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Child investigator update

Never said I was your mom's picture

So we had child investigator in our home two weekends ago seemed to go well she did mention kids have been through a lot of change caused by Bm and listed all the changes and mentioned changes we caused as well getting married and having a child which doesn't compare to changed Bm has caused she did mention that Bm's relationship is fairly new with new BF and who knows how that will end since its fairly new and they are not in a committed relationship and how she doesn't believe another change would be that drastic for them and that she would make sure she put that in report and recommends that we put kids in therapy and will also be in report for our status update court hearing at the end of the month. Mean while Bm has been telling SD10 she has to ask her for permission to call/text DH and when she does ask her her reply is no you don't call me when you are with him. Bm had her at home visit with investigator kids said Bm's step kids where rude to investigator and SD told me she told investigator she didn't want to speak to her. Sd later told me she didn't want to speak to her because her mom was there and asked me to tell investigator she does want to speak with her but not at moms or grandmothers house, so Dh will email her and let her know SD is willing to talk to her again at school. So i wonder if investigator sees anything wrong with SD not wanting to talk to her at BM's house, and willing to talk to her at ours?