So Sick of the Drama
We are taking BM to court for sole-custody. Friday we go to pick up the kids, she is with her boyfriend and her car on blocks she struts over to my truck, goes to the back cargo area where DH is, note* her daughter is there, as is my son in the 3rd row. She tell my DH not to dare ever bring me on her property again and walks away. Her daughter looked as though she could hit her, my son was bothered by it and her BF laughed and smiled. He's scum and BF mouthed Fat F&ck to him, why I have no clue he should have said something to BM.
I get home call her cell and leave a message telling her how she upset my son and her daughter. Telling her that my SD shook her head, shruged her shoulders and came to my side saying what her mom did was wrong. I told her she should be ashamed of herself, I was telling my attorney and it was really sad that she would stoop so low. In return she left me this message "attached" -
So, whatever I let it go. She later calls my phone goes directly to voicemail she leaves message 1 - asking children to call, message two the same then message 3 I am making a Big mistake preventing her from calling her kids, does my DH know this - whatever... I tell the kids and they call her back. I also played the message I attached for SD who said her mom was insane and it was her mom's words/not hers. She does not dislike me and likes me ALOT, there was never any doubt.
So, I say nothing tell DH I would like it if we both went to drop the kids off together "Curbside" but he is unsure doesn't want to cause more trouble trying to be the good guy in all of this so I called her about 10 mins ago. Telling her it's my phone in my name that she is calling and I would appreciate it if she not mention my name at all! I am sick of these games when DH and I go weekends without hearing from the kids we write it ALL DOWN.. We also write down the fact she is leaving the kids with a woman who is currently going to court for writing illegal prescriptions "noting that DH and I are not stupid people"... I told her we would respect her wished & drop the kids off at the road if that is her wishes and she can tell the judge that this is because she does not like me! I will also let the judge hear her say "My KIDS DO NOT LIKE YOU.. I told her, the kids did not agree with her and she has no right to speak for them saying things that are not true. I told her if DH pulls up in driveway w/ kids it's out of repect for them and IF she has a problem with me being there CALL THE POLICE... I told her I AM SICK OF THE DRAMA and wish to be left alone. Immediately she called back and left this message - (Yes, I left it privately)...LOL
I am ending it here... She is not worth my time or energy but it does upset me. Does anyone else have to deal with these physco's and how does your DH or BF act.. I feel my tries all he can - not to create waves and let physco do whatever until he has his day in court.. It's sooooo frustrating! I'm just angry about it. Just last week she had her attorney send DH a letter through his attorney advising him he could not work nights while he had the children. So, of course he told our attorney he was still going to work but he has stayed home this weekend so I guess the kids will go back to mom and tell her that she got to him - who knows. She has no consequences for her actions. She doesn't work... Has lost two jobs in 4 months and most of the time she has been on unemployment. She's a drunk and it's only gotten worse. But oh well, would love to hear some input. Oh and I forgot CPS is investigating her house because her BF's ex-wife called them on him and since he resides there they are investigating her I guess. Yeah, DH picked a real winner in the past. Thanks for hearing my vent.
Julie (31) Bio-Children -
Julie (31)
Bio-Children - Son under 1 with BF, Son age 11 from previous relationship.
BF - Son under 1 our's together, Daughter age 20 from prior marriage, son age 14 & daughter age 10 from previous relationship.
Just don't give her what she wants
Which is obviously to get you going. Every time you respond to anything unreasonable she says or does, that is a little victory for her because she just wants to piss you off. Change your cell phone #. Let DH deal with her. I know you shouldn't have to but it seems necessary if you don't want the drama. She is using it to control you. Cut communication with her off. Your step kids know you, they respect you, and will more so when you put your foot down and show them you will not be manipulated by their crazy mother. Your relationship with them is what is important. What they believe about you is what counts. It sounds like she is imploding anyway. The quickest way to silence a drama queen is to not respond to their crap. She will run out of things to say and do because you are not giving her any new material to work with. Next time you are there to pick up the kids or drop off, just smile at her. Like you don't have a care in the world. Let her freak out and BE the DQ and you will look just rosey.
ugly ugly
It sounds like a very difficult space you are in and a relationship that isn't moving towards cooperation and good faith. What I have learned from my dealings with the ex etc. I wish I never got in the middle of anything. I suggest, for your peace of mind, let you DH have all the contact and you stay away. She can't do anything if you are in the car. You are dropping the kids off. If you always act in a respectful manner, and avoid conversations, you will be much better off emotionally, spiritually, and kharmically (word?) Hand the phone to the kids or DH when you see her caller id, or let it go to vm and have them check it. Also remember that your behavior is a model for your children. Let her be the one to behave badly, you will prevail. Remind yourself that you are a classy, well bred woman who doesn't cuss and lose herself emotionally. Then smile and walk away.
Good advice step-mom-in-law,
Step-mom-in-law is COMPLETY right!