Narcissitic, Manipulative SD
I am new to this board. I'm not even sure where to start. I'll try to keep it short but even the abbreviated story will be long.
I met my husband three years ago, and we married last October. He has four adult kids. SS 26, SD 23, SD 21, and SD 18.
My husband has had custody of his daughter since she was 15, until this last summer.
She and I at first got along really well. I was the only woman in her dad's life that she ever "approved of" and has told me on several occassions that I am more of a mother to her than her own mother. My husband's family also marvelled at how well SD liked me and how well I do with her. Her mom has told me, "I have to hand it to you. K is not an easy child to raise, and you have done a good job with her. God Bless you for giving it your all."
SD is a troubled child. DUring her formative years, her mom who is now a recovering alcoholic was abusive, and allowed her to run free. Her mom also battled a great deal with my husband over custody and money. SHe played a twisted game with my husband that really tore my husband up - as well as their daugther. My husband and her have reconciled in a way. They speak cordially and no major games have been played since he has had custody. However, my husband will never trust her, and has told me not to get sucked in by her. We are to be pleasant with her, but she is never to be trusted and we are to watch or backs.
SD came into my husband's custody when her mom "couldn't do it anymore". SD was getting into trouble, and had just dropped out of the 10th grade. She told my husband to come get her. He did and they all three signed a contract. He got custody and rights to raise her as he saw fit, and SD agreed to stay in school as long as she was with her dad and graduate high school. If SD did not hold up the bargain, she was to go back to her mother's. Something both SD and her mom both did not want.
So SD came to live with my husband in Iowa, and about 6 months later in November of 2006, we all moved down to Texas where they are originally from. I had a great job opportunity and we thought it best that SD be somewhat close to her mom. SD got to see her mom once a month for a weekend. It was an agreed time between the two of them and good for their relationship not living in the same home together.
Everything was fine for awhile. Then SD started acting out. Small things first, that only continued to get worse and worse. She would not obey curfew, she refused to go to school, she she would get into huge fights with her dad and run out of the house, threatening to run away. Then in July of 2007, right before we moved back to Iowa (we had personal and career reasons), she ran off with her boyfriend. Just a week before she had asked if he could move to Iowa iwth us and we refused saying it was unacceptable for us to have a high school age child's boyfriend living in the same house. She would just have to wait until she graduated -which was going to be in January of 2008. We told her graduate high school, and then we'd send her back to Texas, or he can move there if he wants and get his own place, but he would not live with us.
She ran off in the car we bought for her and ran around with this kid to Kansas and back. They showed up on our door step the night before we moved. My husband caved, said he could come with us but read him the riot act. We put strict rules on them and they slept in seperate bedrooms.
I was completely against it but my husband feared losing his daughter and her not graduating. So he caved. They both moved to Iowa with us for about 3 months until SD dropped out of school and announced to her dad the day after our wedding that she and her boyfriend were moving to Kansas to live with his step-dad. My husband was heartbroken and I was livid. He lectured both of them about the mistake they were making and we drove them to the bus station. Less than a month later, SD wanted to come back. for the next two months she went back and forth between staying and coming back. My husband and I did not let her come back until we were sure she was serious and that she would graduate high school. She finally proved that to my husband, and somewhat to me. We let her move back - but we refused to let the boyfriend come - who didn't want her to come back to us in the first place.
Let's discuss him for a minute. He is a high school drop out, an known "former" drug dealer. HE verbally, mentally and physically has abused my step daughter when he was not in our home. In our home he was perfect and polite. Once he's out of it, he will talk smack and abuse her. My opinion of him is he is a slimeball and a pathetic little weasel of a man. He's 22 and about as big of a creep as they get. He's also in trouble with the law, and has a warrant out in Texas for probation violation. He left the state without their consent.
There is nothing redeemable about him, and I will never like him. My SD however keeps running back to him.
She did graduate, but refused to go to the school. Fortunately they accomodated her and allowed her to do home studies. She graduated with honors and walked the stage this last May. Father's Day weekend, she had run off with her creepy boyfriend to Kansas again without so much as a word or note to her dad.
In the last 6 months that she was with us, she had an attitude. Called me the C-word. Was mad at us that we sold her car the previous time she was in Kansas (thought we should have held it for her, even when she told us to sell it she wasn't coming back), she stole from me, took my keys and car without permission, Broke curfew, dated many boys including a guy ten years older than her, destroyed my personal belongings, lied, and tried manipulating me and her father into leaving me. There's more, but those are just the highlights.
Why did she hate me and retaliate so much? Because I would not tolerate her BS. We told her we were at zero tolerance when she came back the last time and when she did something wrong - I called her out and her dad firmly disciplined her. Still, she continued to disrespect her father, me, our home and our rules.
It got to a point where I wanted to give up, but I stuck it out. I tolerated the situation the best I could. Not well at times, but the best I could. We wanted her to just graduate high school and I also did my damndest to get her into a local two year college and encouraged her to do something with her life. My thought was, get her going in a positive direction and maybe it would take. We told her we'd give it a shot and that she had to commit. She bails - we no longer offer our support throught college.
Well, she bailed. She is now in Kansas with her abusive boyfriend. She has already called us for money (we refused but offered to send food which she declined). She has claimed that her boyfriend was hitting her and that daddy needed to come get her before she wound up dead. The very next week she then tells her brother everything is fine, and then calls us, asking if we will pay for her and her boyfriend to drive down to Texas to see her dying maternal grandmother. When we refused, she sent her dad horrible emails stating that she dis-owned him, he was a wannabe, a horrible father, I changed him, he "owes" her, and that he would never see his grand kids. Two weeks after that, and just days ago, she calls him like nothing ever happened and says that she and Josh are moving down to Texas.
:deep breath:
That is my step daughter in a nut shell.
I am at a point where I do not communicate with her and I am simply allowing my husband to deal with her. I refuse to let her back into my home. Not after the way she treated me and her father and I have made that very clear to both of them. I even told her last time she move back, that we'd take her in, but if she bails and goes back to her creep of an abusive boyfriend - I will not stick my neck out again. She swore she was done with him. I guess not.
I am standing my ground, and so is my husband, but I fear that she will get pregnant or in a situation where he will be pressured to wanting her back and I will be put in a position I don't want to be in and I feel both my husband and I don't deserve.
I guess I am sitting her waiting for the next big drama and manipulative stunt that she will attempt to garner attention from "daddy".
I am sort of at peace because she is gone, but I am trying to cope with letting go of the past, moving on with our lives, and yet...still be a good wife and supportive of my husband without being the evil step mom.
But I am. I am the evil step mom whom she apparently hates and resents so much. I gave her so much - more than her mom or any of the women in my husband's past ever did. I gave that child my heart and my best and I loved her unconditionally at one point. I set aside my anger and disappointment and tried and tried again with her for her own best interests. Now...everything is torn to shreds and I no longer trust her or believe her.
She is narcissistic and out right manipulative and decietful. SHe is someone that I would not associate with if she were not my step child. I stay away from people like her and do not allow that kind of behavior in my life.
Only I really don't have a choice. I married this man for better or worse and somehow I have to find way in my mind and my heart to make it work.
All my husband wants is to put the past behind him, move on in a postive, happy direction, but it seems like SD is doing all she can to disrupt that and wreak havoc. Since she's been gone, DH and I have done so much better. We are trying to repair some of the damage and we are building a stronger relationship. We are determined to not let anything come between us and we truly seem to come out stronger for the trouble we've had this first year.
I guess my question is, how can I start to repair not only myself, but possibly salvage our family? I already know time is needed, but how should I deal with a step daugther who is so hateful toward me and how do I go about re-buidling our family. I do not want to alienate her, but at the same time, I do not want to fall victim again to her drama and manipulative games.
Any advice is appreciated.
wow I don't even know what
wow I don't even know what to say, I read everything you wrote, and it's pretty much every parent and step parent's fear. I guess now that you have that space and she's not around, consider talking through the game plan. Be positive about your love and your relationship, and the need to support that. Consider visiting a counselor, who can guide you in a nonconfrontational way in putting together a game plan for further interactions as you rebuild the relationship. How to go about including her in your family, and not condoning her actions.
Truth be told, I have several family members who fit this bill completely, and not all of them are children of divorces either. It's all the more sad though, that there was once love between you and her, and now it's morphed into something so painful.
is it possible perhaps she's on drugs? Given the bf's history and her erratic behavior, it makes me wonder. If that's the case, then there's really nothing you can do until she decides for herself to get her life together, except protect yourselves from her.
Trust me, I know from this personally if this is the case, all you can do is tell her you love her, and when she's ready to deal with her problem you'll be there to support her 100%, but until that time, you cannot allow her in your lives. You're only enabling her to continue on a self destructive path, and no matter how desperate she is, and how much she's crying on your doorstep, in the long run, if you let her in and she steals, lies and breaks your hearts yet again, it's only going to be one more thing she'll feel bad about in the future, and be one more hurdle she'll have to overcome in seeing herself as someone who DESERVES a better life....
be good to yourself....
I have 1 of those...
Some of your words:
"She is narcissistic and out right manipulative and decietful. SHe is someone that I would not associate with if she were not my step child. I stay away from people like her and do not allow that kind of behavior in my life."
I have said the EXACT thing. I think that you and DH are doing the right thing. Remember your rule about the her mother? Sames thing applies to SD. You cannot trust her and you must watch your backs. I have my SD over for dinner but I do not spend 1 on 1 time with her, I never talk to her without a witness present. I never loan her my belongings or money.
Northern's advice on enabling is right on. When/if she hits botton and is able to accept accountablity - then maybe you can assist. SD is blessed to have a SM like you and her father. I hope that she will realize that one day.
I have 1 of those...
Some of your words:
"She is narcissistic and out right manipulative and decietful. SHe is someone that I would not associate with if she were not my step child. I stay away from people like her and do not allow that kind of behavior in my life."
I have said the EXACT thing. I think that you and DH are doing the right thing. Remember your rule about the her mother? Sames thing applies to SD. You cannot trust her and you must watch your backs. I have my SD over for dinner but I do not spend 1 on 1 time with her, I never talk to her without a witness present. I never loan her my belongings or money.
Northern's advice on enabling is right on. When/if she hits botton and is able to accept accountablity - then maybe you can assist. SD is blessed to have a SM like you and her father. I hope that she will realize that one day.
This says it all too:
From Northern Siren (good job!): "All you can do is tell her you love her, and when she's ready to deal with her problem you'll be there to support her 100%, but until that time, you cannot allow her in your lives."
So deep and so, so true. I have an SD17 that has been in and out of our lives a couple times. Sometimes when things get so bad, not talking to her was more helpful than talking. I hope you and DH can use this time to heal and rebuild yourselves, individually and as a couple, UNTIL SD comes back around because of course she will. Then, I hope DH will back you into drawing some boundaries with SD.
Maybe you can be thinking of things you would require from her before she is allowed back into your lives, even things you think she would never do, ask of her just in case. I would raise your expectations of her and not lower them.
I remember an older relative telling me, SD's personality is already fixed, there is nothing you can do to help her. I disagree and think you can improve at any age (given good health) and holding her to a higher standard may be the best thing you can do for her. Give her big dreams to shoot for!
I am sorry you have to go thru this. Welcome and stay strong - we are here for you!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Write her a letter
My SD did not go down nearly so rough a path as yours did. However, she did visit the early part of the path, and she and her daughter live with us now. While she was gone (living with her BF, unemployed, and calling for cash, which she didn't get), I tried to stay in touch, although she would have no part of me. (I was the denier of cash). When she became pregnant and had no place to go, I sent her a hardcopy letter inviting her to stay with us, after talking about it with DH. She took us up on it. She pushed every house rule and every limit. She continues to do so - although things may be starting to stablize. Her BF is not allowed in our house - he lives 5 hours away, and is umemployed. She tried to force that issue earlier in the year, and I told her that if she needed to be disrespected and abused, she would have to leave to get it. But in this home, people are respected, and not abused. That was a turning point for her.
I understand how hard it is to put that hurt behind you. Two weeks ago, SD told me and my DH that we aren't her daughter's family. I still have a hard time with that. An idea I had is to send your SD a letter. Spell some things out for her, and let it go. It then becomes her choice to come home. Developing the house rules that could go in the letter might be a good thing to do with your husband. You can both establish your love and care for SD and your limits, and communicate them to her. Then, use it as a reference for when she calls trying to push. Just like this board, I find writing things out often helps me, and in this case putting it in a letter to your SD might be cathartic. I put down parts of the letter I wrote to my SD below, with some changes based on what has happened since. (I would have included them in the original letter had I known!).
I hope it helps. This is such a painful thing to bear - it sounds like you and your DH are on the right path though.
Dear SD,
We are both here to support you in your success in life. We care for you very much, and want only the best for you. We will not support you in choices that are self-destructive, illegal, disrespectful, or terminal. In this home, you will receive respect, love and support. You will abide by the rules of the house, be secure and healthy. Happiness is your responsibility.
If you require disrespect, pain, and self-indulgence, we cannot help you. In our home, we do not tolerate that as an acceptable way of life.
When you are ready, and you need caring support, we are here for you. Until you are ready, and can abide by the rules of our home, our thoughts are with you.
Our house rules are:
(List house rules)
We love you and want you to come home. Let us know when you are ready.
--SM and BD.
Mirror mirror....
I could have written just about every word you wrote, substituting Iowa for Massachusetts! Thanks you for your insight. I married into 5 adult skids and experienced the same heartbreak with the youngest. It's all in my blog.
One big difference between us is that DH and I paid $100,000 to put SD18 (then 16) through a year of rehab. In rehab she squeaked a GED. Now we are paying this huge bill off each month while SD 18 continues to flail around and be stupid.
DH and I adopted a "zero tolerance" stance with SD18 when she was kicked out of our home months ago. We thought that she would hit bottom and perhaps get real about her life, and then we could think about helping her out again.
No such luck. SD18 was kicked out of her mother's house, then her relative's houses, then her "friend's" houses. She ended up in a homeless shelter. She still didn't see the need to work or quit the drugs.
DH remained hopeful--maybe SD18 would come around when things got really bad, right?
SD18 then took up with her ex-boyfriend, who has no job, gave her a couple of STIs in the past, deals drugs, and lives with his mother. She is now trying to get pregnant by him so she can get a welfare check and finally land the man of her dreams and live happily ever after.
DH tried to talk her out of getting pregnant. Her response was to blame him because he won't give her money for birth control pills or anything else. So it's DH's fault that SD18 will get pregnant.
DH has now lost hope. We are kind to SD18 when she calls, but keep her at a distance now. We don't give her money or have her at our home. We remain open to the small chance that she may wake up one day and take responsibility for herself--and we would be there for her if that truly happens. Unfortunately the chances of such a turnaround are quite slim.
We don't want to be pawns in her silly dramas anymore.
I hope and pray that your SD18 comes around before it's too late. From what you write, I bet dollars to donuts that she is involved with drugs. It sounds like you and your DH have done all that you can. Let your SD18 experience the consequences of her actions while you get on with your own lives.
If things change with SD18, then you will re-evaluate. Until then, use your energy on the positive, loving people in your life!
thank you
First of all, thank you all for your comments. It is helpful to know that I am not alone.
A few of you asked if she was possibly on drugs. I highly suspect that she does dabble when she is with us, and I do know that when she is living with her boyfriend, that she does pop pills regularly because she has admitted it herself. I do know for a fact she has smoked pot while here (I overheard her) and in the past she has stolen pain pills that we had hidden in our room. I hid them because she actually told me that she wanted to give the ones she did not use (they were her prescription)to her brother who could sell them. Yes. She really did tell me..and adult... her step mom...that she wanted to sell them. Excuse me?!???? So I hid them. She adamantly denied it, but I know better.
When she came back the last time, she pretended to be sick, and I also had a discussion with her about possible personality disorders (she was once diagnosed at 14) and I offered to get her counseling. She was reluctant but agreed. It took me forever to find someone to see her any time soon, and the whole time she was like, "did you get an appointment?" She kind of hounded me. When I asked her what was up she rattled off how she couldn't sleep, she had panic attacks and her mind was racing and she was depressed. She told me that she knows exactly what she needs and what works for her. She kind of hopes she can skip most of the counseling. I was wary, but decided to set her up with a doctor anyway becuase they said that they do not prescribe and before she would ever be medicated in any way, they would do in depth analysis. I decided I'd at least get her in, and hope for the best. Not long after, her teacher called me and told me that my SD had told her she was going to a doctor and they were going to get her sleeping pills, depression pills, and something ot calm her nerves. She actually rattled off names of exactly what she was going to get, and her teacher was concerned, thought I should know. I went to SD and told her that a doctor will not prescribe anything right away. She will have to go through evaluation. SD promptly said, "Well never mind then." and refused to go to any appointments. That was when I realized she didn't care about her mental health or determining if she truly had disorders. She just wanted drugs. Ever since then, I refused to take her and waste any doctor's time.
Someone mentioned counseling. I have been and have used up my last one for the year. We are a bit financially crunched and I have decided to hold off for now. But I did go and it has helped me a great deal. My husband however refuses to go. He does not believe in disorders or counselors of any sort. He believes you just "act right" or you don't.
My other concern, when put on the defense about his kids, he has a tendency to go into denial at times and likes to pass off his daughter and his son's behavior as "them just being kids". Last night my husband got into an argument and I brought SD up. I brought up the drugs and he says he doesn't think she's using them and he defended her saying that she is just a kid. I told him that both his son and his daughter (who we both have had issues with this past year) are not children anymore and their behavior is not normal or acceptable. Bad behavior is bad behavior and I will not allow it in my life or in my home.
Although he is giving tough love right now, he has his moments where he caves. I fear that he will give in to SD if she comes up with just the right dramatic stunt to garner her dad's sympathy. She's managed to do it twice now.
Regardless, I will stand strong. I am prepared to tell him if he insists on letting her come back here, to get his own apartment and move in with her until she runs off again. I'll stay in our home and wait for him to come to his senses because she WILL run off again and I will not allow her in this house.
meanwhile...I still hold out hope that she will grow up. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to heal me. First, how do I let go? How do I not let her drama affect my life and stay free and clear of it? And how do I manage it so it does not disrupt our lives and the peace of our home?
I'm trying all kinds of things. What works....I do. This board helps. Just venting about it makes me feel better.