottom of the bed. Then gently wake him while holding a base ball bat in your hand and inform him that if he ever speaks to you in that way again that you will sew him firmly in to the bed and wake him up enegetically with the bat.
Then lean over and kiss him on the forehead, let him stew while sewn in to the bed for a few minutes to contemplate the error of his ways. Let him out when you think he has the message.
Nahhhh. Just throw him out now. My wife nor I would tolerate being told to shut up by the other.
I for one am not that brave. If my wife did not make me regret my poorly chosen words my mother would after they talked. Of course if I called Mom to complain that my wife told me to shut up (which she has never done) my mom would ask "what did you say to have her tell you to shut up".
It is tough to find alies when your Mom and your wife are best friends.
I have similar issues with SD 13, but she's Bipolar/Borderline PD like her mom.
She used to adore me initially, and now despises me because I don't let her manipulate me or sneak something by me she's not allowed to do.
Her mom is down to one night a week, though told my DH last week that overnights "just aren't working" for her, so imagine she will be gone completely in another year or so.
If my DH didn't support me 100 percent when SD's disrespectful (sometimes he's even harsher than I would be on her because it makes him so upset that she doesn't appreciate what I do) I would not be able to stay for long. He needs to get this one and he needs to handle her now.
I think I would recommend you see a counselor, and get some feedback about why SD is turning on you, and how to let your H know his reaction is even more disrespectful than SD's since he's your spouse.
So sorry to hear your facing this particular challenge.
Hugs to you.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
"You're Stupid" "Shut UP"
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Hate to say it, but kids calling their parents and other adults stupid is more common than not anymore. I've heard teens (and younger) say that to their parents so many times it's pathetic. It's so painful, and this coming from a child that you raised as your own is probably doubly so. Guess you could become "stupid" and forget how to cook, how to drive (that is, of course, selective stupidity-forget how to drive to where ever SHE needs to go), too stupid to do laundry, or dishes.
As for your H-who am I to offer advice? My H goes from being soooo in love with me to treating me like something on the bottom of his shoe in a nanosecond. Guess if he wants you to shut up you could just quit talking to him at all. Heading out the door, if he asks where you are going---well, guess he could just wonder about it because you were told to shut up, and the defination of that is not speaking.
Seriously, you don't deserve this treatment from him or his precious daughter. I'm sure, you never dreamed when you said your wedding vows, that you were in for this kind of treatment from the ones you gave over your life to. It's just sad.
Hey, Elizabeth-isn't that just stupid?
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
It's happened here more than once. So the last time,same scenerio-SD17 sleeping on the couch, H in easy chair SD13 on the floor, me walking around again, so when H got up out of the easy chair to go to the bathroom, I quickly took it. So now there's SD17 snoring away on the couch, SD13 on the floor, me in the easy chair. Thought for sure he'd wake that selfish brat up and make her move. Nope. He actually sat on the floor rather than disturb his precious darling! That took the cake. Trust me, if it had been me taking up the couch like that, he would've had a fit.
And my H has, unfortunately, gotten pretty fat. It's not easy for him to sit his fat behind on the floor these days. Unbelieveable!
What are they thinking?
My husband can't sit on the floor comfortably because he's had two back surgeries and a knee surgery. So he has to sit on some piece of furniture. The ironic/moronic fact her is that DH has a "thing" about people putting their feet on him. He doesn't like to have feet touching him. So what does he do, sit where SD's feet are touching him. OK, what's up?!
Yeah, imagine if it had been you (or even SD13) laying on the couch and making everyone else sit on the floor. Think he would have put up with that?
Guess he'll have to learn the hard way
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I am beginning to suspect H may be bi-polar. He can be so hard to deal with on one weekend, a sweetheart the next. One weekend-he'll buy the store out (hard on the checkbook). The next weekend, I can't do anything right, he'll fight over anything he can find to fight about. So I have to time things just right...
I'm just keeping a little diary (my posts) on his obvious preference for SD17-and the way he allows her to act in MY home. Not mainly for my benefit, but for the benefit of sweet SD13, mostly. It's painful to watch the little girl see her older sister treated so much better than she is. Then, bam! waiting for the ball to drop, as I'm sure it will-and then off to family therapy we will go! Hard part here-I used to work as a secretary at the mental health clinic-the only therapists in town-and they are all female. He has now proven to me that he does not place any value on anything coming from a woman, so I'll have to wait until the male therapist starts making visits to our little town again. But it will happen.
I'll be...
You've described DH to a tee. His father always belittled his mom, even after she had the stroke. DH said he hated the way his dad treated his mom but, as I screamed at him last week, he treats me the same way.
He too spends money like water and then'll turn around and act like a miser.
I am always after him about respect. He counts himself and skids as "we" and counts me as being by myself. He's always telling me what the skids like and don't like. Even after 10 years he'll say to people "we don't like so and so" meaning he and skids. Then he turns to me and says "how about you?" I'm never included in the "we" part. The skids see this and that is what separates us.
They love their aunt. SD trashes me in front of her too. Of course. I loved my aunt too. There are times when I absolutely hated my mother. With my aunt, I could do anything I wanted and she wouldn't get mad. The thing that I learned later is that she could send me home. She did not have to deal with my foibles, my mother did.
When I was a kid I liked parties, who doesn't. I feel SD wants life to be one constant party where she doesn't have to be responsible for anything. She doesn't understand that it's time to grow up and as long as DH is there, she never will.
OMG-And I thought SD17 was bad!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Linda, from your post " Sometimes she'd act really sweet and give me a gift. I'd open it up to find a dead praying mantis or spider. I asked why she did it and she laughed. She said she liked to make me mad. She asks DH to kill me. She tells me to kill myself."
This from your SD? And your H knows this is what you live with and does nothing about it???? Girl, if that was going on here, I'd document it, have a voice activated recorder going-and boot them to the curb. That's just insanity. I mean, this girl is beyond anything I've heard of, and your H allowing her to continue threatening you like this is inexcusable. And dangerous.
I'll just go out on a limb here-and I know that this is extreme-but lately, listening to the news, how many teenagers have actually physically gone up against adults? It's the teen on the school bus attacking the driver, it's the girl who planned and committed the murder of her parents over a boyfriend, it's the teenage girls attacking and beating up the art instructor. I know these are extreme examples, but, for Gods sake, be careful.
Can't get that scene out of my mind
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Honestly. Your SD asking your DH to kill you? Telling you to kill yourself? And your H expecting you to live with that? I'm nearly speechless.
I've been questioning my H's motives for marrying me lately-expecting me to accept SD17's behaviour, and worse yet, siding with her whenever I say anything to him about it, is not the action of a man who loves a woman. And neither is the business of not giving me the time of day during my Halloween meltdown.
But your H has gone even beyond that. He expects you to take verbal abuse from your SD, to the point of asking him to kill you, and then tells you to shut up? Where in that equation is his love for YOU?
Why do we accept so little for ourselves? We may not accept it lying down, be we are, by continuing to live it, accepting it.
I think it is time for SD to go. IMHO
Regardless of how long you have been together I think it is time for you to let DH know that the SD has to go. I understand that parents should support their kids but enough is enough and your (the wife's) safety and well being trumps a kids. When I was going through my own snarky teen crap my parents let me know in know uncertain terms that I should never put them in a position of having to choose between each other or between me and my younger brother. It was obvious that I would loose. Of course they told my brother the same thing when he starting pulling his own snarky teen crap. Mom and Dad and their marriage trumped Teen Kids every time.
The same should hold for you. I am not sure the best way for you to jerk a knot in DHs tail on this other than to record your SD petitioning her Dad to kill then let the police haul her off in hand cuffs for a several nights in jail. Getting the juvenile authorities in on this one is important I think. Take it completely out of DHs and the SDs hands and let them deal with the authorities.
A good friend of mine booted his daughter at 17 and forced her to emancipate. I would let DH know that SD will emancipate at the earliest possible opportunity unless she gets on board with reasonable behavior immediately.
Keep that recorder rolling and review the tapes with DH at a later time so that he can hear what your SD is saying. If that does not motivate him to personally correct SDs behavior let the police handle it.
Just my thoughts of course.
Good luck and best regards,
I wouldn't just stop with SD-I'd let the H go with her
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Linda, you responded that I described your husband to a tee
"His father always belittled his mom, even after she had the stroke. DH said he hated the way his dad treated his mom but, as I screamed at him last week, he treats me the same way.
He too spends money like water and then'll turn around and act like a miser.
I am always after him about respect. He counts himself and skids as "we" and counts me as being by myself. He's always telling me what the skids like and don't like."
My life. Your life. The only dif I can see is that I am not being cajoled into killing myself, or having my sd ask her father to kill me (at least not that I know of).
My MIL recently described what FIL (deceased 5 yrs ago) was like when he was living-and while he worked like a madman to support his family, he was a horrible husband.
I don't pretend to be any kind of mental health professional, but I was a secretary at the Mental Health clinic here for a period. And these highs and lows are not normal-the manic time, when H is so loving, so generous (too much so, actually), let's travel here, let's buy this, let's buy that- and then low times-angry over the money spent, angry over everything-I walk on eggshells, can do nothing right. Those are the things that I see that make me wonder about the bi-polar (or manic-depressive, if you will).
But, my big concern here is for your safety. From your SD. And again,I've thought of this all day. Rags had some excellent advice; please, please take it into consideration. This is not normal (or, as the therapists used to say, does not fall within the realm of normalcy).
I wish I could kick her out.
I wish I could kick out SD. DH knows what she does and does nothing about it. He figures it's just teen anger and will pass. That okay when your not the one on the rotten end of SD's stick. He put screens in her windows, the kind that won't open. You have to kick them out to get them open so they are safe in case of a fire. He came home one day and one of them was kicked out. SD's been caught more than once with a boy in her bedroom. All he told her was "don't let it happen again." Then he turns to me and tells me he just doesn't want her to get pregnant. I get so mad I just fiercely walk away. He doesn't want to listen to my suggestions at all. Also, he knows all about the drug addition and alcoholism thing but he never reinforces it in her. He's too afraid she'll run away or cry rape or child abuse or some other lie. Last week I just got so fed up with her name calling that I told her I was going to report her for parent abuse. That shut her up in her tracks. She didn't know that adults can report children for abuse.
I think I'm more mad at DH and afraid for SD because she is so young and hasn't a clue. I wish he would understand that he is just fueling her with his bad parenting. He is giving her the okay to do the things she does. I heard her on the phone with a friend, talking about how nasty and mean I am because I wouldn't let her go to her friends house on a school night at 9:30 am. She told the friend she'd ask DH because he'll let her do anything. I told him that and he started screaming at me. I think he doesn't want to face it.
This year my parents have written her off as far as Xmas is concerned. They don't even want her at their house. SS is very welcome. My whole family loves him and he considers them his family too. What a good kid. He makes me so proud my heart just glows. Sometimes DH looks at me a snickers and sz that SS doesn't like SD either, so don't worry. I look at DH and think, what kind of a father are you? He busts on SD behind her back then spoils her to death.
I really have to think of a way to get through to DH and SD.
I thank everyone for their help.