My ex dh and trouble with the law
I don't post much but I do come frequntly to use the wisdom and comraderie on this site.
The problem is with my ex, with whom I have 2 kids who are 5 & 6. He seems them about EOW.
He's been in trouble with the law on and off for years- mostly drinking, driving and financial issues. I found out recently that he's violated parole for a driving offense and is being sentences for a felony theft conviction soon. Because he's also a pathalogical liar, I find what I need to know online.
I confronted him about how this could affect the kids and he claims he won't do jail time. In any event, he cannot stay out of trouble and clearly doesn't make good choices. He isn't around the girls much and doesn't drive with them anywhere (because I found out he didn't have a license and told him he couldn't)
I'm getting to the point that I'm worried with the girls being with him. He's remarried and his wife is marginally involved. His mom and sibs live a bit away and can't always be relied on as a safety net in case he does something stupid.
What advise do you have? I'm trying to be objective and stay out of "his" business but still need to make sure that my kids are OK. What would you do?
Id get a lawyer
and talk to him/her about the problem. Im sorry you have such a bad situation with your ex.
Read my blog
labeled "I just found out - updated 6/18/08"
I'm going through this same thing with my ex DH except he has joint custody.
I'm truly sorry you're having to mess with this too.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac